BrainStorming : The long Range

CAUTION! This discussion is intended to provide ideas and viable solutions through an exchange of opinions and experiences! Thank you provide constructive feedback aimed at advancing the discussion.


Hello to all,


I’d like to open a discussion on long range frigates through a small brainstorming session open to all.

The idea here is to accumulate a body of knowledge from long range players and pilots who used to go punish these vessels.


All this in order to establish a reasoned opinion about this model frigates, that is to say, how to improve them, make them more sustainable, and to better understand What are these vessels.


I therefore propose as a basis the Tier 2, since there appears both types of long range frigates and better in the ranks 6.


A small model to make life easier for our Long Range player :


Piloted ship:

Faction of the ship:

Rank ship:

Synergy of the ship:




Main weapon equipped:

Module installed:


Missile slot 1:

Missile slot 2:


-Modules and customization-


Shield change:

Capacitor change:

Passive module 1:

Passive module 2:


Active module 1:

Active module 2:

Active module 3:


When did you play your frigate? (Game Mode, Map, Fleet ally / enemy)



How you play your frigates?



What problems you encounter?



What would you like to see improved in the future?


And for those who like to destroy the LR:




Piloted ship:

Faction of the ship:

Rank ship:

Synergy of the ship:




Main weapon equipped:

Modules installed:


Missile slot 1:

Missile slot 2:


-Modules and customization-


Shield change:

Capacitor change:

Passive module 1:

Passive module 2:


Active module 1:

Active module 2:

Active module 3:


Why do you decide to go kill long range?



What are the most difficult thing for you to destroy? (Jericho or Empire or both)



Should we be wary of long range frigates? If so, why?




Also, I invite you to take a look at the small stones that I enjoyed making this morning to compare the two types of frigates that are available.


All values ​​are taken from the game, with the basis for the Jerichos “TEMPLAR” (Tier 2 Rank 6) and the Empire “The Hydra” (Tier 2 Rank 6).


The results are purely theoretical and do take into account the raw damage display on the special module by the game


The colorful screens and descriptions are my opinion based on my experiences in game as captain of frigate long range and as a target of long range.




Voila, Voila


Hoping to continue my spreadsheet with your help.


Thank you for having read me,




So I begin:


Piloted ship: Hydra

Faction of the ship: Jerciho

Rank ship: 6

Synergy of the ship: 4/7




Main weapon equipped: 

Experimental pulse laser

Module installed: 

Military microwave Lents kit / Military Xenon lamps


Missile slot 1:

Minelayers MKIII

Missile slot 2: 

Armor Piercing missile MKIII


-Modules and customization-


Shield change: 

Shield Projection Splitter MKIII

Capacitor change:

Voltage regulator MKII


Passive module 1:

Thermal modulator MKIII 

Passive module 2:

Experimental Variative shield projecto



Active module 1:

EM Scattering field MKII


Active module 2:


Active module 3: Weapon Overcharge MKI


When did you play your frigate? (Game Mode, Map, Fleet ally / enemy)



How you play your frigates?


I used to play my own long-range frigate in hunt beacon mode or domination.


Not as a sniper but support front line to force the other vessels back a goal or to put pressure on the movements of fleets when switching from an objective to another. And sometimes punish interceptors flying straight.


What problems you encounter?


Interceptors are nightmares.

Unable to go to the front line without being shattered.



What would you like to see improved in the future?


Rebalancing LR might be interesting in the future.

Give them a few little something extra to make them more effective against frigates guards to counteract.

And some thing which I believe has not been suggested, a module to change the type of damage of the special module to be able to adjust the pressure that we wish to put on the target

Well, i will tell you that when i reach level 6, i’m very exited about using long range, but i’m level 4.

Piloted ship: Templar

Faction of the ship: Jericho

Rank ship: 6 (Tier 2)

Synergy of the ship: 5/7




Main weapon equipped: Experimental “Hail” Plasma Cannons.

Module installed: Double Deflector Mk III


Missile slot 1: Cruise Missile Mk III

Missile slot 2: Armour-Piercing Missile Mk III


-Modules and customization-


Shield change: Shield Projection Splitter Mk III

Capacitor change: Leak Stabilizer Mk III

Passive module 1: EM-Diffuser Mk II

Passive module 2: Thermal Insulator Mk II


Active module 1: Repair Kit L Mk III

Active module 2: Shield Booster L Mk III

Active module 3: Military EM Scattering Field.


When did you play your frigate? (Game Mode, Map, Fleet ally / enemy)


In PvP I like to use it for beacon missions, holding position near to the objective and sniping from behind asteroids.


In PvE I tend to use it on the second round of each mission.


How you play your frigates?


I run the LR Frigates as a support ship; I get as close as I dare and bomb the enemy with missiles from cover. In straight fights I try to stay about 4km to 5km away and snipe with the plasma cannons.


What problems you encounter?


Guard Frigates in PvP, or LR Frigates in PvE, are infuriating with their missile defense abilities. Just one of these ships can utterly disable the Guided Torpedo, and in a straight fight it is likewise impossible for the Templar to win over a Guard Frigate. Hell, it can barely win a straight fight over anything.


What would you like to see improved in the future?


I think PvE needs to have the missile nullification stuff reduced heavily.


In PvP mode I think the Templar can hold its own well enough, so I’m not sure what to suggest there.


Okay, some general points.


First off, the Templar is far better than the Hydra (and by extension, any of the Harpies). I just cannot see any point to the Empire’s LR Frigate; it is far too easy to avoid them, they have to be out in the open to have a good field of vision, and they are far too fragile to withstand a counter-attack. In particular, a Templar vs Hydra battle is always going to go to the Templar; it can hide out of sight and two-hit-kill the Empire sniper.

Piloted ship: Templar

Faction of the ship: Jericho

Rank ship: 6 (Tier 2)

Synergy of the ship: 5/7




Main weapon equipped: Experimental “Hail” Plasma Cannons.

Module installed: Double Deflector Mk III


Missile slot 1: Cruise Missile Mk III

Missile slot 2: Armour-Piercing Missile Mk III


-Modules and customization-


Shield change: Shield Projection Splitter Mk III

Capacitor change: Leak Stabilizer Mk III

Passive module 1: EM-Diffuser Mk II

Passive module 2: Thermal Insulator Mk II


Active module 1: Repair Kit L Mk III

Active module 2: Shield Booster L Mk III

Active module 3: Military EM Scattering Field.


When did you play your frigate? (Game Mode, Map, Fleet ally / enemy)


In PvP I like to use it for beacon missions, holding position near to the objective and sniping from behind asteroids.


In PvE I tend to use it on the second round of each mission.


How you play your frigates?


I run the LR Frigates as a support ship; I get as close as I dare and bomb the enemy with missiles from cover. In straight fights I try to stay about 4km to 5km away and snipe with the plasma cannons.


What problems you encounter?


Guard Frigates in PvP, or LR Frigates in PvE, are infuriating with their missile defense abilities. Just one of these ships can utterly disable the Guided Torpedo, and in a straight fight it is likewise impossible for the Templar to win over a Guard Frigate. Hell, it can barely win a straight fight over anything.


What would you like to see improved in the future?


I think PvE needs to have the missile nullification stuff reduced heavily.


In PvP mode I think the Templar can hold its own well enough, so I’m not sure what to suggest there.


Okay, some general points.


First off, the Templar is far better than the Hydra (and by extension, any of the Harpies). I just cannot see any point to the Empire’s LR Frigate; it is far too easy to avoid them, they have to be out in the open to have a good field of vision, and they are far too fragile to withstand a counter-attack. In particular, a Templar vs Hydra battle is always going to go to the Templar; it can hide out of sight and two-hit-kill the Empire sniper.

The longer range of the sniper makes it easier to do damage.  At 8-10k, you are looking at 25-30s for the torp to arrive.  That just makes the torp damage too low to be significant.  Sure, you can hide behind a rock when you are closer and launch to reduce travel time, but a interceptor or fighter can show up any time and ruin your day pretty quickly.  


I’ve seen Jerico frigs sneak into the outskirts and close to firing range on a captain in Combat Recon.  They get off one or two shots at most until you trace the fire back to their position and destroy them.  Its true the snipers are no better, since they have a big flashlight saying “Hey, I’m over here!”, but neither are going to outperform a Gunship fighter with all it’s modules up.  


Once you get into T3, most fighters and interceptors can take nukes, which is a self guided torp anyway.  That really lowers the usefulness of an LRF even further.