BUG: My display keeps blacking out randomly

The last few days I will be right in the middle of a battle and my display (monitor) blacks out like it disconnected for a few seconds then right back. This is most likely not my computer because I go through a receiver and the wait time would be longer for the display to come back up. Its only happened about 4 times but clearly needs to be fixed.

Again, it is likely not my computer because I’ve been using the same setup for months and the only thing that’s changed is the game itself with latest updates.


It’s your pc.

make a video recording of only the game with smth like obs / shdaowplay / FRAPS and check if you see the black outs also there, when the recorded vid doesn’t have them it is you hardware.

Well it finally happened again only it was when watching youtube this time. Still don’t know whats causing it but this topic can now be closed. NOT A BUG

I have the answer btw, It’s chrome/firefox or whatever browser you are using that have hardware acceleration. It happened to a tons of people worldwide (doesn’t matter what hardware you have). 

Upgrade your browser/s and flash if it’s installed (run win update, this release is inside the microsoft’s stuffs)

On ‎10‎/‎31‎/‎2016 at 3:34 PM, Spongejohn said:

I have the answer btw, It’s chrome/firefox or whatever browser you are using that have hardware acceleration. It happened to a tons of people worldwide (doesn’t matter what hardware you have). 

Upgrade your browser/s and flash if it’s installed (run win update, this release is inside the microsoft’s stuffs)

Thanks for providing a solution however I use Windows 10 and everything is up-to-date. I am pretty sure its the new receiver I bought few weeks back. I reset it and changed a few settings and seems to be working now.

Once again this topic can now be closed.

41 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Thanks for providing a solution however I use Windows 10 and everything is up-to-date. I am pretty sure its the new receiver I bought few weeks back. I reset it and changed a few settings and seems to be working now.

Once again this topic can now be closed.

Mh… sound similar to a problem I had 2y ago. Had my PC also connected to my TV and everytime it started recording I had a short black out on my PC monitors coz Windows detected my TV as a new monitor. Idk if you have your PC’s video output also connected to smth else but if you should disconnect it when you have this problem again…