Caltrop Build



I was thinking about building the Caltrop for an effective ship in Sector Conquest. Do you have any experience or help concerning its build up and modules? Help would be much appreciated, since i have no idea myself and once its build you cant chance it so much.


Thank you!

The inhibitor will take down main gun damage by an additional 40.7% from a single enemy source for both you and your allies. 

If you want a strafe build instead, take one of the hulls and place it on the engine.

Likewise if you want a cpu, take one from the hull. (you’ll want to have two hull, though.)



The main thing is to not build it like an empire ship.



Oh no…

My frigats fly better than this brick.

There is no good build for the Caltrop.

There is no good build for the Octopus.

There is no good build for the Mjolnir.

OP said effective…

That makes it even worse.

There is no good build for the Caltrop.

There is no good build for the Octopus.

There is no good build for the Mjolnir.



There is not a single good build. Every ship is different and you can fit it as you like. I’ve seen mjolnir with three shields just running pp non stop doing 11k damage and retreating to their engineer. I’ve seen octopus flown like guards and caltrops build for hull tank.

If the fit works, then is good, whatever it is.

If you are in a doubt, build it with the same slots than a waki ae.



I’ve seen octopus flown like guards 


There is not a single good build. Every ship is different and you can fit it as you like. I’ve seen mjolnir with three shields just running pp non stop doing 11k damage and retreating to their engineer. I’ve seen octopus flown like guards and caltrops build for hull tank.

If the fit works, then is good, whatever it is.

If you are in a doubt, build it with the same slots than a waki ae.

no,no,no. What i mean is that the way i read Ory’s post is that there is no good build, period. 

And then there is this as well:

OP said effective…

That makes it even worse.

Oh no…

O my gosh, I ran out of votes for the day. You received a thank you for making my chuckle.


My frigats fly better than this brick.

Honestly, not far off.




I was thinking about building the Caltrop for an effective ship in Sector Conquest. Do you have any experience or help concerning its build up and modules? Help would be much appreciated, since i have no idea myself and once its build you cant chance it so much.


Thank you!

Keep in mind that it really does depend on your flying type.


For me I am crunching numbers to get the build I want for this ship.


So far ‘from memory’, Vernier Engines, Power unit conduit, multiphase generator, Emergency Barrier, adaptive shields, EM filter, lightweight hull, regenerative coating, Proton wall.


WIth that said, one Engine, and two everything else allows for space for possible future changes to ship modifiers. Honestly, this is probably the ‘correct build’.

There are a lot of really good hull modifiers for this ship IE: missle pylons, light hull, regenerative… Normally with so small a hull you just don’t care about the spot. Though I don’t fully agree with that. There is a lot that can be done with hull modifiers.


One thing that is questionable is not having a third shield slot. You could remove the power unit conduit for the third shield spot. I like closing distances with a close range fighter. If you do, the multiphase generator can be a voltage regulator.


Obviously you use plasma weapons with this ship. I would assume the rapid fire blaster would be the choice for this ship. Just don’t use a none plasma weapon.


Ion Emitter, Stasis Generator, Energy Absorber, Shield boost.

Shield boost after the newer shorter cool down is really good if you can build for it.

I don’t like weapon system’s inhibitor. It steals power for your adaptive shields.


All this said storm viking is likely a better ship no matter how the caltrop is built. A lot of extra damage is really good.

Thank you for the advice, i will heed it. Though i do not understand some comments. Do you think that the Caltrop is not a good ship?

The caltrop itself is a good ship, when built properly, I believe that, in pure ability, it is better than the Wakizashi AE.

While the Waki AE is better at stunning longer and being an anti ecm. (the caltrop will have the anti ecm strength with one cpu slot)

The Caltrop, if used and built right, will surpass it never the less. 

I love the caltrop, it looks like a drone custody. Just beautiful!

I saw a  caltrop today. Last of his team. I still can’t understand his build, why all those resist on the small hull ?



I saw a  caltrop today. Last of his team. I still can’t understand his build, why all those resist on the small hull ?


![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[screenshot-141105-202412.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=8331)

As well as submatter shields and not taking shield resist implant. This dude seems to think he’s flying Empire or something.

That build makes absolutely no sense. Why would you ignore shield slots on a jericho ship?? All jericho ships have more shield slots than hull (or equal). Jericho is about shield tanking… If he really wanted an empire ECM, he should wait until new craftable ships come out, or just use the Storm Viking.

I’m not that experienced when it comes to reading stats and automatically know what is on it but I have a basic idea. He might have used an adaptive, 2 galv, 1 regen coating, CPU for whatever, engine slots are for combating the rotation reduct from the galv and to add just a little umph to agility, cap for whatever.

Regen coating is more useful with high resists and high energy regen. Personally I wouldn’t have done that.

I’m not that experienced when it comes to reading stats and automatically know what is on it but I have a basic idea. He might have used an adaptive, 2 galv, 1 regen coating, CPU for whatever, engine slots are for combating the rotation reduct from the galv and to add just a little umph to agility, cap for whatever.

Regen coating is more useful with high resists and high energy regen. Personally I wouldn’t have done that.

If you look really, really closely, you’ll see that hull regeneration is zero.