Bug with booster

Hello when using and pressing F to boost away in the intersepter ship this does not take effect it charges up and mis fires like back fire as does not work and it accounts and says you used it even tho i am not using any other option or when using W to increase speed then press F the boost keeps on mis firing

using the afterburner aborts warp drive. it’s useful when you don’t want to crash into something at 5+km/s, although annoying when you accidentally disable it before “warping”.

from my experience some modules also disable the usage of the warp drive.

RA2lover: I’ve got the same problem… No modules activated, no afterburner keypressed. the warp didn’t fire up…

RA2lover: I’ve got the same problem… No modules activated, no afterburner keypressed. the warp didn’t fire up…

If you take to much damage while waiting for the jump the warp is abort.

Was that changed during the last patch?

Was that changed during the last patch?

Yes, but I think it is still worked on.

Ok another bug with this and this really annoys the heck out of me.

When getting shot at you can not boost out by hitting f shots are also disabling you from using and this really needs changing

from my experience it aborts itself on a single hit

/answered and closed.