Bashe so far is a failure

So far the ship is actively a failure.

Of the multitude of problems that destroyers face in the modern meta of star conflict; Bashe fails at every corner to address even one.

  • Destroyers require regeneration outside of the missile slot
  • Destroyers require a way to block projectiles from long range frigates
  • Destroyers require a way to fight multiple targets at once
  • Destroyers require a weapons with long range

Somehow; Bashe fails at every point with it’s “unique kit”.
Bashe has no form of self-sustain, it cannot block projectiles without sacrificing hull repair, it cannot fight multiple targets at once and it’s unique weapon is SECOND LOWEST RANGE weapon in the entire destroyer lineup - only second to Fort-4… post nerf.

As a result, Bashe is nearly unplayable when using it’s unique kit. If you are required to swap targets due to proximity you will be forced to outright ignore the second target with no method of deterring them whilst fighting your attacker as the weapon takes three seconds to fire a shot that will deal any damage at all. This is of course ignoring the “lightning” homing system - this module seemingly exists to randomly kill players not using “meta” equipment as thanks to it’s poor rotation and complete lack of control it is quite literally just random.
The module has the lowest rotation in the game; coming in at a whopping 60 degrees a second (taking 6 full seconds to do a 360) but is meant to be justified by it’s obnoxious design.
The module fires a… ahem… 10,000 damage projectile with 10,000m range with 9,000m/s projectile speed that ricochets 3 times to enemies within 10,000m of the target point.
So far the only controllable usage for this module so far is in a coordinate setting:

  • A helios places an asteroid just above spawn in conquest
  • 3 or more Bashe’s fire at the asteroid after ~30 seconds of the battle lapsing
  • Some random eats 15k EM damage or more without being able to dodge

Which yes; Helios.
Someone greenlit a destroyer after the developers pushed Helios to live - a ship infamous for dealing the same damage as a hindenburg disintegrator every single shot. You know; that module that has a 25 second cooldown.
Unsurprisingly Helios eats Bashe alive.
Who could have seen that one coming.

tl;dr If you were on the fence about the ship - currently it’s a skip - focus resources on anything else you need to catch up on and Helios hard counters the ship with ease.