Bots hate me

Hello. Could anyone explain me, why do bots hate me so much, that in pve missions they select me as primary target regardless ship, rank, etc. Destroyers target me with piro, while I’m under invisibility. All mobs ignore everyone in the party and wait/follow until there’s no obstacles and can attack me. Any ship I am on from Destroyer to Medic, I am target number one, not just number one, but paranoically number one priority to kill. I don’t know why, what did I do and to survive for me is 100 times harder than for any other player and that makes me sick. Any info will be appretiated

Ikr. I’m literally always the only person to be targeted by 90% of the bots in either PvAI or PvE. Sometimes 100%.

Lol I actually started a thread a while back on this:


The one thing you could try is make sure you are not the first one to attack and see if that makes any difference. Also you could try to make sure someone else is closer to the enemy but as I said before in my last thread about this, the algorithm behind it is mysterious to me lol…

Tried to condense this post into the other but I don’t think you can delete a post???

Why not exploit it? Take a tanky ship, and let ur allies kill off the enemy unmolested.

I’ll tell you this. I was in naberia pve mission, behind engines of the boss ship in adaptive camouflage, while my mates were shooting sides, 2 of them were tanks, so no invisibility for them, the other was destroyer. So guess what? Bombers which spawn in front of the ship, scattered around the map like there’s nobody on the map, until my camouflage finished and voila, they all fly at me. I mean, yeah I could exploit it. But this just gets to the new level of ridiculous

7 minutes ago, Shindsu said:

I’ll tell you this. I was in naberia pve mission, behind engines of the boss ship in adaptive camouflage, while my mates were shooting sides, 2 of them were tanks, so no invisibility for them, the other was destroyer. So guess what? Bombers which spawn in front of the ship, scattered around the map like there’s nobody on the map, until my camouflage finished and voila, they all fly at me. I mean, yeah I could exploit it. But this just gets to the new level of ridiculous

Are you sure that the dd didn’t use gravi lens? AI will try to get away from the black hole and scatter which in a lot of cases is a waste of time hence why I don’t use it in certain situations like the 3rd stage of DC. Map is large and they tend to go too far… at the same time I agree ai has a tendency to target one person but there still is an algorithm to it which is what I want to know… ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


21 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Are you sure that the dd didn’t use gravi lens? AI will try to get away from the black hole and scatter which in a lot of cases is a waste of time hence why I don’t use it in certain situations like the 3rd stage of DC. Map is large and they tend to go too far… at the same time I agree ai has a tendency to target one person but there still is an algorithm to it which is what I want to know… ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


Yeah I know they go mad after seeing gravi lens. But there was no gravi lens, since I could clearly see destroyer side. That’s why I had enough and went to complain on the forum in first place xD can you imagine them ignoring completely everyone until I become visible…that’s just epic hate from ai to me

Sometimes its so bad for me the ai will push the others out of the way just to get to me roflmao! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) Happened just last night trying to get my new vigilant up to par…

There should be another thread: Bots like me.

Aliens in Open Space let me pass and ignore me.  ![:576a55a9bca5d_):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/576a55a9bca5d_).png “:576a55a9bca5d_):”)

10 minutes ago, Koromac said:

There should be another thread: Bots like me.

Aliens in Open Space let me pass and ignore me.  ![:576a55a9bca5d_):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/576a55a9bca5d_).png “:576a55a9bca5d_):”)

lol that happens to me too. In most cases if you stay about 3mk away they wont see you and other cases you can go right up to one and they just sit there. I think that usually happens when you or someone else was spotted and then got far enough away to where they forget about you and then there is some kind of refresh for them or something to where you can go back to them and just shoot them and they just sit there. Kind of strange… it happens for pirates too not just aliens so it has to be something in the coding of the ai in os…

17 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

lol that happens to me too. In most cases if you stay about 3mk away they wont see you and other cases you can go right up to one and they just sit there. I think that usually happens when you or someone else was spotted and then got far enough away to where they forget about you and then there is some kind of refresh for them or something to where you can go back to them and just shoot them and they just sit there. Kind of strange… it happens for pirates too not just aliens so it has to be something in the coding of the ai in os…

Open Space needs a  serious rework.

They should watch how Freelancer used to play.

Bots could get more interesting AI and bring more fun to fight them. once I suggested to delay aiming so fast ships could escape their lasers - in CO-OP its unbearable…

In SC to fight bots you just combine defense, regen and firepower. You position and ![:fighter:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/fighter.gif “:fighter:”)… no maneuvering is needed. Pirate baron is the only exception

I’d want some nice PVE mission where you need fast and maneuverable ship to dodge moving objects and projectiles and bots are not meat tanks but can be killed with ceptors.




4 hours ago, Koromac said:

Open Space needs a  serious rework.

They should watch how Freelancer used to play.

Yeah, its not just OS though, its AI altogether. In coop beacon matches you can be behind the beacon and the AI won’t even try to go around it to get to you, it just keeps shooting the beacon which means you can cap the beacon repeatedly (EXPLOIT)


by backing up let him take it just enough then go back up take it back and repeat.

lol kind of lame but that’s how bad the AI is. AI has seemingly gotten better but instead of being OP then they need to be more skilled and I know it can be done due to the fact that the ECM (forget the name) in destroyed station that you have to kill every now and then for the OS daily is actually more skilled than all the other AI, so it seems anyway. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Also the AI is in swarms most of the time so the devs cant code them to shoot and be as skilled as players or you would have to bring friends to do the dailies.