Booted from hanger, return and ships are in battle.

Got booted out of the game having been, it said ‘unknown server.’ I reloaded and it was back to just being online. Got into game and my ships were all in battle.

Logged back out and in again a couple of times, nothing changed. Took a few minutes to go back to normal (not sure how many, I wasn’t on that window).


Let me know if you need more details than I’ve provided. I’m not sure how to do it in the file type you’ve specified and I’m not sure if I’ve included the right stuff in the first place. I can’t find anything saying ‘exceptions.’ :confused:

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9174)

Got booted out of the game having been, it said ‘unknown server.’ I reloaded and it was back to just being online. Got into game and my ships were all in battle.

Logged back out and in again a couple of times, nothing changed. Took a few minutes to go back to normal (not sure how many, I wasn’t on that window).


Let me know if you need more details than I’ve provided. I’m not sure how to do it in the file type you’ve specified and I’m not sure if I’ve included the right stuff in the first place. I can’t find anything saying ‘exceptions.’ :confused:

You only get exceptions logs, if your game crashed.

You need to select to show hidden folders and files first.

Users/Your name/App Data/Local/Targem…

Nothing is coming up when I try to use that route. I’m guessing it wasn’t registered as a game crash as it seemed to be a server issue.

Thanks for the advice.

If issue is repeating, please, make screenshot of error window and attach it with current log files