Battle screenshots contest — Discussion

Show everyone who’s boss in the universe of Star Conflict! Details can be found here.

How can you take a screenshot without HUD while you’re focusing on killing someone? I mean will you accept with the HUD/UI? If so, then it will be easy to record a video, then take the best frame out of it.


Also I don’t think I can like rotate the camera while fighting to get a nice side view for the fight. :confused:



How can you take a screenshot without HUD while you’re focusing on killing someone? I mean will you accept with the HUD/UI? If so, then it will be easy to record a video, then take the best frame out of it.


Also I don’t think I can like rotate the camera while fighting to get a nice side view for the fight. :confused:




So take it with HUD :slight_smile:

So take it with HUD :slight_smile:

Well is there’s any reply mechanics in this game? Like World of Tanks or War Thunder? Last question!

So, found this screenshot in my library of them. Took this screenshot almost 2 years ago at this point, but it still looks epic, despite the fact that I died.





P.S. this was an accidental screenshot.

ING: xKostyan





Enemy destroyed 1337.
What more do you want from life?







I don’t see rules that we can’t use old screenshots so here it is. I call my screenshots the Art of Laser, the Art of Mine, and the Art of Nuke.


I don’t see rules that we can’t use old screenshots so here it is. I call my screenshots the Art of Laser, the Art of Mine, and the Art of Nuke.


Dat nostalgia doh

The good old times when i still was a Ace and exploring the maps(and stuck in them):

Aliens, Aliens, Aliens:*,*%7C1024:576&background-color=black&.jpg (Steam)*,*%7C1024:576&background-color=black&.png (Steam)


Because the Forum is saying ‘You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.’ . I decided to post the link, because i don’t have the time to get rid of this problem.

Here i show my set…i had a hard time selecting the pictures since i have plenty xD


Nick: Papitas



Please re-upload the picture.

Getting rekt


How can you take a screenshot without HUD while you’re focusing on killing someone? I mean will you accept with the HUD/UI? If so, then it will be easy to record a video, then take the best frame out of it.


Also I don’t think I can like rotate the camera while fighting to get a nice side view for the fight. :confused:



option 1 u can use the oculus rift to get rid of your HUD/UI like i did just calibrate it for long distence and then sit in front of your hud

option 2 u can make your computer think u have a oculus attatcht by using a bunsh of shading software/hacking (could be possible but dont think it will work)

option 3 use photoshop, paint or any other image chansing program like papitas did and just cut out the outer parts of your screen and cover up the targeting redicule

p.s. i dont think option 3 is fair thay ask for screenshots not photo’s that are eddited. someone who is great with photoedit will always win this kind of contests if the rules allow it.



my contest pictures:

flying in formation ready to kill


taking out an enemy covert ops in open space



did use paint to cut the screen in half to get rid of the dubble screen effect u get from the oculus.(originals are availeble but confusing becals of the dubble screen)

option 1 u can use the oculus rift to get rid of your HUD/UI like i did just calibrate it for long distence and then sit in front of your hud

option 2 u can make your computer think u have a oculus attatcht by using a bunsh of shading software/hacking (could be possible but dont think it will work)

option 3 use photoshop, paint or any other image chansing program like papitas did and just cut out the outer parts of your screen and cover up the targeting redicule

p.s. i dont think option 3 is fair thay ask for screenshots not photo’s that are eddited. someone who is great with photoedit will always win this kind of contests if the rules allow it.



my contest pictures:

flying in formation ready to kill


taking out an enemy covert ops in open space



did use paint to cut the screen in half to get rid of the dubble screen effect u get from the oculus.(originals are availeble but confusing becals of the dubble screen)

Im sorry, i did not used a single edit program over those pictures; those pictures havent recieved a single change since the capture ingame (with F12). In order to deactivate hud you can use the shortcut “alt+H” (without the quotes and plus). Take notice that going without hud is much more harder since you dont know when modules are ready, wich ships are friendly or foe, you have to visually spot ships and not rely on radar, whats your current shields and hulls, where you are aiming, etc. A pretty nice challenge to play games without it, also quite fun…and game also looks so much better.


Here are mine! 

hopefull this will work now other screens didnt go :C hope this will do it (y) JVLsvzd.jpg

           I originally had no intention to do this whole competition thing as I did not want to have to add a nice photo on top of the thoughts of the battle, but it turns out I had this neat little photo from a while back. I personally use it as my desktop background.   


“You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.”   <=This is a serious restriction to my uploading capability so here is link to nice photo.

1.  i like this moment as enemy ship done reconnaissance flight … no chance




  1. oh yeah … multi kill … burn baby burn




  1. i call it: nuclear phoenix





bonus screenshot
kill same guy in some simultaneously time
