
Hello. I just saw a matchmaker try to purposely make me lose a quest by making me wait well over 5 minutes for matchmaking. I have also noticed bias in other aspects of the game. My question is when will you get rid of the biased matchmaker op’s who get complaints all of the time. I personally just have been do nothing and take it but this was the last straw. Can you please get rid of all matchmakers and replace them with a computer program. This is getting silly. Thank you!.

it is a computer system judging everything, shittily I’ll admit, but it’s not biased against any one player in particular, it’s just bad at doing PVP matches

You may now remove your tinfoil hat. ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Matchmaking can take ages, especially if you want to do a specific pve or if you are in a squad.

Though MM will however most likely not put you in to a certain PvP match that you need for a campaign mission. Like if you need detonation, it may never later you play one. XD

Same problem was a long time ago with combat recon. And now they just completely removed it. So bad.

I was laughing the other day when i said “Hey, lets max the synergy on some of my r4-5-6 ships” and got screwed by MM when i was sent to fight against r13-14-15 ships, i couldnt even take 1/4 of their shields and got 1-2 shots after i was obliterated.

19 minutes ago, AhkNer said:

I was laughing the other day when i said “Hey, lets max the synergy on some of my r4-5-6 ships” and got screwed by MM when i was sent to fight against r13-14-15 ships, i couldnt even take 1/4 of their shields and got 1-2 shots after i was obliterated.

Considering you were doing over 50% more damage than them… Aim better? There are practically no ranks in PvP and MM decided that a guy with a thousand battles should not be put against novices

It wasnt an aim thing, i was watching the damage my ships were doing and it was shamefull, 150-300 per second… bad luck? they had full resist on thermal, idk… but they could and did kill me with 2 shots, not to take into account the amount of modules they could put in their ships and i couldnt (range, speed, rotation).

4 hours ago, AhkNer said:

It wasnt an aim thing, i was watching the damage my ships were doing and it was shamefull, 150-300 per second… bad luck? they had full resist on thermal, idk… but they could and did kill me with 2 shots, not to take into account the amount of modules they could put in their ships and i couldnt (range, speed, rotation).

If you think there is an issue, post logs or record a short video.

More details needed, logs, screenshots

On 28/03/2018 at 2:32 PM, Skula1975 said:

More details needed, logs, screenshots



That’s some solid proof right there ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)


My favorite Matchmaker errors are when. 

I had all level 4 ships in my  Roster.  It paired me 1 vs 1 against a player with all level 15 ships.

Watching a pilot with a level 2 or 3 ships appear in a match against most of the opponents being 12+.

Beacon Hunt and the AI has all Destroyers, when no one has a destroyer in their Roster.

Beacon Domination, when no enemies appear since they were all on Destroyers and never made it near a beacon in time to be in sensor range.

The one where you have to kill more of the enemy than they kill of you, everyone on your side has all ships below level 8 and the enemy spawns in Destroyers.


The Matchmaking system, for both vs AI and PvP, needs reworked.  

30 minutes ago, dragon82a said:

Beacon Hunt and the AI has all Destroyers, when no one has a destroyer in their Roster.

That’s the easiest one. Take LRF, let light ships cap beacons, destroyers will not make it in time.


31 minutes ago, dragon82a said:

Beacon Domination, when no enemies appear since they were all on Destroyers and never made it near a beacon in time to be in sensor range.


That’s only on one map - Alpha-7 complex if AI somehow will focus on getting to the first beacon.


32 minutes ago, dragon82a said:

The one where you have to kill more of the enemy than they kill of you, everyone on your side has all ships below level 8 and the enemy spawns in Destroyers.


If all players ships are R8 or lower, AI spawns paper-made destroyer. You can easily kill them even with tackler, however they still have significant firepower, so don’t go gung-ho with aforementioned tackler against 12 dessies in one place. Still  Empire LRF works wonders in such situation. 


If you have any problems with AI games, drop me a line in the game - I’ll show you the ropes.

Vs AI all Destroyers in beacon hunt is the easiest match up. They never come to the next beacon in time. Can easily be won without shooting a gun, just be at the next beacon and avoid fighting.