Build Discussion Thread

I though this should go in the Q&A section as it is a Q&A topic.

Basically, if you have any doubts/questions about the build on your current ships, what implants you use or what you’re planning on having, post it here with the following layout:

Ship Name
Wpn Mods:
Capacitor Mod:
Shield Mod:
Hull Mod:
CPU Mod:
Engine Mod:

If you have any notes, post them underneath the layout. This includes any of your calculations/reasoning behind what you’ve chosen. If you’re doubtful of an item you’ve equipped/want, put a ‘?’ next to it. Try to include screenshots of current ships/implants.

More experienced players are encouraged to help out with their knowledge/expertise.

Thank you!



HR1 - SE


SR Mark II




CU - Type B



WPN-FS3/‘Sting II’

‘Oculus II’/‘Ant’



Total Bonuses:

+25 hull resistance to all damage types

+27 shield resistance to all damage types

+20% weapon range

+75% sensor range

+40% missile speed and turn rate

+30% rotation speed in all axes

+30% railgun and plasma projectile speed

+10% laser heat tolerance

Upon being hit, ship recovers energy equal to 15% of the damage taken

25% decrease in survival and restoration module recharge time

Shields absorb collision damage

35% decrease in active module energy consumption/+25% bonus to active module parameters

Target suffers 10 hull and shield resistance penalty/+11% Rate of fire

+25% shield regen if speed is below 50% max (not including afterburners)


T3 Lineup

Crus Type S (Damage Focused)

Actives: Pulsar, Missile Shield, Emergency Shield Booster, Multiphase Shield Adapter

Passives: Horizon Module, EM Diffusor, Thermal Modulator

Weapon: Heavy Plasma/Heavy Laser

Wpn Mods: Supernova Deflector, Needle System

OR  Flat Reflector, Curved Reflector

Capacitor Mod: Pulse Discharger

Shield Mod: Adaptive Shield ?

Hull Mod: Lightweight Hull

CPU Mod: Overclocked CPU


The reason why I chose the Supernova Deflector over the Double Deflector is due to the combined effects of the implant boost and the Crus’ natural projectile speed increase. This results in a (30%+35%-56%=) 9% projectile speed boost anyway. Per gun I should theoretically do 491.7 damage at charge level 1.

The Horizon Module is mainly for the heavy laser to increase the range to 4.65k, then 5.6k when the flat reflector is added. The Curved Reflector increases the damage to 366 DPS per gun, but reduces my max range to 2.8k.

I may exchange the damage resistances for another Horizon Module and an Iridium Heatsink, but I’m not too sure.


Crus Type S (Tanker)

Actives: Missile Shield, Emergency Shield Booster, Signature Masking/Pulsar, Multiphase Shield Adapter

Passives: EM Diffusor, Thermal Modulator, Auxiliary Shield Projector

Weapon: Stabilised Railguns ?

Wpn Mods: Uranium Shells, Enhanced Shells

Capacitor Mod: Capacitor Power Relay

Shield Mod: Adaptive Shield/Shield Projection Splitter

Hull Mod: Galvanised Armour/Armour-Plated Hull

CPU Mod: Proton Wall System


These two I’ll swap out as I see fit. If I want damage, I’ll use the Damage variant. If I want to soak it up and just keep standing, Tanker.

I chose the stab railguns for defence against interceptors, as if I add my implants and the Uranium shells they become essentially hitscan. :smiley:

I’m stuck between the shield and hull mods… Help me out? Please?

The Capacitor Power Relay is to help me tank even more damage, as the 52% shield regen speed is insane!


Ira Deus

Actives: EM Scattering Field, IR Pulsar, Tachyon Charge, Multiphase Shield Adapter

Passives: Horizon Module, EM Diffusor, Auxiliary Shield Projector

Weapon: Heavy Laser/Long Range Laser

Wpn Mods: Flat Reflector, Curved Reflector

Capacitor Mod: Capacitor Power Relay

Shield Mod: Adaptive Shield/Shield Projection Splitter

Hull Mod: Regenerative Coating ?

CPU Mod: Infrared Scanner/Overclocked CPU


The Ira is more of a front-liner, as with those 6 turrets I though “Why the hell not? It’s got the highest DPS potential of any other ship in the game!”, so I modified it to fit that role. I wanted lasers for instant hits on mid to long range targets. I’m not too sure on the Regenerative coating… it just seems UP. 26 pts per second? It should be at least 40 at Mk3…


Cerberus 2

Actives: Mass Shield Generator, Nanodrone Cloud, Energy Emitter, Warp Gate

Passives: Reactive Armour, Thermal Insulation, Acceleration Coils

Weapon: Hail Plasma

Wpn Mods: Supernova Deflector, Needle Deflector

Capacitor Mod: Multiphase Generator

Shield Mod: Adaptive Shield

Hull Mod: Galvanised Armour

CPU Mod: Proton Wall System


Elf 2

Actives: Ion Emitter, Energy Absorber, Weapon System Inhibitor, Stasis Generator

Passives: Reinforced Beams, Emergency Barrier, Electronic Guidance

Weapon: Pulse Lasers

Wpn Mods: High-Frequency Oscillator, Flat Reflector

Capacitor Mod: Multiphase Generator

Shield Mod: Submatter Shield

Hull Mod: Lightweight Hull

CPU Mod: Infrared Scanner

Simple question. I run a Jericho command ship and an Imperial Engineer in T3. How do I do my implants and boosters ?

Simple question. I run a Jericho command ship and an Imperial Engineer in T3. How do I do my implants and boosters ?

Tank and speed.

Simple question. I run a Jericho command ship and an Imperial Engineer in T3. How do I do my implants and boosters ?

More specifically:

Jericho Rank 1

Any Rank 2

Jericho Rank 3

Any Rank 4

Empire/Jericho Rank 5

Any Rank 6

Fed Rank 7

Any Rank 8

Fed/Empire Rank 9 (fed for speed, emp for tank)

Any Rank 10

Any Rank 11

Fed Rank 12 (more afterburner usage)


I’ve done my homework, and this nets you quite a fair amount.

More specifically:

Jericho Rank 1

Any Rank 2

Jericho Rank 3

Any Rank 4

Empire/Jericho Rank 5

Any Rank 6

Fed Rank 7

Any Rank 8

Fed/Empire Rank 9 (fed for speed, emp for tank)

Any Rank 10

Any Rank 11

Fed Rank 12 (more afterburner usage)


I’ve done my homework, and this nets you quite a fair amount.

I disagree! 

Rank 12 only works  if your ship speed is below 50%, meaning you won’t get the boost while you afterburn. 

Rank 11, anything but the empire one…gosh that one is SO useless(In theory)

Rank 10, anything but the fed, It seems rather useless to me…Who would want less energy usage if you can get far better use of the less recharge and better stats…


That is all ^.^ The rest i agree with.

I disagree! 

Rank 12 only works  if your ship speed is below 50%, meaning you won’t get the boost while you afterburn. 

Rank 11, anything but the empire one…gosh that one is SO useless(In theory)

Rank 10, anything but the fed, It seems rather useless to me…Who would want less energy usage if you can get far better use of the less recharge and better stats…


That is all ^.^ The rest i agree with.

Fair enough. I still have to say fed rank 12 as while you’re still/guarding a beacon which is often your job as a command you will profit from the Predator 2 as it will restore your energy faster for an afterburn to the next beacon.

EDIT: Fed Rank 10 is fairly good for command and engy as it will increase the time you get to afterburn as the modules will take less from your energy. Less energy lost = MOAR AFTERBURN!

thx for confirmation

Fair enough. I still have to say fed rank 12 as while you’re still/guarding a beacon which is often your job as a command you will profit from the Predator 2 as it will restore your energy faster for an afterburn to the next beacon.

EDIT: Fed Rank 10 is fairly good for command and engy as it will increase the time you get to afterburn as the modules will take less from your energy. Less energy lost = MOAR AFTERBURN!

I’m not sure if it also applies to modules that take energy per second, or only the instant energy take mods.

If it also applies to energy per second it might be quite useful indeed, but I guess I will find out in about a month when im finally T4 >.<

I’m not sure if it also applies to modules that take energy per second, or only the instant energy take mods.

If it also applies to energy per second it might be quite useful indeed, but I guess I will find out in about a month when im finally T4 >.<

It applies to everything, I believe. It does state ‘active modules’, so I’m guessing it means EoT ones as well. Test it for me, will ya?

It applies to everything, I believe. It does state ‘active modules’, so I’m guessing it means EoT ones as well. Test it for me, will ya?

Sure, mind giving me 10m then to buy me a T4 ship? :stuck_out_tongue:

Simple question. I run a Jericho command ship and an Imperial Engineer in T3. How do I do my implants and boosters ?


More specifically - for a Jericho Command ship you pretty much go full shield tank. Any other option is sub-optimal due to how those ships work. Your special ability benefits a lot from +Energy as well, which is something to take into consideration.


Plugging the EMP hole in your shield is the absolute #1 priority, the rest is personal preference. I am reluctant to post a specific build to prevent a ‘cookie cutter’ syndrome. The best way to fit your ships is to first decide what you want to go for, then fit the ship accordingly. Tweak things slightly based on your experience during missions as each person will have slightly difference preference. This is especially true for weapons - though some are obviously better choices than others.


For the Empire Engineer, it’s the exact opposite - you fit that as a hull tank. Depending on what tier you’re playing, you plug the resist holes and then focus on +Hull. The active modules speak for themselves in this case. In T2, you are fine just plugging the Kinetic hole, in T3+ you really need to consider adding some thermal resists.

Well, i would love to see some updated content regarding the Crus S. I’ve looked everywhere and found nothing, except some build from previous patches when you could equip 2 sets of missiles and ammo.


So, i would like to know a good build for a Crus S and if possible implants that could help.


My goal is to build a tanky guard to protect things in pvp and/or helping taking down other frigs, and a good pve build aswell.

Well, i would love to see some updated content regarding the Crus S. I’ve looked everywhere and found nothing, except some build from previous patches when you could equip 2 sets of missiles and ammo.


So, i would like to know a good build for a Crus S and if possible implants that could help.


My goal is to build a tanky guard to protect things in pvp and/or helping taking down other frigs, and a good pve build aswell.

Does 70k hp and 1515 dps suit your needs?

I believe it does. I have your build from another version on another forum topic, just wondered what implants and other stuff you would recomend, and what modules if some has changed from that.


And also, is it worth it to invest on this ship or should just race to get the latest tier?

My implants focus on my Ceptor flights, actually, so… resists, speed, damage reduction and uptime (ECM stun reduction). They worked fine for my Crus, so I haven’t bothered to switch them.




I’d like to add I have taken a xxxx beating on that ship… Multiple times… In the same match… And, more often than not, came out with a Fear Me medal. The amount of damage the Crus-S can soak into its shields is just unparalleled by any other ship, even Imperial Engineers.

Implants only work for the same rank ships and below. So the rank 10-12 implants mentioned before will do nothing for T3 ships.

P.S. Rank 15 implants will give some bonuses to credit and experience gains. For all ship ranks.