Bug in weapon spread (NB)

Lets begin,

The RF Blaster have a spread 2-6, my ship build have 3x eletronic guidance t4 mk3 (31.3% reduction spread total -93,9%). 


93,9% of 2 = 1,8  

93,9% of 6= 5,6


Then the  new value to my spread must be 0,2 - 0,4


But the game show, and turn my spread to 0,8- 2,5

[S RFBlaster.bmp](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6880)

[S EagleM.bmp](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6881)

Because Math.

The formulas they use probaly got something in there preventing perfect(>100%) decreases.

First module: 2- 31.3%*2 = 1.4

Second module: 1.4-31,3%*1.4= 0.94 ~ 0.9

Third module= 0.9-31.3%*0.9=0.6


There must be some rounding elsewhere…



Lets see the max spread now.


I : 5-31,3%*5=3,4

II : 3,4-31.3%*3.4 = 2.3

III: 2.3-31.3%*2.3 = 1,6


I had started looking into the formula to calculate dispersion myself a while ago but it’s a strange one. The formula I expected was spread * exp(module1 + module2 + …) but it didn’t fit exactly. I then came up with 0.7 * spread/(0.7 - module1 - module2 - …) next and it gets you very close but still not 100%. Finally, when trying to add in spread penalties from ammo it stopped making sense entirely because the scaling is completely different and that’s where I had left off at the time.

I had started looking into the formula to calculate dispersion myself a while ago but it’s a strange one. The formula I expected was spread * exp(module1 + module2 + …) but it didn’t fit exactly. I then came up with 0.7 * spread/(0.7 - module1 - module2 - …) next and it gets you very close but still not 100%. Finally, when trying to add in spread penalties from ammo it stopped making sense entirely because the scaling is completely different and that’s where I had left off at the time.

If you wanna do some more math do this:

Equip Shield HP extender (one that reduce your acceleration by 40%)

Equip Acceleration Engine module that will increase your acceleration by 40%

Check you final Acceleration value :))

If you wanna do some more math do this:

Equip Shield HP extender (one that reduce your acceleration by 40%)

Equip Acceleration Engine module that will increase your acceleration by 40%

Check you final Acceleration value :))

Took a quick look. If you do that on a ship without synergy it’s just a straightforward multiplication with some rounding actually. You may agree with me that that should classify as a bug.

Also interesting is if you stack the mods. While the engine acceleration mods seem stack at face value, the shield mod acceleration penalty is on diminishing returns. That’s another bug, although beneficial to the player in that case unlike the one above.

For the engine mods, the acceleration bonus is calculated before the synergy bonus is added. That’s probably working as intended.

On the other hand, once you add synergy the penalty from the shield mods becomes bigger than it should be, even with just a single mod. That’s a third bug, detrimental again.

Sounds like vodka assisted coding to me. :lol:

PS: I’ve given up on submitting bug reports, if someone wants to waste their time go ahead. :wink:

Took a quick look. If you do that on a ship without synergy it’s just a straightforward multiplication with some rounding actually. You may agree with me that that should classify as a bug.

Also interesting is if you stack the mods. While the engine acceleration mods seem stack at face value, the shield mod acceleration penalty is on diminishing returns. That’s another bug, although beneficial to the player in that case unlike the one above.

For the engine mods, the acceleration bonus is calculated before the synergy bonus is added. That’s probably working as intended.

On the other hand, once you add synergy the penalty from the shield mods becomes bigger than it should be, even with just a single mod. That’s a third bug, detrimental again.

Sounds like vodka assisted coding to me. :lol:

PS: I’ve given up on submitting bug reports, if someone wants to waste their time go ahead. :wink:

I don’t fly Jericho ships :slight_smile: Oryngton does, if he cares he can submit these bugs  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

This is working as intended, I did research on this several months past, and the math involved is beyond me, but I think everything was figured out individually, and then added together in an off math compound of sorts… 

This is working as intended […] the math involved is beyond me

Statements like that tend to be a red flag of a bug.

Whenever you can’t calculate the mechanics of something and the results are completely out of our reach, then yeah, probably it’s a bug. No need to secrecy, in the end is all about mathematics,.

Damm, fix alread the weapon spread. Rf blaster and sharpnel are miss frigates in the face and they remove 1 cpu slot to covert ops, now the spread is broken, only assault plasma and pulse laser have a good spread, but i hate use this. Plz Fix this Laser Conflict!

Although I still use RFB and Sharpnel, and deal with it, I agree with ArqueiroX, a fix to the spread should be needed, it’s just xxxx the amount of lazors everywhere, I don’t complain at all, because I can stack thermal resist and roflstomp them, but this game needs variety, and if 80% of the players use lasers it’s because of reasons.


It’s just xxxx, in 2 or 3 hits the spread is stupidly high, you don’t even need to reduce the spread, just make harder to reach the maximun spread.

The devs have their idea of how weapon usage should be balanced, but each weapon for each class has very different mechanics where damage type isn’t the issue.  I think the devs are balancing by damage type while ignoring weapon mechanics.  I use pulse lasers now, because shrapnel’s spread is worthless, plasma’s somewhat weak and is only useful as a ranged weapon, RFB isn’t too bad but pulse lasers have no projectile time and lower spread so it’s better.  People aren’t picking thermal, they’re picking mechanics.