Buying ships & gold suggestions

wen i hover with my mouse over a ship in the shop i want to see its stats on a window and other windows beside it comparing it to the stats of the ships i have to prevent me from wasting moneys

also give gold rewards whether win or lose due to unblanaced/trash matchmaking system

i has other suggestions but i forgot & dont want to bother remembering them atm

wen i hover with my mouse over a ship in the shop i want to see its stats on a window and other windows beside it comparing it to the stats of the ships i have to prevent me from wasting moneys

also give gold rewards whether win or lose due to unblanaced/trash matchmaking system

i has other suggestions but i forgot & dont want to bother remembering them atm

Gold rewards are given from 16:00 till 24:00 Moskau standard time and 300 gold every week.

what does that ranslate to in NA GMT-7 time? not every1 is in same time zone or in 1 where they can log in time to participate

what does that ranslate to in NA GMT-7 time?

Dont really know, but at the moment there are 1 1/2 hours left and it should have started 6 1/2 hours ago.

see thats a problem…i logged in early today and will probably miss it every day because im not in a good enuf time zone…thats not very fair -_-

see thats a problem…i logged in early today and will probably miss it every day because im not in a good enuf time zone…thats not very fair -_-

Perhaps this can be changed later, but I cant give any promise.

so you have to be loged in at those times to get your gold for the day based off your winnings?

The 15gold for win and 2 gold for loose are only given on this fixed time so you need to play on this time.

The 300 gold reward should be given when you come online every week (I think you get this reward on the day you played for the first time or 1 day later).

kk thanks for the update Error

i wonder if can we allowed to buy gold with ingame money while this beta?


I need some yum. Where do you get that?

I need some yum. Where do you get that?

I will post a guide when I get the needed information.


At the moment yum is only aviable to russian people, but this should change on open beta or release.

That does answer allot. Thanks Error. No worries though everyone so far is gonna stick to it :slight_smile: