Broken Co-op and Open world!

Hi there!


Nice to see, that there is a new PvE content, like Co-op mode and Open world. But i think this modes are realy broken:


I) The Co-op matchmaking is like bullshit, because if you join the match the Bots are always higher level than you and have a 100% hitratio.

For me this makes no sence, the will kill your lower ships all the Time. And the other Problem is that often are Destroyers are in the battles, which are realy hard to destroy with normal ships.


II) The Open World conten is bullshit, too. Because there is the same 100% hitratio from the bots. and they are always in groups, so if u fligh alone u have no chance to win something.

Exept a hit and run tactic will work a litlle, but it isn´t worth the time.


Most time it is depressing to play those game modes, with a nearly 0% win chance. 



So, please fix this.

CoOp was made like this on purpose because people complained that it was too easy. Now, I’m pretty sure that it’s been made a “failed project” and they are trying to shut people out of it and in to PvP/PvE queues. As for OS, a tackler is your friend. I’d suggest that you don’t get in to fights unless you absolutely have to or else everything will slaughter you. If something targets you, simply drop drones and cloak away to your next destination.



I appreciate your opinion, but differ considerably.




I) The Co-op matchmaking is like bullshit, because if you join the match the Bots are always higher level than you and have a 100% hitratio.

For me this makes no sence, the will kill your lower ships all the Time. And the other Problem is that often are Destroyers are in the battles, which are realy hard to destroy with normal ships.



The bots aren’t invincible. In fact, they are easy to deal if you know how to deal with them correctly. Don’t go solo. Bots usually form frigballs/dessballs so a bigger group of human players is needed to finish them. The main issue is detonation game mode. If every human player rush to the bomb and won’t care to kill enemy ships, the bots will spawn camping human players easily.


Sometimes bots get stuck in walls. Other times they don’t know how to reach a beacon without a clear path.


Destroyer bot won’t use the warp ability. They are moslty of the time big targets spamming barriers. Attack from different angles and they are doomed.


II) The Open World conten is bullshit, too. Because there is the same 100% hitratio from the bots. and they are always in groups, so if u fligh alone u have no chance to win something.

Exept a hit and run tactic will work a litlle, but it isn´t worth the time.



Open Space is funnier with teammates. Because you can form a squad of 4 or 6 ships and annihilate everything. With some ships killing aliens and other ships farming and sharing the spoil of war everybody can get some rewards. But it’s going to be poor rewards. Ask for guys of the corp and try it. If you go solo, then you can try a recon. It’s weak ship, but agility + microwarp and 5 seconds of invisibility module is enough to farm rocks. Also if you go solo it’s fun to lure some aliens against transports and then get the cargo.



Now, I’m pretty sure that it’s been made a “failed project” and they are trying to shut people out of it and in to PvP/PvE queues. 


I hope no. The AI is used in PVE destroyers. Also think of no more zombiealien ships in OS. But alien ships with AI and some degree of “useful” behavior. (I was holding the word intelligent)

Bots have superior aim and gear (kinda) but lack tactics, use tactic and teamwork and you will get an easy win. Teamwork > firepower.

OS: The Ai don’t even reach 100%. Neither with gauss, singu, laser or shrapnel.

Maybe you just stand around? And if you use the right strategy and ship/equippment, you can easily annihilate an enemy group.

Maybe just 99% pilot error? I mean I fly in Tackler in Abandoned Complex and the only things sucking is enemy bugging out and shooting exact you in cloaked status.

OS: The Ai don’t even reach 100%. Neither with gauss, singu, laser or shrapnel.

Maybe you just stand around? And if you use the right strategy and ship/equippment, you can easily annihilate an enemy group.

Maybe just 99% pilot error? I mean I fly in Tackler in Abandoned Complex and the only things sucking is enemy bugging out and shooting exact you in cloaked status.

Oh, they’ve got 100% with lasers, all right. I’ve been hit with no beams contacting me, before, visually seeing the lasers at least 500m away while still taking damage.


But the others, those are certainly dodgeable. Simply barrel rolling while going backwards is good enough to avoid most scout and biomorph fire, while doing the same but changing rotation direction is good enough to avoid hunter fire, too. Predator shots track, unfortunately, so those are significantly harder to dodge.

Predators are an own issue. Their shots track you, are huge, relative fast and a lot of damage.

Unlike hunters you can’t go near them to avoid the spam as most have pulsar.

With laser: At least not if you run away at a decent speed and with maneuvers.

Predators are an own issue. Their shots track you, are huge, relative fast and a lot of damage.

Unlike hunters you can’t go near them to avoid the spam as most have pulsar.

With laser: At least not if you run away at a decent speed and with maneuvers.

Perhaps we simply have different experiences in open space…


I used to have a specter falcon that went 700 m/s. I’d do barrel rolls and wild mouse movements to dodge, and still get hit by lasers. That is, in fact, the main reason why I stopped using it.

Perhaps we simply have different experiences in open space…


I used to have a specter falcon that went 700 m/s. I’d do barrel rolls and wild mouse movements to dodge, and still get hit by lasers. That is, in fact, the main reason why I stopped using it.

bots have 100% accuracy against shields, a bit less against hull (like 1º spread?); going fast and dodging helps a bit to reduce laser dmg to hulls, but the best choice by far is getting further away (while still being in fire range)

Use the environment in open space. Get aliens or pirates to chase you to allied light blue guard turrets, escort ships, scavengers, bounty hunters. In zones where that is not an option due to no allied guns present, you can get red turrets to shoot aliens and purple turrets to shoot pirates as long as you can keep from getting hit yourself. Also, don’t hit the allies in unprotected zones. It takes a fast and agile ship to do it with enemy guns. As long as you did some of the damage or debuffed a destroyed ai ship, you get counted as the killer. There might be some very large range you have to be in for it to work. I don’t think microwarping 13000 meters away from the action gets the kill.