Beta-6 Container

Ive been needing a frame for my t4 photon emitter to then make the t5 photon emitter, me and some friends have been farming for about 2 hours and not found the Beta-6 container ONCE, not only is the frame VERY rare to get from the container but the container itself is like stupidly rare to find. You need to do something about this, many people are needing this part and its almost impossible to find it, and you cant find it in trade because no one has it. 

Other idea… the destroyer mods sould be sold for credits again. This workshop forcing people with no RNG to buy gs to buy their destroyer parts is just mean.

Or be able to craft them from materials(Metal Blanks, Silicon, Computing Chips, Osmium and so on)so we would have a larger variety of uses for them rather than ship crafting, and some modules here and there, trading should be somewhat of a short cut and not the only way to do it.

i agree with both of you, tbh i would rather mind buying the parts for GS than farming my a$$ off to find the stupid containers

I’d rather they go back to like they were.

This is awful. These containers are awful. The market is awful.

Get the right container-> get the right drop-> do all of this again since you need 2 different parts-> and then the usual expensive ingredients like monos etc, it just never ends. When does playtime even begin…

It had the possibility to be a cool and useful feature, but no there is no reason to call “trade” trade. You can’t trade. And if you try, you are super limited and must pay every time. GS is mandatory.


These containers only reinforce the fact that all of this is extremely flawed in that a random container has a random drop and that random drop has an exceptionally high chance of simply being stored away forever and be useless because it can’t be sold or nobody wants it. Blueprints should be TRADEable and parts should be tradable and sellable. Blueprints have no place in the market.

They should also be removed from containers and re-added to OS.

I’d like to drop ANY non-alpha container…They simply dont exist for me. Alphas drops like mad, I get one per 2-3 fights, but other dont drop at all.


If you insist staying in this system, give us tokens. Get tokens winning the battle -> spend tokens to get a cache YOU want -> open it with iridium to get random loot.

5 minutes ago, Rob40468 said:

I’d like to drop ANY non-alpha container…They simply dont exist for me. Alphas drops like mad, I get one per 2-3 fights, but other dont drop at all.


If you insist staying in this system, give us tokens. Get tokens winning the battle -> spend tokens to get a cache YOU want -> open it with iridium to get random loot.


Everyone up-vote this idea right now. This is a great idea.

4 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:


Everyone up-vote this idea right now. This is a great idea.

You can +1 it all day but it needs to go in SUGGESTIONS and then I will definitely give it a +1! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


I saw only one pattern tho in dem boxes, 5-6 items ranked from useless to ultra rare, and guess what you will get most of the time? You got it, the pirate blueprints! lol