
First of all let me start off by saying this game is amazing, it plays well and feels good. The atmosphere in the heat of battle is just insane, love the moment before battles and as soon as everyone jumps into battle, really gets me all pumped up and ready to fight.

But after playing for countless hours, I’ve began to notice that something doesn’t seem right about the beams and the things I’ve noticed are; The beams are accurate, obviously, but they seem maybe TOO accurate? The beams encourage camping in a space game which doesn’t seem like something you’d do but when I join a match I see atleast five players camping ontop of asteroids firing their lasers away. So my point is, I personally think Beams should be nerfed. This could just be me having a bad day and if so, then completely ignore this post…

Apart from that, simply amazing game!

Move, move and move thats it to outmacht beams. Use the Area around you to avoid being hit and talk to your team. Focus xyz and a frig is spacedust in seconds. Even a single Interceptor can terminate a friget easily without taking much damage at all. Get close and you can trash beams.

higher tier frigates ussualy using railgun than laser, especialy there’s tech for making Thermal Railgun, make it par with laser due negating railgun weakness for shield (but also remove advantage for hull) …

laser only effective for target that almost not move, and higher than 10K range laser hardly can hit anything due require accuracy that impossible to human aim a super small pixel at that range… remind me a frigate with long range laser desperately try shoot me at that range and it always missed…

Lasors suck in my opinion because you have to keep the target in the reticule while firing on a moving tarket 10 klicks away for 1.5 seconds or so, in order to do decent damage. Wich is very very hard to do. That’s why lasors are abandoned as soon as possible by the way on tech 2 frigates.

They suck so much, i think they have to be rebalanced somehow, they seem useless at the moment, in any ship setup.

I also think that lasers are too weak. They’re terrible in dogfights, especially against interceptors. There should be a Gatling Laser (instead of the useless Economy Laser) that has very high rate of fire and doesn’t require one to keep the beam on the target for as long.

getting sniped by 2-3 bot frigates as anything= dead

beams are awfully over powered on bots imho

BUT~ even human users can get deadly accuracy and have the same result or even worse

it should be nerfed

I also think that lasers are too weak. They’re terrible in dogfights, especially against interceptors. There should be a Gatling Laser (instead of the useless Economy Laser) that has very high rate of fire and doesn’t require one to keep the beam on the target for as long.

actually all weapon in same duration of shoot give almost same damage, just their characteristic give different output in field use…

without any mod , by default :

laser is slow rate of fire, high energy use, channeling, long range, high accuracy

railgun is mid rate of fire , mid energy use , spread /shotgun-like , mid range, not so accurate due spreading

plasma is rapid rate of fire, low energy use , gattling-like, close range , you literaly rain this so who need accuracy

there’s no high rate of fire laser (or not yet) , all laser ROF is 54-60 , and i doubt there’s gonna any… since 3/4 of laser Rate of fire is the shooting time. at least all laser tech is talk about distance and damage, so it pay off… only if the dev could fix the inaccurate problem for 10k++ range laser…

there’s no high rate of fire laser (or not yet) , all laser ROF is 54-60 , and i doubt there’s gonna any… since 3/4 of laser Rate of fire is the shooting time. at least all laser tech is talk about distance and damage, so it pay off… only if the dev could fix the inaccurate problem for 10k++ range laser…

Long-range combat is not a problem with lasers. Short-range is huge problem because it’s impossible to keep a target with high transversal velocity in the beam long enough to do damage.

well… that one depend on your mouse and… uh… superhuman gamers reaction?

my mouse has a button that raises/lowers the DPI on the fly. That, + playing in 2560x1440@27" makes long range lasers quite workable. Interceptors are still a pain at long range though…