I must admit that i play SC from time to time and i always seem to hit this wall when crafting comes into play with the most needed recource of Monos that seem to be extremely rare to find. I know there is the Container for 1.500 Iridium that contains 50 Monos but even obtaining the Iridum feels like a chore considering that it takes me a few days of daily looting from the 1st win of the day reward.
In OS with the Mole Event currently going even during an hour of farming every Astro that i see and yields around 100 Parts/round i see 1-3 Monos if i´m lucky with the drops. So i don´t know if i overlook here anything but is there even a “legit way” to get Monos at a decent rate or is this really intended to make them so rare? I mean for crafting Monos are mostly a main component and we need hundreds of them just to craft 1 ship or a good bunch to craft 1 item but considering how few i find it feels like i make no real progress at all while i drown in all the ores and their refined material but not use it to craft the components/parts with it.
4 hours ago, Vesperion said:
(…)In OS with the Mole Event currently going even during an hour of farming every Astro that i see and yields around 100 Parts/round i see 1-3 Monos if i´m lucky with the drops. (…)
Well - I usually have 10-12 monos per 100 Mole components, so seems you are just unlucky.
I also obtain monos from daily missions or missions in open space. But the best (for me) “source” is fighting at portals and conquests - just being rewarder for getting influence points.
5 hours ago, ZygZagRK said:
Well - I usually have 10-12 monos per 100 Mole components, so seems you are just unlucky
Then i must be insanly unlucky considering that i start to reach the 1k line of Mole parts atm so you can guess how many Monos i made with my sort of luck in those 10 hours of mining.
I would not really say anything to farming Monos if the yield would be “more decent”. I even have somewhere in my backyard in theory the Relic that waits to get build at some point (not to mention basicly every other ship that can be crafted) so i hoped that the mining update and Mole would make it more beneficial but from what i heared so far about it “farming for the Mole to get a mining ship that not really does his job properly is basicly downgrade, wasted time and recources at the current point” i could stick to get the parts for other ships but oh wait… there where those things called Monos that you need for basicly 90% of every crafting recipe that exists in the workshop.
For me crafting is pretty demotivating if you can´t really progress cus you have more or less more then enough mats but can not build the components due the lack of monos most of the time.
6 hours ago, Vesperion said:
Then i must be insanly unlucky considering that i start to reach the 1k line of Mole parts atm so you can guess how many Monos i made with my sort of luck in those 10 hours of mining.
It’s not all about luck. For monocrystals to drop you have to have the best extraction possible. 1 in 10 asteroids seems about right, sometimes they drop two monos.
yes, there’s days with monos and days without, also… but you must find best way to kill asteroids, make its orange as if in fusion, and after choose the best rate of fire, (usually one by second or a little less) and you should get 5 loots maybe 6 with Moles’s parts. You should find monos and a lot of credits, maybe more on “rich asteroides”.
Good luck ”)
16 hours ago, niripas said:
It’s not all about luck. For monocrystals to drop you have to have the best extraction possible. 1 in 10 asteroids seems about right, sometimes they drop two monos.
I´m pretty sure that i´m already sitting on the best possible extraction point after optimizing as much as possible in terms of RPM and as much as i´m aware you have hit the perfect extraction when a Rich Crystal Astro gives 2 Mole parts what is already the case.
5 hours ago, SheenShade said:
yes, there’s days with monos and days without, also… but you must find best way to kill asteroids, make its orange as if in fusion, and after choose the best rate of fire, (usually one by second or a little less) and you should get 5 loots maybe 6 with Moles’s parts. You should find monos and a lot of credits, maybe more on “rich asteroides”.
Good luck ”)
Well if i have it correctly in mind each Astro drops with perfect extraction 1 Mole part + 4 loots while Rich Astros drop 2 Mole parts + 5 loots.
A bit earlier today i did fly a short round for 50 parts and the result was aside from 6 alien capacitors for 120 Iridum the Monos still stay a (feeled) legendary drop for me with only 2 monos what basicly is a 25 Astros for 1 Mono rate.
The question of course is if eventually even the area plays a role where certain drops are more common then others but then again i obtained the 6 capactiors from the short round today from the same area i use for farming anyways…
I just made a smal ride to check what would be monocrystal harvest in 100 Mole parts run… 86 minutes and 9 from 100 asteroids. Not the fastest harvest I made but still - almost 10%. It was Ice Pits. I think I will find some time to check same runs at PB-42, Pilgrim-11 and Terramorfing station. It may be interesting.

EDIT: Pilgrim-11 3 monos /30 asteroids
4 hours ago, ZygZagRK said:
Terramorfing station
Well i did Terra and aside from the Sentinel-AIs it either seems really depend on the sector you hunt or the game wants to troll me now.

What makes it even more confusing is the thing that Terramorph has a difficulty of Medium while the sectors i hunt normaly have high difficulty just with the difference that those have not really any threads in them. Only reason for Terra´s 90 minutes of flight time was another pilot in the sector who did hunt some Astros as well.
Aside from that i noticed the following as well now
Monos seem to drop from the ores classified as “Rich ore” so basicly every Rich Astro and Rich “insert mineral” Astro is the one that needs to be looked for. Astros have a small chance to have at least 1 Rich Ore drop for 1 possible Mono. Poor Astros are not droping any Rich Ore so they are just for some extra credits and raw minerals
14 hours ago, Vesperion said:
Poor Astros are not droping any Rich Ore so they are just for some extra credits and raw minerals
… and monocrystals as well.
Edit: I just went out to test those Poor Asteroids. They do drop rich ores.

6 hours ago, Vesperion said:
(…)Monos seem to drop from the ores classified as “Rich ore” so basicly every Rich Astro and Rich “insert mineral” Astro is the one that needs to be looked for. Astros have a small chance to have at least 1 Rich Ore drop for 1 possible Mono. Poor Astros are not droping any Rich Ore so they are just for some extra credits and raw minerals
Wrong, mate. Monos can drop from all asteroids. Rich astro - as for now - have option to give you 2xMole component.
5 hours ago, niripas said:
… and monocrystals as well.
Then the rate for them seems very low cus i did keep track when a mono was collected and non of the poor has given me any in this round.
1 hour ago, ZygZagRK said:
Rich astro - as for now - have option to give you 2xMole component
I have not talked about the Mole part cus there still is a difference between Mo n o and Mo l e and i currently fokus on Mono Crystals. Mole parts are not the issue cus i get them everytime. However it gives a small difference between “normal” Rich Astros and the Rich Astros with the additional Mineral Name in them. “Normal” Rich Astros have the chance to drop an additional Mole part while the ones with the Mineral in their Name for example Rich Crystal Astro always have 2 Mole parts.
I can only repeat myself and say that this is from my experience of the game and farming. Everyone else can have a different experience so if others obtained Monos from Poor Astros then they experienced it so while i have not. Same goes for my Mono rates. I will however check some other sectors as well to see if this was now really just a trolling from the game or if they really affect certain rates.
Seems today I am “the unlucky guy” 
So after i today wanted to be at least done with the parts for the 2nd cabin i did a run for 250 mole parts to have at least the items ready when at some point i can manufacture it and Mole would get a nice buff to make it worth going for it in terms of mining.

However during my run of 3 hours and 20 mins (yes it took this long due sometimes for several minutes no Astro did respawn) it still boils down to rngesus for Monos and Capas cus Monos and the Alien Capacitors drop only from the Rich Ores of an Astro.
A perfect extraction from each Astro yields always the same number of ores
Poor Astro: 3 Ore; 1 Rich Ore
Astro: 2 Ore; 2 Rich Ore
Rich Astro: 1 Ore; 3 Rich Ore
“Mineral” Astro: 2 Rich Ore; 2 Mineral Ore
Rich “Mineral” Ore; 2 Rich Ore; 2 Mineral Ore
From my experience during this run the “best chances” to find a Mono or Capacitor are Astros and Rich Astros due they seem to have the most balanced chances for them. The Mineral Astros seem to have an higher chance that even the Rich ores drop the sector specific Mineral then other stuff so those are not the best bet for Monos and Capas. The only difference i noticed between the Mineral Astros and the Rich Mineral Astros is that the Rich Mineral Astros give 2 Mole parts while all other Astros give only 1 Mole part and after 1.500 i never encountered a double Mole drop from any other Astro with perfect extractions all the time.
Due Poor Astros drop with an perfect extraction 1 Rich Ore they have the chance as well for an Mono or Capa as i know can confirm.
Aside from that and for the love of keyboards can we maybe expect a change that all items in range will be collected at once rather then 1 by 1 with a new press of C all the time? Even if the collection goes relatively fast i find it a bit anoying and impractical.