
Crossout has it why can’t SC.



It’s also totally canon that crossout happens in the same universe at the same time as SC.

4 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Crossout has it why can’t SC.


I don’t play Crossout so can you explain something more please.

17 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:


I don’t play Crossout so can you explain something more please.

Got car parts. Can build car. Place turrets anywhere on hull. Make cool contraptions for different effects. Ships would basically balance themselves. (with the obvious metas incorporated.)

…Would be a completely different game…

Good idea tho

Id 100% make a ship that’s just the actual biggest engines plastered on a single massive turret. 472000m/s strafe wonder one-hitter that can be one-hitted by anything. XD

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Id 100% make a ship that’s just the actual biggest engines plastered on a single massive turret. 472000m/s strafe wonder one-hitter that can be one-hitted by anything. XD

Here you just got the answer why we can’t do that  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

5 hours ago, V2357 said:

…Would be a completely different game…

Good idea tho

I’m with them on this, it would be cool, but it wouldn’t be SC, it would be space engineers or robocraft

I agree that the market lacks a build-a-spaceship game that has functional multiplayer combat.


Edit: Galactic Junk League exists, but its movement system is dumbed down to 2.1 dimensions.

The current game engine is not capable of implementing such changes.

Sure, if it would use highly refined and optimized like with the Crossout engine, but it’s Hammerhead engine, which is 6-8 years old now.

Too bad that they can’t start from 0 just to bring new and more refined features.

1 hour ago, Koromac said:

The current game engine is not capable of implementing such changes.

Sure, if it would use highly refined and optimized like with the Crossout engine, but it’s Hammerhead engine, which is 6-8 years old now.

Too bad that they can’t start from 0 just to bring new and more refined features.

Star Conflict 2: Awakening

2 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Star Conflict 2: Awakening

B-b-but… i want to keep my progress

3 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

B-b-but… i want to keep my progress

Star Conflict 2: Awakening

     - DLC “Legacy Mercenary Pack” 80$

Star Conflict 2: The Electric Boogaloo