Battle Log is Inaccurate

Several times, I’ve used Jericho Tormentor guard in part 3/3 of Shipyard pve. I noticed while looking at Punisher (Boss) kill results, it usually says I didn’t do anything.  But I did. I hit it with 3 EM torpedos, 5 or 6 torpedos if it goes on long enough for a reload, the guard’s pulsar, and a coil mortar almost constantly.  I know I am doing more than 0.0 damage like the log says.


This guard can survive Punisher (Boss)'s pulsar, so I don’t duck/hide from it much.  I hit it with coil mortar almost the whole time.


In the attached log, sometimes I used “Ship_Race3_L_T4_Faction1”, and sometimes I used “Ship_Race2_L_T4”.  The very last battle in the log is one example of me, the guard and Punisher (Boss) results.

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6857)

02:23:15.802 CMBT   | Killed Gail -> Ship_Bot_Boss_Elite_T5;     totalDamage 30704.08; Module_GuidedDron_T4_Mk3
02:23:15.802 CMBT   |   Assisted Dazarco assisted to Gail -> Ship_Bot_Boss_Elite_T5;     totalDamage 0.00;  <buff>
02:23:15.802 CMBT   |   Assisted binzz assisted to Gail -> Ship_Bot_Boss_Elite_T5;     totalDamage 443415.88; Expendable_BasicGuidedDron_T3_Mk2 <buff>
02:23:15.821 CMBT   |          Dazarco reward 10 effective points for buff assist to kill


This is one where I used an engineer with attack drones on Punisher (Boss).  The Battle Log in game says nothing about damage done by me.  It says Gail did 6.5% of the damage and the rest of the credit of 93.5% damage went to binzz, which is not true.


I killed some of the enemy healers too. Everything was working. I had 3 attack drones out.  In addition to attack drones, I shot Punisher several times with positron cannon, and the engineer module drones hit it as well.

02:49:04.138 CMBT   | Killed perfidy -> Ship_Bot_Boss_Elite_T5;     totalDamage 43644.66; Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T4_Mk2
02:49:04.138 CMBT   |   Assisted Dazarco assisted to perfidy -> Ship_Bot_Boss_Elite_T5;     totalDamage 0.00;  <buff>
02:49:04.138 CMBT   |   Assisted GrimeX assisted to perfidy -> Ship_Bot_Boss_Elite_T5;     totalDamage 171268.66; Expendable_BasicGuidedDron_T3_Mk3 <buff>
02:49:04.138 CMBT   |   Assisted Worklog66 assisted to perfidy -> Ship_Bot_Boss_Elite_T5;     totalDamage 110038.83; Weapon_Railgun_Heavy_T3_Mk1
02:49:04.156 CMBT   |          Dazarco reward 10 effective points for buff assist to kill


It’s still saying I’m doing no damage at all to Punisher (Boss).  The percentages for the other 3 on the team added up to 100%, which means my damage is 0.0% according to that.  I’m doing a lot more damage than 0.0 to Punisher.  This is happening with both ships that I used last night / today: Tormentor and Grizzly-M.

The kill credits are time based.  How much time was it between your last damage dealt and the boss dieing?

The kill credits are time based.  How much time was it between your last damage dealt and the boss dieing?


Usually seconds. Something like: between coil mortar or positron cannon shots, Punisher dies. Often, my engineer attack drones are on the boss even though they did not get the final hit in.

jrisom is correct. The time outs can be fairly short. It’s not the log which is incorrect, it’s just the way the reward system works. If you want to see the actual damage you did you need to run full combat logs by using this chat command:

/set cl_combatLog 4

You could then use my [log parser](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21314-snibs-star-conflict-log-analyzer/) to run the sums but it will currently not display damage per individual enemy.