Beacon Hunt - thanks!

I just wanted to say thank you very much for putting in Beacon Hunt.  


Its a great way to get Beacon cap/defend Contracts done.  


Its also a quick game if you don’t have those Contracts, it seems the team with the situational awareness to notice a Beacon switch is a pretty quick win.  Interesting to see if this keeps up as people learn.  

Could we have randomized becaons though please

Ah, they follow a pattern?


I suspected that.  


It makes it really easy for squads to dominate, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that as there are two one-sided matches for every back-and-forth one.  


I’m seeing a lot of neglected ships like Fed Frigates showing up and dominating more, its a great game type.  

Well, the pattern isn’t too hard to figure out: A-B-C. Randomizing it would be even more fun.


Though I have to second the op’s notion: Beacon hunt is cool. I feel a bit useless on my favorite 'ceptors, but still, that game mode produces many close matches, and those are the best. Yesterday I won in a team with a score of 1>0. The tension!

+1 to all above.

This mode is so much fun. It would be even more fun if the beacon activation is totally randomized. So the ceptors can play out their advantage. Travel speed and capping speed . Right now even the slowest Frig is in advantage by getting to the predictable next activated beacon. Making it randomized will make it a fun gambling for frigs " A,B or C ? Hmmmmm , i’ll go C " 20 secs later , B gets activated … " DOOOOH ! " xD.

I’m glad to tell that this game mode was my suggestion :slight_smile: Enjoying it too. Actually devs are listening!

I’m enjoying this gamemode so much. Thanx to the devs and to Zerk1, who had the Idea! :smiley:

For my opinion randomizing beacons is a bad idea. Random always is bad :frowning: If you can predict you can prepare and build your tactics on changing beacons properly. This is first anticamper game mode :slight_smile:

I meant it in regards to balance the chances for every ship class. Frigs for holding , ceptors for getting fast there and capping and fighters for both :wink: . Momentary i see a light advantage for Frigs .  Just my thoughts but may be im wrong. This game mode is still young , we will see how it will evolve.



And very thx to you Zerk , for this good mode :slight_smile:

Ah, they follow a pattern?


I suspected that.  


It makes it really easy for squads to dominate, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that as there are two one-sided matches for every back-and-forth one.  


I’m seeing a lot of neglected ships like Fed Frigates showing up and dominating more, its a great game type.  



squads dominate because pugs don’t look at egg timer. New beacon lights up and they are still dogfighting somewhere random or flying to reinforce old beacon fight while squad has their ceptor on the new beacon and their fighter on the way there. 

I agee. The new beacon hunt is nicely done.

This has become my most favourite game mode by now, it tends to always end on the edhe, which is simply thrilling! :smiley:

I have to agree, though, randomized bacons would spice the whole thing just a little more, by now it is pretty damn easy to just wait and cap the next becaoon before anybody gets a chance to get there, if it’s randomized, the forces should THEORETICALLY always be more or less split evenly between all three beacons.

The biggest drawback of this game mode is the snowball effect. After the initial furball, one team usually has so many dead that they trickle back in one a a time. These stragglers are easily eliminated by the pile of enemies at the beacon.


It takes a lot of luck for the team that initially falls behind to get organized enough to wait until everyone is back on the map before attacking again.

This mode is fast becoming my favorite too!


As for lack of team coordination, welcome to random pug matches, that’s just the way it is. There’s a reason professional sports aren’t done by random teams of players, since a team of randoms will have very little chance of coordination or practice with each other.


That said, it is worth noting that I’ve seen a lot more beacon hunt matches now going to the team that knows the inactive beacons location and rushes to them to set up defenses in anticipation of the switch. Very smart, but is leading back to a situation where a team can really set up a harsh static defense via multiple frigates chaining their use of pulsar and mine field. Again smart use, an by no means invalid.


Would be nice to see the order of the beacon’s randomized forcing a team trying this tactic to be very aware AND lucky. Otherwise it can be rather easy to simply setup inpenetrable defense on two inactive beacons while letting the first beacon capture go.


Could also got a step further and either not have the inactive beacons physically there until activation (I assume that might be a problem for the game engine) or perhaps instead, they emit a pulsar damage field in a wide area while inactive thereby preventing people camping them… just a thought.