Blueprints cost 100% sending cost through drones

I’ve played a lot of invasion and many times after a month or so i noticed that blueprints now costs 100% its price to be sent by cargo drones. I wasnt sure of this since i was not completely aware of my exact credit bank, but was enough to make me suspect of that (selling those sent blueprints by drones seemed to return my credits to normal). Now i was aware of my bank since im running real low (2,8kk) and went out to open space; found out a T5 blueprint, wich i checked that costs 900k. I sent it through the drone, expecting i would have to pay the full price. I had some weird disconnects while jumping from some sectors, and lead me to hangar, where i saw my bank had 900k less (1,9kk). Then i picked up a light cell, sent it through drone, had the same disconnect issue again and saw my credits were back at 2,8kk. After that i found another light cell but instead i docked into empire station: my bank is now at 3650k, wich is more or less what i should have without sending the first light cell. If blueprint where costing 10% price instead of 100%, i would have about 800k more credits (close to 4450k).

I’ve encountered this issue (doubt at first, now im totally sure) every time i have sent blueprints by drones (only blueprints, other objects like vouchers or credit items like light cells are working perfectly…i cant tell for materials since they cost very little). When i docked with blueprints i dont get withdrawn a single credit for it, only for sending them by drones.

Most of the times i have used a T4 recon (i use swift eagle for farming mysterious containers), and some other times any other T4 ship since i only got a T4 spatial scanner.


This happened at about 1am -4 UTC between frontier sectors, but ive encountered this at any map that holds mysterious containers. I did not take screenshots (they dont seem trustable but they wouldve helped a little now that i think about it).


[chat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9481)

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9482)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9483)

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9484)

did you check your armory? when you dock to station system send BP to armory than u can sell it there, maybe cargo drones works sameway

The BP is in your armoury. The mail drone thinks that the BP is just another resource, like a crystal or a plate. So it won’t charge you anything for it.


In the armoury you can sell it for the full price.

Of course i check armory, thats where the BP goes. A few months ago this was not happening, therefore all ok, but lately im charged the 100% price of the BP while sending them by mail drone, (meaning 600-900k) instead of the normal 10%. Eviscerador, when i send a BP by drone, it charges me the total price of the BP, so when i sell them all i do is get back what i payed from mailing it…before i gained a 90% from the BP total price, now i gain 0%. So, the only way to make profit (if im not going to learn the BP) is docking with BP just like alien tech documents/secret documents.

The BP is in your armoury. The mail drone thinks that the BP is just another resource, like a crystal or a plate. So it won’t charge you anything for it.


In the armoury you can sell it for the full price.

You are wrong, next time you go into open space hover the mouse over a BP or resource you picked up, and you will notice they have a value in credits (5k for resources like screened battery or the one that looks like target coprocessor, less than 1k for vanadium and simple ones), and BP are pretty expensive there (as i mentioned before, prices are this in credits: 20k for T4 pirate shield multipurpose mods, 600k for any other T4 BP, 900k for all T5 BP); from that price you have to pay a 10% to send them (vouchers are free because they have no credit price in open space unlike anything else), but drone is actually charging 100% price at least for BP, so you are only wasting time by sending them through drones, or also credits if you are not selling them at the armory.

Sorry if im too redundant, i just want to be fully clear on something i thought it was well explained.

The really cost of T5 blueprint is 9’000’000 credits. 

Not a bug

The really cost of T5 blueprint is 9’000’000 credits. 

Not a bug

For the ones you can buy, yes.

So, now you cant earn credits when sending BP by drone mails?

So, now you cant earn credits when sending BP by drone mails?

It was all time