Best Premium PvE Ship?

What premium ship should I get to maximize credit farming, I read some old posts saying the Mauler is very decent or the Patriarch, are these still viable and what should I equip them with?

5 hours ago, SardonicWrath said:

What premium ship should I get to maximize credit farming, I read some old posts saying the Mauler is very decent or the Patriarch, are these still viable and what should I equip them with?

Boremys with MIRV for Fire Support/Def Contract if you want to play it that way. 

Alternatively, Patriarch with MIRV,

Mauler/Black Dragon/Executor with Coil Mortars or Dagnith Launcher

or Spark with Singularity Cannons.


I use Spirit with Sk’Rah and Stingray with Ions, Stingray takes out the large targets, Spirit can hack some of the destroyable objects and double for beacon capturing, I also use Ze’Ta for things such as the cruiser but since it’s not a premium you can use coil LRFs, Executor can work nicely.

Thanks for the replies, I ended up getting the Patriarch for now, will try the other ships.

10 hours ago, Scar6 said:

Alternatively, Patriarch with MIRV,

Mauler/Black Dragon/Executor with Coil Mortars or Dagnith Launcher

or Spark with Singularity Cannons.


Are the MIRVs a must or get any better?, I bought a MIRV 17 tried it on a level 8 mission and they weren’t doing very well compared to the Coil Mortars, although I only have both at green qaulity atm

5 hours ago, SardonicWrath said:

Are the MIRVs a must or get any better?, I bought a MIRV 17 tried it on a level 8 mission and they weren’t doing very well compared to the Coil Mortars, although I only have both at green qaulity atm


I would rather recommend the Proximity Morter than the MIRV but the trio weapons are good for what they accomplish each. Coil Morter is good if you are running around tight spaces. MIRV launcher is good if you know that small group of enermies are coming together (usually PVE) the details didnt state the range for seek range and they dont always seek enemies… Proximity Mortar is like a mortar… it spreads out before hitting target and has a further AOE range. Theres also weapons like the Heavy Blaster good for any situation and the Dag’tnith Launcher which is good at sloing enemies to near crawling imo… But this is my opinion having leveled every non prem ships below rank 9 so i cant say much.

11 hours ago, SardonicWrath said:

Are the MIRVs a must or get any better?, I bought a MIRV 17 tried it on a level 8 mission and they weren’t doing very well compared to the Coil Mortars, although I only have both at green qaulity atm

It is awesome in Def Contract. Huge range (>6km) and you just have to position yourself right (allow few km space between you and the next spawn), it kills Turtles, Rabid - you name it. For cruiser - each projectile counts as a separate damage source, basically tripling what coil mortar could do. It’s weakness is close range combat, so avoid that (but you have pulsar and energy converter for that).