Bug in detonation with the Reverse Thruster

since none of you ever play’s t5 pvp and just SecCon “wich tja maybe you dont afterall cause its really few there aswell”


the Emp bomb is not dropped when reverse thruster is been used. i can simply pick up bomb, show my back to the emp station and teleport into it.


knowing it for a week or so but was just checking if people actually was playing tier 5 afterall but it seems not. 

I think that was Recoil OmegaF who posted this somewhere around, you should pick up your “game” on checking forums.




you know you can check all recent posts on right side of the forums right?  :crazy:  



you know you can check all recent posts on right side of the forums right?  :crazy:

yeah, and you failed at that, what are the chances…

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Please follow the bug report pattern : 


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/19744-how-to-report-bugs/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19744-how-to-report-bugs/)

If i jump with my “Reverse Thruster” and i have the bomb in Detonation, i don’t drop it. Is that Intention?

Look when i wrote that, we all know, u check the forum everytime. :lol:

Look when i wrote that, we all know, u check the forum everytime. :lol:

thats 3 days ago and thats not a topic


thats a comment wrote in a topic. you wnat me to check out everything? im not wasting my life reading comments, i read new topics from the right side usually and the bounty hunter mostly. 

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Please follow the bug report pattern : 


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/19744-how-to-report-bugs/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19744-how-to-report-bugs/)

this is a pretty simple bug


when warp gate that goes 5000 meters will drop emp bomb, and microwarp engine will drop emp bomb. immunity will drop bomb, invisibility / out of radar modules will drop bomb, and the new reverse is being the fastest teleport in game, also 6000 meters is quite a bit. it should drop the bomb aswell