Bug in Fed Hangar



After this last patch, I have found a new bug in the federation hangar. The ship comming out of the circular gate at the end of the hangar is bugged, it only shows the engine trail until it reachs the atmospheric forcefield.




its a next gen adaptive camo!

its a next gen adaptive camo!

Well, time to refit my Guard ^^ Sneak-Iquisitor S !

Well, time to refit my Guard ^^ Sneak-Iquisitor S !


Definitely not going to happen!!1



After this last patch, I have found a new bug in the federation hangar. The ship comming out of the circular gate at the end of the hangar is bugged, it only shows the engine trail until it reachs the atmospheric forcefield.




Yes I get that same bug.


In Federation hanger there is a ship that launches out of the port hole that opens, well when it launches it don’t show the ship when it comes out only the blue fire line but the ships coming in do show. The ship launching shows only when its like deep and barely launching and out of the shield entrance.

I think its not that important but it should be fix at some point since its part of the beautiful hanger action. :smiley:



