Bug with rewards from Sector Conquest

1. Description of the problem, what happened.


Our corp (OWL) is not receiving all of the rewards that we should be getting from owning four sectors in Sector Conquest.


2. What did you expected to happen.


I expected to log in and have 4 mails with my reward: 3x 50 iridium, and 1x24 GS. Instead I received 2x50 iridium only.


3. The conditions during the situation.



4. Further details on the issue.


Other corps members have confirmed this bug.


5. Frequency of occurrence.


Every day since the 1.2.1 patch.


6. Logs + [screenshots](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18799-how-to-takepost-screenshots/) or a video (Including a description of the issue, where to and how to reproduce it)



Our sectors


I will get another screenshot tomorrow with the two mails instead of 4.


7. If possible, the time when it happend. In this case we will be able to look more closely to the server logs. Also mention your time zone.


16:20 French time.


8. Information on the configuration of your computer (DxDiag)


Not relevant


9. The results of this [program](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/) if the bug report is related to connection issues.


Not relevant


10. If the complaint is related to Sector Conquest, it is necessary to specify the location and time + timezone of the happening.


Federation time zone. Not sure which locations specifically are not giving the rewards, but it is two of the four that we own (see screenshot) and includes the GS sector Eastern Mining Station.

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9933)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9934)

[game.net.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9935)

Your reward in the mail system yet. Please, wait a little time

Your reward in the mail system yet. Please, wait a little time


Your reply is not clear. Do you mean that our rewards are in the mailing system now? Or that they are not in the system yet? Will we get compensation for the three or four days where we got nothing?


And more importantly, did you find the problem and fix it so it won’t happen again in future?

You will get your reward later.

About compensation  you should call to support.

You will get your reward later.

About compensation  you should call to support.


ok thank you