Best Invincible Setup ?

Which setup is your opinion the best for the Invincible destroyer ?


Currently I use this setup




on invincible you have to forget that you have shields, passive shield slot is pretty much wasted (unless you use Compact Shield Generator, but voltage regulator is better anyways)

Multiphase on Empire Dessy is an another waste of fire power, it is absolutely pointless to boost shields

And there’s no need to stack hull strength on an empire destroyer…

Stack resistances, as much as you can. There’s no way en engineer will ever heal 180k hull points. 


Take crystal plate, two galva and that’s it. Then one motor for rotation, and it’s up to you to take 2 cpu, or 1 cpu + 1 capacitor. 

Same goes for the active modules : Don’t take the shield resist buff ! Take a turret instead. 


No galavas on R8

get some proton walls. Damage and hitpoints are already so massive you can run defensive modules and not hurt yourself.

The best build is a little something I like to call the “Procyon”. And another good one I’ve heard of is called “Archon”.

1 minute ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

The best build is a little something I like to call the “Procyon”. And another good one I’ve heard of is called “Archon”.

Procion is pretty bad in R8 comparing to Archon or Invincible

Why the hate on invincible, its a decent ship.

I wouldnt run halo with long range and i wouldnt either use enhanced scanner…but i guess thats a possibility.

13 hours ago, xKostyan said:

on invincible you have to forget that you have shields, passive shield slot is pretty much wasted (unless you use Compact Shield Generator, but voltage regulator is better anyways)

Multiphase on Empire Dessy is an another waste of fire power, it is absolutely pointless to boost shields


Ok i try this :


but in pve (fire support) the last enemy (cruiser), send me to the eternal hunting grounds, with 3 - 4 rounds from the front turrets



In a fire support you must use cover to bloc 3/4 of Cruiser guns and slowly come over the corner killing engines and turrets 2 at a time.

For Fire Support using Halos is perfectly fine, but i wouldnt recomend them in T3 PvP