'Boremys' Defence Wave - Giving Negative Resistance Randomly

So, my earlier post “Umm - Survival mode back” was basically me being unsure of the near one shot I just received in PvP, so I tried PvE and replicated the issue, twice.


  1. Describe the bug in a few words/sentences.
  2. Boremys Defence Wave, if triggered/timed right gives you NEGITIVE resistance, and a whole lot of it.
  3. Why do you think this is a bug.
  4. Because a guard with over 40% EM resistance base, on top of an extra 200, shouldnt take 29,000 damage from a torpedo that deals far less, excluding resistance, I can torp myself on Patrairch and it deals significantly less. 
  5. How often does this bug occur.
  6. Hard to say, and replicate, but it can be done.
    1. Often-ish I would say, I mean I’ve been 2 shot by a project by this darn bug so its annoying.
  7. What was your last action/How to reproduce the bug.
  8. Defence Wave activated + incoming damage to hull/shield. 
    1. Hard to replicate as its random.
  9. Videos + Screenshots (Only if needed, but in most cases they are helpful)
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBNrESR-YdU&feature=youtu.be
    1. First Video - Punisher pulsar dealing 7560/hit with 500+ resistance. 
    2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P29SdV2ey5o&feature=youtu.be
    1. Second video, captured dread with torpedo +150 ish resistance + base getting 1 shot hull by torpedo. 
  11. Log files + Exceptions
  12. Provided.

[@Skula1975](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239039-skula1975/)


Replicated again, because a 4700/hit thermoactive with 2 turrets in view is totally balanced.




On 9/2/2018 at 9:43 AM, Snerpes said:

Boremys Defence Wave, if triggered/timed right gives you NEGITIVE resistance, and a whole lot of it.

Too many battles in your logs. Please write accurate datatime for issue and detailed describe this issue.

2 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

Too many battles in your logs. Please write accurate datatime for issue and detailed describe this issue.

I try to put logs that have as little data as possible, but enough to identify the issue at hand.

3 hours ago, Koromac said:

I try to put logs that have as little data as possible, but enough to identify the issue at hand.

this has nothing to do with you, has it?

My guess is, that there is a maximum for resistances, and if you go above it, you will start at the lowest ammount of resistances possible. Because that was what was the case with negative Exp in the level up systhem. But this is just my guess and i am by no means a coder or programmer, so i have no way to verify this guess.

Here [@Skula1975](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239039-skula1975/)

This is a custom battle, try to look twords the end, I had trouble replicating the battle, but at the end

Thermal energy with over 70% resistance was dealing 4k critical/hit. 

It seems to be a hull thing mainly but also shield sometimes.

Please let me know if there is anything else you need, I want this fixed pronto as it basically screws the entire module. 


Accepted 0097872

On 9/3/2018 at 2:47 PM, Flash0914 said:

My guess is, that there is a maximum for resistances, and if you go above it, you will start at the lowest ammount of resistances possible. Because that was what was the case with negative Exp in the level up systhem. But this is just my guess and i am by no means a coder or programmer, so i have no way to verify this guess.


The problem is either an overflow (where a number get’s bigger than the space allocated to hold it - usuall resets to 1 to stop it from crashing the total application, or causing a divide by zero error when later used), or an out of bounds on a signed number wrapping around; You’re totally right.

The latter is more likely as OP is experiencing above standard damage on weapons, suggesting that the value wrapped around to a negative and thus must be a signed (positive and negative) type of value that has wrapped around to a negative state, rather than an overflow.


1 hour ago, Gen086276 said:


The problem is either an overflow (where a number get’s bigger than the space allocated to hold it - usuall resets to 1 to stop it from crashing the total application, or causing a divide by zero error when later used), or an out of bounds on a signed number wrapping around; You’re totally right.

The latter is more likely as OP is experiencing above standard damage on weapons, suggesting that the value wrapped around to a negative and thus must be a signed (positive and negative) type of value that has wrapped around to a negative state, rather than an overflow.


The problem still exists, btw. Regarding the resistances - Wave is adding up to 300 . I was testing on other ship resistances above 700 without any problem. 

Will it ever be fixed? I just got that special module and in skirmish I felt like I was using instant shield removal module. I can provide logs if needed.