Ban time! Really?

My new favorite thing in this game.
So I forced to go back in R8 because of reasons. I got a nice team for domination, the enemy team got all 3 beacons in like 30 sec.
I thought while my team sleeps (I got top score btw) I go and do my daily OS missions. I left the battle and launched in OS and then this happened.



I know quitting is against the rules but, really? and why do I get ban time for a game feature? ![:facepalm:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/facepalm.png “:facepalm:”) ![:alien2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/alien2.png “:alien2:”)
And one hour really? Also being ineffective in battle is against the rules too, so my team mates got banned too? We already lost that round no matter what. Also on the new tier system
the battles in the two lower tier are just chaotic. This made me really sad. Also this is the only game what managed to make me quitting in middle of a battle. (but this is an other story)
But okay I can spin around with my ship for 5 mins and watch my team do nothing, but this could be prevented with a proper patch log. I couldn’t found any mentioning about this.
But now I know. 

tbh. I agree with the ban. No matter how xxxx is the game, they should have this feature way earlier. I didn’t know about this feature but I like it.
I understand your point but still…  I like the ban for disconnecters/leavers there is no acceptable reason to leave a game and not join back if its possible. Leave is not fair for the fighters like me who fight till the end even if its worthless.

No acceptable reason - I’m not going to watch my ship stutter and flounder and the timer stay on 5:19 while my internet packs it in. It does not respond AT ALL during this time, so why stay? So I can get “could not connect with server” just before the loot screen?


48 minutes ago, Gizmomac said:

tbh. I agree with the ban. No matter how xxxx is the game, they should have this feature way earlier. I didn’t know about this feature but I like it.
I understand your point but still…  I like the ban for disconnecters/leavers there is no acceptable reason to leave a game and not join back if its possible. Leave is not fair for the fighters like me who fight till the end even if its worthless.

Allow me to direct you to my last three attempts at getting a permanent rejoin button…

12 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Allow me to direct you to my last three attempts at getting a permanent rejoin button…

Checked I support the ideal.
It would prevent this:

The PC crashed and when I tried to go back I double clicked by accident on the stupid error message… The game shouldn’t even ask that I like to join back of not. ofc I want to go back.

Ban for leaving a battle? You probably get reported.
But wait, is it someone worried by Thar’ga and this?

I got dc’d twice consecutively while attempting to rejoin… I don’t feel like being banned because my net was too crap to rejoin is a valid reason.

2 hours ago, Gizmomac said:

tbh. I agree with the ban. No matter how xxxx is the game, they should have this feature way earlier. I didn’t know about this feature but I like it.
I understand your point but still…  I like the ban for disconnecters/leavers there is no acceptable reason to leave a game and not join back if its possible. Leave is not fair for the fighters like me who fight till the end even if its worthless.

Yeah I was like that too, but when no one gives a thing to win or just to make a good fight my only option is to get slaughtered by soloing or go afk and watch the wall.
I don’t mind the ban cause it will not affect me in the future. The fact that they implement this change and no one telling about it is the problem.
btw a wild idea a disconnected rage quitter why won’t get replaced by an other player? The quitter obviously don’t want to play anymore

The message read, that you got banned for Chat abuse: cursing, spam and other offences.

Didn’t you read it?

Rage quit is everywhere in every game, you can basically choose to see a losing game as a fast forward to loot screen and prizes or you can pull off a tryhard maneuver and end up bitter because, surprise, you lost and were losing the entire time. It’s all about perspective and the game should be viewed as a game and nothing more.

7 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

The message read, that you got banned for Chat abuse: cursing, spam and other offences.

Didn’t you read it?

Good point maybe not the DC was the reason of ban. [@JaVi](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/255099-javi/) did you left some rage messages b4 leave?

Still a rage quit shouldn’t come without any consequences.

Quitting because you have to go for some reason is one thing (rl matters). But leaving your team just because they are loosing is just *** - i mean unfair towards the guys who try everything to win a game and maybe had been able to turn the battle around if not for 3 guys who (rage)disconnected (because they saw a Thar’Ga with more than 3 kills on the enemy team). Also i am just a player with a 1.07 w/l should i now quit every second game i play because of something ridiculous like a loss?


25 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

The message read, that you got banned for Chat abuse: cursing, spam and other offences.

Didn’t you read it?

I don’t think greeting my corp mates with a “hii” is cursing or spamming, and i didn’t write anything else to chat before the ban. It was other offences.

16 minutes ago, Gizmomac said:

Good point maybe not the DC was the reason of ban. [@JaVi](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/255099-javi/) did you left some rage messages b4 leave?

Not at all.

6 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

Still a rage quit shouldn’t come without any consequences.

Quitting because you have to go for some reason is one thing (rl matters). But leaving your team just because they are loosing is just *** - i mean unfair towards the guys who try everything to win a game and maybe had been able to turn the battle around if not for 3 guys who (rage)disconnected (because they saw a Thar’Ga with more than 3 kills on the enemy team). Also i am just a player with a 1.07 w/l should i now quit every second game i play because of something ridiculous like a loss?


Yes rage quit ban is not a bad thing.
I’m always among the guys who want to win the battle, but camping in 5 lrf in a beacon hunt or feeding the enemy or just be afk isn’t unfair?

It may be because there was someone on at the time who was reading reports or saw you do it. And the report “reason” was left at chat abuse, despite it being something else ;p

13 minutes ago, JaVi said:

Yes rage quit ban is not a bad thing.
I’m always among the guys who want to win the battle, but camping in 5 lrf in a beacon hunt or feeding the enemy or just be afk isn’t unfair?

I’m not one to say there should be insta bans without warnings. There should always be warnings and one to two chances per time period before you get a ban. And what you said about ruining a game (by beacon hunt lrf camping or being afk) should also be rewarded with a warning - and if repeated with a ban.

Well it turned out it was a GM who reported me and banned me, and not a new feature.
I’m ok with the ban. After all I did quit from the battle to do OS, but I can’t understand why can I leave battle if it potentially get me banned.

3 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

It’s all about perspective and the game should be viewed as a game and nothing more.

true. about the personal feelings, to keep calm. and i am not even saying an occasional rage quit isn’t a healthy “stop” if your nerves are blank. but self restraint is a personal thing, letting it go and seeing the game as not too serious to get really upset about - totally agreed, in that aspect, it’s just a game. in the light of behaviour however, the activity itself is also a social internet thing. you play with others. and whether its a game or anything else, simply leaving because you feel like it basicly is just rude. On that behalf, “it’s just a game” doesn’t cut it, so even if I would ragequit - which I don’t since I think, staying even as observer or loser teaches you a lot of things, and stuff like morale can work magic in the last minutes of some games - I would admit to myself, it’s not something nice to do, and it was me, who broke, by quitting. But I would not make it a habit, or use it regularly or do it on purpose. In clear text: if you play a single player game, you (rage)quit whenever you like, no need for shame - there should be a difference in a team game, tho. There is even a difference in what kind of game you play, as some allow you to join and quit (sandbox).

In a way, you also have to take it like “okay, it’s just a game” if you get banned, aswell. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

i find it cool, that OP actually admits, he personally felt the ban was somewhat “deserved” - and in that light i understand the puzzlement about it happening anyway, as it is still strange, but minor overall. I would have also thought, maybe you wrote something, and forgot it - Amnesia happens! ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

Oh and yeah, perma rejoin option would be awesome to have.

How often has this to be said. If you have issues with a punishment go here 

Message one of the GMs, rant, get it solved. Get an explaination, go to public with it is yet another violation.
But I will explain to you what happened.

You had bad luck.
You usually will not get immediately banned for disconnecting, since it can have many reasons.
But you were in the game with our big boss, the one you never see, the one who is on top of everyone, of me, of Cinnamon, of the devs. He saw it, didn’t like it, you got banned for an hour.
You should be glad it was not more…
But let this serve as a lesson, disconnecting from a game INTENTIONALLY is absolutely dumb and deserves to be punished, drops and internet issues, well, can’t help it.
If you feel like disconnecting or games go bad for you and you know it, don’t launch into PvP and ruins other’s game experience with your attitude.