Bundles scams

It is random. Random doesn’t mean equals probability. 


The problem is that we don’t know the probabilities. Take the mono bundle with tons of r15 mk4 weapons. 

There are so many different mk4 that you’ll think “Cool, they must have a big probability of winning!”. But nah. Most of the time you’ll get a few basic OS stuff. 


22 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

It is random. Random doesn’t mean equals probability.

It does… That’s what I know. Otherwise you can say i’s ‘A’ with 100% chance and ‘B’ with 0% - so it’s random!!

Random just mean that you don’t know the outcome before it appear.
What you say is true with your 100%/0% post. In fact:
You roll random a number between 1 and 10.
Every number has the same chance on this system.
But here comes the other side:
What IS behind the rolled number as Loot?
1: 1 Neo
2: 1 Neo
3: 1 Neo
4: 1 Neo
5: 1 Neo
6: 1 Neo
7: 3 Neo
8: 3 Neo
9: 3 Neo
10: 5 Neo

Now you hit Nr. 10 the same number of times as Nr. 1.
But if you use a huge amount of ‘rolls’ you see what this mean:

1000 rolls give you 2000 Neo. But you think random mean that you should get 3000 Neo as you mean 1 Neo have the same chance in a random system as a 5 Neo one.

Nah, it IS random. There are just much more useless loots in the loot pool then rare stuff.


Take a casual dice. You have the same probability of having 1 to 6 right ?

But now, if your dice if not “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6”, but “1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6” ? In short you can write “1*5, 6*1”.

You’ll get “1” most of the time, but it’s still what you call random because you have the same probability on every member of the result pool.



In bundles we have something like :

“Raw_berry*4,   3Raw_berry *3, Enriched_berry *2, 3Enriched_berry *1, Random_Useless_OS_Stuff *100”

It’s totally random, but you’ll get far more OS stuff then 3Enriched_Berrylium



Throwing dice is random number generating in the game. As long as you don’t know what method is used for this you can’t say surely that it is random. The size of the item pool or repetitions (if any) in it can change probability but has no effect on the way the items are picked. And this random number generating method can be computed a lot of ways. Lets just assume (or hope) that it is done a fair way. 

51 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Random just mean that you don’t know the outcome before it appear.


50 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Nah, it IS random.

![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”)

@Lord_Xenon: In your example number 1 has same chance as number 10. In bundles this is not the case.

@Swifter:  “1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6” !!! My options are clearly presented. it even says 4 items from the list. Can you just try to think before giving this “example”??! Here the image for you again:




@Gheni: Read again.
Number != Loot.
% Chance of Number 1 = Number 10.
Loot of Number 1 != Number 10.
And if we speak about the truth: With Computer based systems, randoms doesn’t exist. And even in the current physics we don’t even know if ANYTHING is random.
So random in itself doesn’t even exist. It’s just a phrase just for outcome you can’t tell before happened.

Just now, Lord_Xenon said:

@Gheni: Read again.
Number != Loot.
% Chance of Number 1 = Number 10.
Loot of Number 1 != Number 10.

@Lord_Xenon: Read again
 In bundles this is not the case.

Ok I stop here. there are people who have no idea what’s probability/chances/random numbers and are not willing to understand. @Lord_Xenon - read previous posts Sinaka already talked about ‘true random’… I already answered.

Tired of fighting those who failed math tests. BYE

Sorry - last one:

“Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.”

― Ambrose Bierce

On 9/11/2016 at 4:22 AM, MassHomicide said:

I have bought 5x in the past and it yielded similar results. I was testing the waters. I have 13k gold to blow. 2 out of 2 attempts were useless duds. If the second try would given me something I would have gone big. Its like black jack in the casino. You try your luck in small amounts first, and if lucky you continue on, if not you go to next table.


The items I got should not even be in the bundle. They need to remove all these useless items no one wants.

Ive made large scale testings and i ensure you that buying x5 is INSANELY better than going for x1. Small tests arent representative; its like throwing the coins twice, even that you have 50% chance to get heads, its very posible to get tails in both attempts, is that enough to say that the chance to get heads is 0%? No.

On 9/11/2016 at 2:34 PM, MassHomicide said:

Lucky you. Several months back I bought the $99 gold packs, and then the $40 one several times in the pursuit of trying to get a r11 desie. In all my dumb a** wasted just over 300 on gold. Guess what, I did not one.

As far as this being random I highly doubt it. I am certain my odds have been adjusted due to my relationship with those in control.

You’ve been told many times to choose the x5 pack however you keep falling buying the x1. As results you get bad rewards and start raging about it… when you couldve got something way better (as worst possibility) like this:

On 9/11/2016 at 3:46 PM, Swifter43021 said:

How the hell did you do ?

It’s 810 GS a pack of 5 with the current sale. So 810 GS for an enriched beryllium/neodium plate. 


You need 32 bery + 20 neo, so even with the worst luck ever, it’s 40k GS.

Your odds have been fair considering you only buyed x1.

4 hours ago, gheni4 said:

@Swifter:  “1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6” !!! My options are clearly presented. it even says 4 items from the list. Can you just try to think before giving this “example”??! Here the image for you again:

That is why I gave two way of writing it :

“1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6”


“1 *5, 6 *1”

In short, it’s “loot * coef, loot * coef2, …”


What is displayed in the bundles store is the list of loot, but they don’t show the coefficient. But it doesn’t mean that if you don’t see it, it’s not here 

1 hour ago, Swifter43021 said:

What is displayed in the bundles store is the list of loot, but they don’t show the coefficient. But it doesn’t mean that if you don’t see it, it’s not here 

Don’t you think it’s called “misleading”? They know chances are lower for good loot but *oh my* forget to mention that? 

1 hour ago, gheni4 said:

Don’t you think it’s called “misleading”? They know chances are lower for good loot but *oh my* forget to mention that? 

Theres nothing missleading from: “buying x5 gives 1-3 enriched beryllium”. For the rest, you can dream all you want, or try to figure out an estimation of the drop chance %.

These bundles seem quite expensive for what they give you. They should give a lot more. 1350 gold for one to 3 items i want is not very much.

Most expensive free to play ever.

I doubt this is the most expensive F2P game, but hey, if its too expensive for you, you can farm it as many of us do.

9 hours ago, Papitas said:

For the rest, you can dream all you want, or try to figure out an estimation of the drop chance %.

Another math-struggling person? Let me show you then:

“estimation” = (2 + 5 + 1*16 + 3*16)/11 = 71/11 > 6.4 meaning I “expect” to get 6.4 impure neodium per item. having 3 items (we can see how many we get) I’d expect  more than  one neodium plate per bundle.
my expectation for 105 bundles is 105 + 21 (in case I get only 1 plate as x5 bonus) = 126 plates. He got 52. So:

  1. Chances are not equal.
  2. It is not mentioned.
  3. You don’t know this until you start wasting our GS.

and look at this:


Statistics. of or characterizing a process of selection in which eachitem of a set has an equal probability of being chosen.

More math-impaired/alternatively-gifted people incoming?

This is more of a flamewar than a discussion.

/closed (on request)