Build with thi'lith beam

Has anyone had any success using this weapon in t3? In t5 I know there are some good crit builds possible but I only crafted a rank 9 one.

I’ve tried it on several different ships but I cannot find a use for it.

I’ve tried range control build on the katana ae with two horizons, but the damage is pathetic and I just get ripped apart but gauss/positron ships. And for this purpose, gravy beam or gauss seem more appropriate.

I’ve tried close range cruit build gunships but energy is a problem and I’d just much rather use bubbles for close range.

I’ve tried close range cruise tackler along the lines of the cruise bubble faguars you see in t5, but once again the damage just seems pathetic, even taking into account 100% accuracy in most situations. And once again there are energy problems when you have multiple targets/objects in range.

Any other ideas of things I could try?

Millan, I feel ashamed.

On the other hand, I would try Deagle or Nukem with range build. I heard about T5 builds with tacklers, but to be honest, I only met gunships which actually used that thing with success, usually in pairs.

45 minutes ago, g4borg said:

Millan, I feel ashamed.

On the other hand, I would try Deagle or Nukem with range build. I heard about T5 builds with tacklers, but to be honest, I only met gunships which actually used that thing with success, usually in pairs.

I tried nukem but only one CPU slot for horizon module :confused: And I don’t have deagle but I guess that would be the better option.

It just feels like it should be a tackler weapon, since it’s very good for hitting interceptors.

I had some small success with a mid-range build like this one: 



but the damage is still embarassingly low for a tackler, even with TP.


Why are you ashamed? Because I’m trying to use an aimbot weapon? XD

On the plus side:


so mission accomplished I guess

In current state gun is only suitable for a Gun ship (or in T5 where you can make a command/tackler with full dps glass cannon build)

In t3 the only options are Achilles, Nukem 1, Desert Eagle, overall Nuk and DE are the best suited - Shorter CD for crits on Nuk, or higher over all dmg on DE

To increase range, you should be using a lens or/and 2-2 implant, not a horizon.

Cpu - obviously crits and cap slot - both Heat sink and Pulse discharge lead to the same result with energy deficit and if you don’t have a pocket Engy with a battery, consider a passive armor. 

The gun-build is very situational, and more than often it is useless and very inefficient, since it calls to very specific conditions on a battle field to shine. Especially in T3, where in general you see more than often heavier setups (plenty of frigs and fighters).

To be honest I don’t think the gun worth it anywhere outside of T5 Spark/Mjolnir comparing to the overall utility and usefulness of all other options


You should feel ashamed.  I can’t even read this.  Mill of all people, your very accurate with gauss why would you use this?

Healer -(the player) Has a very good build with a Prom X.  I see that he has negative hull resists so he must be using passive armor and has round 4K range.  If he has a good frig ball around him he is dangerous.  If he is under 1.5K range his ship melts like butter.  Kost is right about T3 the weapon is alot less effective untill you hit T5.  



Side Note :  Kost also great job on the wiki update.  Seriously.

Kost did I find a easter egg you left on the wiki.  Whats this ?



And most importantly when can I fly one !!! How much will it cost and :




50 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Especially in T3, where in general you see more than often heavier setups (plenty of frigs and fighters).

I did not see any “heavier” setups in T3 to be honest, compared to T5, except of course the destros… Guards and LRFs is usual for any tier, especially as a (never working) answer to a losing game. (Or lets be honest, most people play LRF in every session coz its less risky or they lazy f*s)

Fighters in T5 are definitely more prevalent (which is rather a question of skilled pilots), while Covertops e.g. became rather rare in T5; In fact, I think, I defintely saw more ceptors in T3 overall (yeah I visited it :)), in T5 usually you have one of three types of ECM + Cynings, and the occasional odd pick.

Of course, it changes by time of day. But, additionally to the Adaptive Nerf, the amount of Jags, ECMs, and double-mjolnir-tlilith parties have long started to diminish most ceptors in T5 decks around the EU/RU primetime.

I really think, the main reason it doesn’t work in T3 as well, is its niche usage, and the fact, that T3 has always more holes in every build; while basicly, anything in T5 can become insane on a mjolnir or spark, so it becomes viable. I also witnessed, that after two detonation matches shortly after tlilith release, where a mjolnir team wrecked all ceptors, the third I played, had _no_ ceptors at all on the field anymore. Should have made screenshots.


38 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

In current state gun is only suitable for a Gun ship (or in T5 where you can make a command/tackler with full dps glass cannon build)

In t3 the only options are Achilles, Nukem 1, Desert Eagle, overall Nuk and DE are the best suited - Shorter CD for crits on Nuk, or higher over all dmg on DE

To increase range, you should be using a lens or/and 2-2 implant, not a horizon.

Cpu - obviously crits and cap slot - both Heat sink and Pulse discharge lead to the same result with energy deficit and if you don’t have a pocket Engy with a battery, consider a passive armor. 

The gun-build is very situational, and more than often it is useless and very inefficient, since it calls to very specific conditions on a battle field to shine. Especially in T3, where in general you see more than often heavier setups (plenty of frigs and fighters).

To be honest I don’t think the gun worth it anywhere outside of T5 Spark/Mjolnir comparing to the overall utility and usefulness of all other options


Thanks for this informative summary. I had considered the implant but 2-1 is just so nice. Yeah I know with horizons you are doubly penalized: lak of crit module + damage reduction, there is no other way to get to about 3.5k-4k range which is what I deem skirmish range.

Yeah I’ll need to try it out in t5 once the alien part thingies are available in game again to build one. I might try and build a jaguar around that weapon or something.

22 minutes ago, AdamWest said:

You should feel ashamed.  I can’t even read this.  Mill of all people, your very accurate with gauss why would you use this?

Healer -(the player) Has a very good build with a Prom X.  I see that he has negative hull resists so he must be using passive armor and has round 4K range.  Kost is right about T3 the weapon is alot less effective untill you hit T5.  



Side Note :  Kost also great job on the wiki update.  Seriously.

Kost did I find a easter egg you left on the wiki.  Whats this ?



And most importantly when can I fly one !!! How much will it cost and :





Heh yeah nothing will beat gauss for me, but I just wanted a challenge today, to try and find a suitable build for that weapon. It seems I failed.

On a prom X? o.O But that has no CPU slots?! I mean I considered the ship it but it didn’t seem at all worth it. It could be nice on a regular prom with one CPU slot, I’ll have to give it a look.


It looks a bit like the stingray… A stretched version

6 minutes ago, millanbel said:

It looks a bit like the stingray… A stretched version

It was under the interceptors section.  

Try Wolf-M with two Compact Shield Generators, for some extra energy. It’s still very situational and takes away lots of survivability. Although you can kill lots of demomen and rabids in PvE at least.

Or try getting a partner or two to intercept interceptors together ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Honestly, I just wish I could rebuild it into another Sk’rah (or whatever) Cannon.

pXFWRxu.pngAnd this is the new premium Fed. Recon.

2 minutes ago, FilthHound said:

pXFWRxu.pngAnd this is the new premium Fed. Recon.

Awww I was really hoping it was ECM or Cov ops.  Anything to replace the Eagle B.

2 hours ago, AdamWest said:

Kost did I find a easter egg you left on the wiki.  Whats this ?


remember this?


2 hours ago, FilthHound said:

pXFWRxu.pngAnd this is the new premium Fed. Recon.

It looks awesome