Caltrop Hypothetical Build

Special Mod - increase radius

1 engine slot - acceleration boost

1 cap slot - energy regen

3 shield - two adaptives and regen

2 hull - hull regen and pylons

2 CPU - depends; most like horizon and crit chance for plasma gun/reduction of spread and crit chance for RFB./ might exchange crit chance for PW for either one

Weapon - PG/RFB

Missile - Doomsday

Active mods - all ECM.


Tell me what you think


Tell me what you think


With plasma gun you will kill literally anything. If you’re ok with that then go ahead. On RFB I wouldn’t put crit chance because it wont be high any way. Pylons got nerfed so unless you’re good at hitting enemies with missiles I wouldn’t put it on the hull just because it’s the new trend.


I’d go with RFB and the following build.


1 Engine with Vernier Engine

1 Capacitor with EB

3 Shields with 3 Adaptatives

2 Hull with Passive Armor and 1 Regenerative Coating/Reinforced Beams

2 CPU with Proton Wall and Electronic Guidance


If you want a fun build with Plasma Gun go:


1 Engine with Strafe module

3 Capacitor with 3 Heatsinks

3 Shields with resistances

1 Hull with Passive Armor

1 CPU with Horizon


Also you should use supercooling charges to keep the plasma spam.

With plasma gun you will kill literally anything. If you’re ok with that then go ahead. On RFB I wouldn’t put crit chance because it wont be high any way. Pylons got nerfed so unless you’re good at hitting enemies with missiles I wouldn’t put it on the hull just because it’s the new trend.

I’d go with RFB and the following build.

1 Engine with Vernier Engine

1 Capacitor with EB

3 Shields with 3 Adaptatives

2 Hull with Passive Armor and 1 Regenerative Coating/Reinforced Beams

2 CPU with Proton Wall and Electronic Guidance

If you want a fun build with Plasma Gun go:

1 Engine with Strafe module

3 Capacitor with 3 Heatsinks

3 Shields with resistances

1 Hull with Passive Armor

1 CPU with Horizon

Also you should use supercooling charges to keep the plasma spam.

For my OP resi, do you get why I built it like that?

Please remind me of what passive armor does again and why I should put it on.

3 heatsinks increase burst but lower dps so it makes sense that I want to get as much damage in as possible during the stasis of the enemy. Thing I don’t get is how that would work when PG has such a large starting spread. Why should I put strafe?

Special Mod - increase radius

Hm, why not

1 engine slot - acceleration boost

Not bad, but i’d never prefer it over the verniers

1 cap slot - energy regen

You’ll have a lot of WTF moments then, just that your ship explodes without EB, the Caltrop is not THAT energy unstable.

3 shield - two adaptives and regen

That would be ok, but 3 adaptives are better then.

2 hull - hull regen and pylons

Hull regen, excellent. Pylons suck now, take passive armor.

2 CPU - depends; most like horizon and crit chance for plasma gun/reduction of spread and crit chance for RFB./ might exchange crit chance for PW for either one

Plasma Gun: Horizon + Proton, RFB: Guidance + Proton

Weapon - PG/RFB

Good Guy Efefay

Missile - Doomsday

Watch out that you won’t hit yourself with them, especially if you don’t have EB.

Active mods - all ECM.

Energy Absorber is awesome for some situations & to deactive some afterburners or to drain some frigate’s energy to make you mod spamming.

Ion Diffuser… Is must have.

Stasis… Is the annoying part on ECM.

At least one multipurpose module with FR8 Implant, or your adaptive tank will go like paper. Prefer shield booster S since it got buffed.


Tell me what you think

How you explode with your hypothetical build.

For my OP resi, do you get why I built it like that?

Please remind me of what passive armor does again and why I should put it on.

3 heatsinks increase burst but lower dps so it makes sense that I want to get as much damage in as possible during the stasis of the enemy. Thing I don’t get is how that would work when PG has such a large starting spread. Why should I put strafe?

I know why, you like to die.

Passive Armor -> Increases energy regeneration.

You wot m8? They increase your dps by a lot, they increase the rate of fire of your weapon by 10% on Mk4, so they do a lot.

Strafe is good when you’re far away & shooting on your enemy that they’ll get problems to keep shooting at you if you’re moving with high strafe.

I use acc. boost to turn on adptives faster.

I put energy regen so hull regen would be working at all times. I see the logic for EB though.

Honestly, I don’t know why I wanted extra shield regen. Gut told me to put it on so I’m keeping it XD. Edit: Now I remember! So I can put all ECM actives.

Why you say excellenct to hull regen? Do you like it so you can kill me easier or what? Also wht is passive hull? Someone please tell.

Also, why you say GG Efefay for EM weapons?

Trust me. I know how to use the double Ds.

Look at Wolfkahn’s post about Weapon Inhibitor. It just turned very useful in my eyes.

I know why, you like to die.

Passive Armor -> Increases energy regeneration.

You wot m8? They increase your dps by a lot, they increase the rate of fire of your weapon by 10% on Mk4, so they do a lot.

Strafe is good when you’re far away & shooting on your enemy that they’ll get problems to keep shooting at you if you’re moving with high strafe.

I know why, you like to die. // WHY YOU


Without supercooled charges your heating rate skyrockets (you also got the weapon heating bonus that the caltrop gets). Correct me if I’m wrong. That is why I say it is good for burst but not for long time fire.

For my OP resi, do you get why I built it like that?

Please remind me of what passive armor does again and why I should put it on.

3 heatsinks increase burst but lower dps so it makes sense that I want to get as much damage in as possible during the stasis of the enemy. Thing I don’t get is how that would work when PG has such a large starting spread. Why should I put strafe?


Yes I do get it why you built it like that.


Passive armor gives massive amounts of energy regen at cost of 10 hull resistance on each damage type.


3 Heatsinks would just give Plasma Gun a very decent RoF. And Plasma Gun doesn’t have a large spread, it’s pretty ok, and even less if you consider the Caltrop bonuses. The fact that you have a high RoF means you’ll reach the minimun spread very fast. Spread because plasma gun is a mid-long range weapon so you wont be pursuing your enemies but rather shooting from distance, you will need strafe to avoid enemy shots instead of rotation because you wont be in the mid of the battle dogfighting.

Anyway that’s a just for fun build, you shouldn’t make it unless you’re rich in resources and can afford doing it just for the lols.


Anyway go with the RFB. Plasma Gun is for people that can’t fight at close range, Idk why they play an Interceptor then. RFB will do a lot of more damage.

I use acc. boost to turn on adptives faster.

I put energy regen so hull regen would be working at all times. I see the logic for EB though.

Honestly, I don’t know why I wanted extra shield regen. Gut told me to put it on so I’m keeping it XD. Edit: Now I remember! So I can put all ECM actives.

Why you say excellenct to hull regen? Do you like it so you can kill me easier or what? Also wht is passive hull? Someone please tell.

Also, why you say GG Efefay for EM weapons?

Trust me. I know how to use the double Ds.

Look at Wolfkahn’s post about Weapon Inhibitor. It just turned very useful in my eyes.

If you’re gonna adaptive tank, a multipurpose of some sort is more or less required. Weapon inhibitor can definitely half one enemy’s damage, but being able to reactivate two or three adaptives does the same to all enemies. Besides, shield booster S is superawesome now.


Hull regen and passive armor go together pretty okay on Jericho ships. 'specially inties, since if the difference in tank wouldn’t really be that huge. Plus it lets you free up a capacitor slot for EB.


For RFB, I’d take the J2 implant and drop the electronic guidance for whatever else you need in your build. The spread is a little bit larger with J2 alone than with a single electronic guidance, but it’s still pretty reasonable. If you take dual proton walls with J2, even those darned Wakizashi AEs won’t be able to touch you. Also, if you’re using RFB, verniers is the way to go.


For plasma gun, I’m suddenly very curious as to how Residente’s build holds up. I’m just pulling stuff out of my rear at this point, but this sounds like a good build in my imagination:

1x shared cooler

3x heatsinks

3 shield modules (either one of each resist, or thermal/em/adaptives)

1x passive armor

1x horizon


Plasma gun with projectile speed ammo. Both stuns, energy absorber, shield booster. Doomsday sounds okay, but energy neutralizing missiles sounds evil, should you wish to get that close.

I suggest trying out how each module works on other ships before building it. (just put on the modules in your build on each ship, half of the build on one ship and the other half on another, instead of using all of the items, unless there’s already a ship with most of the slots.) In other words, figure out how the ship will move and breath.

If it works well on each one, then go for it. 

if not, try another way.