Buff efficiency too small

The buff efficiency bonus is too small. I feel that Engineers and Command classes need more rewards. That would in turn make people play as Engineers or Commands more often, helping their team.


Right now, as of version 1.06, you only get 20 efficiency for buffing your teammates for each kill. This is quite small, compared to the  vital role of Engineers and Command ships.


I propose that for Engineers, for every __ points you heal your teammates, you get __ efficiency. That may also include autonomous repair stations, your choice.


For Command, for every __ points of damage resisted by teammates by your buffs (aegis system and coating polarizer), you get __ points of efficiency (for no resistance confusion, the resistance by the buffs are applied last after the natural resistance and module resistance). For the valkyrie system, you get __ points of efficiency for __ points of added/increased damage made by you.


I hope that you see where I am getting at. This was quite hard to explain.  :00555:  Gee wizz, these smileys are unrealistic! What has Star Wars taught us? In space you need an enclosed helmet! 

If the Team actually works together, Command & Conqu… Healer go home with a lot of points.


I agree with you half way. Maybe it could help a bit, or maybe have more points if you have combined damage and healing support


Sometimes I just whish I could turn on the heals for them.

Maybe i’m mistaken, but it seem we get the buff assists only when our ally dies… Meaning if they survive the whole match we get nothing (or next to nothing). Anyway, as it is, all the debuffs, buffs and assist should get a boost/be counted toward our efficiency; the current system value way too much the actual kills thus rewards the damage dealers/kill stealers.

give an option saying its ok the way it is :slight_smile:

You get buff assists when your teammate makes a kill.

The game should reward teamwork and objective playing. The devs are doing asi-asi in that respect.

Command is my favorite role and I think they are fine as they are right now. You get free assists for nothing.

I can confirm it’s fine as it is.

There is only one issue. Engineer unit, like Naga is pretty slow and cumbersome and it usually misses the beacon captures and the game will penalize you with a loss of rating and efficiency, which imo isn’t really a good solution.

I think that I should be getting the capture, even if I am above of 750m range, if I am not under fire or my auras are in effect of the player.

However, on the other hand, this might be too easy, but it will promote an engineer as a good unit and maybe more people will take it.

I hate biased polls like this.


Pro tip: when making a poll, do NOT speak for other people - voting “No” does not mean you hate teamwork, it means you and your suggestion are wrong!

Protips are gey. Anyways I do it all the time. In A1MA I did it. Mainly because I gave the multiple choice and 3 options.

Agreed, I feel sometimes punished for healing my allies with eclipse. The buff points is something I would already get on the modules. I miss out on the damage assist/kills evertime I’m saving an allie.


I wouldnt mind getting points based on how much I actually heal.

I fly engi in roughly a quarter of my games and I think it’s fine. Maybe increase from 20 to 30 efficiency or something but getting points per tick of healing is way too much. AMS should get some sort of small reward for each missile taken down tho (e.g 10 efficiency per missile). People would use it more if it did

I fly engi in roughly a quarter of my games and I think it’s fine. Maybe increase from 20 to 30 efficiency or something but getting points per tick of healing is way too much. AMS should get some sort of small reward for each missile taken down tho (e.g 10 efficiency per missile). People would use it more if it did


I’ve never seen you in an engy…

I’ve never seen you in an engy…


+2 on that…  Yeahelax must be doing it incognito  in an engiy frigate 

I don’t really see an issue with either Engy or Command. They seem fine.

It is a buff on top of your kills and assists.   I wouldn’t want to promote getting too many points for just being there.

As it is now you get some efficiency but are encouraged to get dirty.

For me the more damage I do while staying alive is where the real payoff is.


AMS should get some sort of small reward for each missile taken down tho (e.g 10 efficiency per missile)
