Beryllium "Plates" aren't plates.

Just wanted to tell ya that the “Enriched Beryllium” says that they are “plates” but are actually rods. This bugs me to no extent. Please fix.

Maybe that’s just a picture of extruded beryllium, and they’ve yet to be hammered flat :stuck_out_tongue:

*hands you a blob of glass*

Here, have a mug.

It says #1 logician.

Or at least it will.

See how that is kinda weird? Xp

I like u foxy when i near you i feel like im a normal person too

There’s no feeling normal around me. Not unless there’s something really wrong with you.


When somebody is really crazy and around you, the scale of craziness is being crushed so hard that even the craziest guy feels normal compared to you :stuck_out_tongue:


When somebody is really crazy and around you, the scale of craziness is being crushed so hard that even the craziest guy feels normal compared to you :stuck_out_tongue:

thank you for translating my feelings better than me 

Yup. I have that effect.

Though really. If someone delivers a palate of clay and says they are bricks you’re gonna think something’s off.

Btw, I’m not an Omega. But a Sigma instead!

[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)

Just wanted to tell ya that the “Enriched Beryllium” says that they are “plates” but are actually rods. This bugs me to no extent. Please fix.




If only reporting such a thing as a “text bug” would get it fixed. Much as neodium doesn’t exist, neither are beryllium plates actually plates.