Bug reports.

I read the manual and it said to post in a special place in the forums, however even though i have access to testing, it says that I cannot access that part of the forums.

I would like to report several bugs here.

  1. When stealthing for assault class ships, all modules should be disabled, otherwise you are visible while still in stealth mode.

  2. The skill “improved armor” says it gives a1500% increase in defense to all resistances; I find that quite disproportional, i believe it is a minor glitch in text.

  3. There is a bug upon log out, your ships unload its missile selection. Do not know if that is working as intended, but its quite annoying; its appeared after last weeks patch.

  4. Carnation system, and ‘falcon’ systems are unusable; or just not in the game at all.

  5. At select times, players can infact enter a asteroid, AI as well. Ive seen it several times.

  6. If you’re holding the boost button while engaging the warp feature in a interceptor, your warp will be canceled out and skill placed on cool down; this is highly contagious and detrimental because i constantly find myself using boost.

  7. You cannot target while boosting.

  8. Manual lock ons often selects target far out of your range, rather than whats close to you.

These are all Ive noticed so far. keep up the great work guys.

I also have the problem about not being allowed into the forum, but have some issues of my own when playing:

1: When launching the game i get a square at the top left corner, about 1.5" by 1.5" that stays with me when attempting to play.

2: When i do try to play i log in and the background screen is black, on all screens, minus the log in screen itself.

3: Occasionally on the log in screen the cursor that is bouncing around the background phases so that it has constant circles as it moves instead of just the mian circle itself.

4:the beginning video won’t even play, i have audio but no video.

I have tried multiples to fix these problems and yet to no avail, I’ve re installed and found corrupt files and having them fixed didn’t help either, hope you can fix this, but from what i see in videos and pics etc. it looks very good, keep moving it along!

/moved do not post on open forums.