Campaign mission 35 - How play this mission?

Hello to all


I progressed through the campaign very fast and without any problem until in a few days reached the mission 35 . Since then I"m stuck in this mission, for months, unable to play it or even unable to try it.


Win in the mission ‘Pirate fort raid’ having destroyed 30 enemies.)


The problem is that I cant find where launch this raid, moreover, neither can join this raid with the button “lauch” because seems nobody plays ‘pirate fort’.  


I have read in steam forum that this mission appear at timed intervals like one of the two elite raids avaible. Im play several hours in daily basis for months and I have never seen this mission avaible. Never.


I cant understand how a mission that can not be played or even easily finded gets into the campaign.


Someone can give me any clue of how I can start play (and of course finish and forget) this damn mission?


Thanks to all ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)



3 hours ago, Speedro said:

Hello to all


I progressed through the campaign very fast and without any problem until in a few days reached the mission 35 . Since then I"m stuck in this mission, for months, unable to play it or even unable to try it.


Win in the mission ‘Pirate fort raid’ having destroyed 30 enemies.)


The problem is that I cant find where launch this raid, moreover, neither can join this raid with the button “lauch” because seems nobody plays ‘pirate fort’.  


I have read in steam forum that this mission appear at timed intervals like one of the two elite raids avaible. Im play several hours in daily basis for months and I have never seen this mission avaible. Never.


I cant understand how a mission that can not be played or even easily finded gets into the campaign.


Someone can give me any clue of how I can start play (and of course finish and forget) this damn mission?


Thanks to all ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)



IIRC there was a launch button below the description. However to do that effectively, invite 3 other people to squad and tell them you need to get those 30 kills. Assign roles, press launch, mission will start regardless if it’s in the current rotation or not.

Someone know when Pirate fort raid enter in rotation or if enter at any time or maybe never? Still blocked in this mission… never seen in any rotation.

If I am not mistaken Pirate Fort Raid was replaced yesterday by a “Price of Trust” mission for that task purposes.

17 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

If I am not mistaken Pirate Fort Raid was replaced yesterday by a “Price of Trust” mission for that task purposes.


Right! I cant believe! Finally a mission in common rotation! Now I can finally finish the campaign…  Thanks!