Bot Leagues

What is the purpose of Bot Leagues?

The purpose of Bot Leagues is to get familiar in a realistic way with a high-ranked ships and Destroyers of Tier V or Rank 13-15.


What are the specialties of Bot Leagues?

The specialties of Bot Leagues - (PvE mode) is, that you can complete all contracts from Rank 1-15, even if it’s branded as PvE, it comes under PvP jurisdiction.


Can you be more precise?

Only bots are playing against you. Each bot carries 4 ships, which is the maximum limit.

Each individual bot has at least 2 Secret Project ships minimum, having the same ship class or role.

3rd ship is usually a standard or a premium ship, 4th one is a Destroyer. Of course, all ship ranks are 13-15.


How many bots will be available against a 5-men Squad or Wing?

Here we come under the fray! 5 players will be matched against 10 bots, which means that they will have the upper hand.

This means that bots will own twice as many ships than players. To make matters worse, each bot will be upgraded fully with synergy levels, up to level 10 and each bot will fully utilize the set of boosters and even implants! Equipment will also be the best, which means Mark 4 or Mark 5. What really makes them threatening is the Secret Project builds, which can be fully customized and equipped or suggested by elite players. Bots will use any advantage that they can get, but there will be no more bot bonuses, like extra durability and extra damage from the main weapons.


What about the reward system?

It works exactly the same as in PvP Leagues, but here you can get an instant match, if you got at least 5 active players in your team.


Why do you think this is a good idea?

People who want to play Leagues, suggested to me that it would be a nice to have a Bot League as well. In case, if there is noone active in PvP Leagues, you can always switch to PvE - Bot Leagues.

It will also give the developers means to better test their AI intelligence further and to see overall statistics with realistically fitted ships.

Secret Project ships may become more famous and Desired. Same goes for other ships of rank 13-15.




  • realistically fitted or equipped ships with the latest, up-to-date upgrades with  full synergy level bonuses , implants and boosters in effect (no longer exclusive bot bonuses)

  • bots will own twice as many ships as human opponents do

  • each both will have all 4 ship slots vacant

  • each bot will have at least 2 Secret Project ships , customly fitted and unique, to present realistic builds

  • each bot will feature its own ship class or role

  • each bot will have at least 1 Destroyer with 1 additional standard or premium ship of rank 13-15

  • all contracts can be completed in this mode (no restrictions whatsoever)

This would be extremely welcome, but it sounds just like a more impossible CoOp. Like immagine the amount of spawn-camping.

You are trying to compensate lack of strategy with force brute, but this only shows bots will need a major overhaul for this suggestion to happen. Right now bots attack and capture beacons, but don’t know anything about defense or coordinate its efforts to win. 

My opinion is any queue above 5 minutes is a waste of time. If this solves this problem then is a good solution. But I feel most of players in SCL are not going to think the same. If I am right this suggestion could be a drawback for those players. Maybe is a good moment to ask SCL players if they want to fight against aim bots, or improved bots with better ai…

Strategy against bots isn’t the same as strategy against players. Against bots tankier is better (my personal opinion). So bots are not direct substitute for lack of players in SCL.

In the end better bots is not bad. I hope bots get an improved ai to be used in multiple game modes (PVE, OS, Coop) 

40 minutes ago, ntboble said:

You are trying to compensate lack of strategy with force brute, but this only shows bots will need a major overhaul for this suggestion to happen. Right now bots attack and capture beacons, but don’t know anything about defense or coordinate its efforts to win. 

My opinion is any queue above 5 minutes is a waste of time. If this solves this problem then is a good solution. But I feel most of players in SCL are not going to think the same. If I am right this suggestion could be a drawback for those players. Maybe is a good moment to ask SCL players if they want to fight against aim bots, or improved bots with better ai…

I suspect that developers are not able to produce better and more intelligent AI behavior either due to technical restrictions, or they lack more sophisticated programming skills.

4 minutes ago, Koromac said:

I suspect that developers are not able to produce better and more intelligent AI behavior either due to technical restrictions, or they lack more sophisticated programming skills.

or need in such bots

What is the differense in gameplay between this and co-op? The whole point of Leagues is not a reward, but a fight with tthe most skilled pilots of the game.

19 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

What is the differense in gameplay between this and co-op? The whole point of Leagues is not a reward, but a fight with tthe most skilled pilots of the game.

If I wanted to fight the most skilled pilots in the game, I’d do a custom battle.

Leagues have gone from whatever you originally intended them for, and are now just a way for super elite pilots to get cool unique stuff that nobody else can.

Bot leagues would change this.

18 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

now just a way for super elite pilots to get cool unique stuff that nobody else can.

Leagues is for everybody. Super elite pilots are in the Baron’s Elite, there’s Challangers leaderboard also. This makes those 2 are impossible to meet in match, except special tournaments or ‘trade routes protection’ matches.

My problem or better the problem of my corp with(except to having time for it) was more that you have to invite/disband/have 5 members on. This is something that is stopping us from doing it frequently…

4 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Leagues is for everybody. Super elite pilots are in the Baron’s Elite, there’s Challangers leaderboard also. This makes those 2 are impossible to meet in match, except special tournaments or ‘trade routes protection’ matches.

But one thing you fail to see is that the “normal” leagues give no useful rewards.

Its just a beefed up PvP that’s slightly more exclusive.

On 9/22/2016 at 9:18 AM, CinnamonFake said:

Leagues is for everybody. Super elite pilots are in the Baron’s Elite, there’s Challangers leaderboard also.

This makes those 2 are impossible to meet in match, except special tournaments or 'trade routes protection’ matches.

You don’t know what you’re talking about!

I just met them twice with my own League Team on my 4th and 7th battle.

I am talking about top Ninja Team. Your system is broken!



On 9/21/2016 at 7:55 AM, CinnamonFake said:

What is the differense in gameplay between this and co-op? The whole point of Leagues is not a reward, but a fight with tthe most skilled pilots of the game.

The only reason I want to do leagues is for the daily mono reward gage has. Most of us do not want to go against Mike Tyson.

If you noticed people got more interested in leagues once it became more rewarding.

On 9/22/2016 at 3:18 AM, CinnamonFake said:

Leagues is for everybody. Super elite pilots are in the Baron’s Elite, there’s Challengers leaderboard also. This makes those 2 are impossible to meet in match, except special tournaments or ‘trade routes protection’ matches.

This info is incorrect or maybe a bug. Koromac’s team went against Ninja who is in the elite leaderboard.

On 9/21/2016 at 1:55 PM, CinnamonFake said:

What is the differense in gameplay between this and co-op? The whole point of Leagues is not a reward, but a fight with tthe most skilled pilots of the game.


![:017:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/017.gif “:017:”) Not true, because Leagues before were totally dead. At least now, they are worth it, simply because of one Broker’s contract.

We got a Custom lobby, if we want to have an opportunity to fight best of the best. Skill should be matched according to the performance of the other team.

Bots can present realistic behaviors, based on real ship setups.


The whole point for us is, to play the League mode, to get a Broker’s contract, that’s 4-6 monocrystals per day.

Challenge and fun comes after the reward! Why would we want to waste our time otherwise?

CinnamonFake, would you do your job for nothing as well, without any “rewards” or “payment”?

We are the [Greedy Collectors]! We deserve this! We need more! We will get more! Soon!

I wish our tournaments and leagues were set up like this:

Clear, transparent, autonomous. 

But Leagues vs bots is a very dumb idea.