Balancing to the dreadnought point system.

Hello Star Conflict Dev. team,


I want to post a topic about a new problem that has come up in dreadnought battle. I have been playing Star Conflict for the better part of three years and I like the progression of the game.  With that being said, I have found a new balancing problem with the addition of destroyers in dreadnought battle.  As it stands, taking down an enemy ship does 15pts damage to the enemy dread and taking down torps saves you 50pts per etc…  I felt that this system worked perfectly and still does for the most part. 


I love the idea of destroyers in battle, but what I don’t like is the fact that taking a destroyer down only costs 15pts damage.  I feel that for the effort, time and resources it takes to take down a destroyer, the points given should be increased significantly.   This will force teams to be more strategic with how they send certain ships across the map.  I would ultimately like to see the points vary with the type of ship destroyed. 


For example: Taking down an INT or fighter could cost the usual 15pts damage to the enemy dread. Taking down a bomb carrying INT or fighter would add 5pts to make it 20. Frigs should cost 17pts; and much like the dreadnought torpedoes, taking down a destroyer should also cost 50pts.  This would completely change the strategy of each team in dreadnought battles and discourage rushing in with frig and destroyer balls. 


Of course this is just an idea and all corps are welcome to weigh in.


Best regards,


Kratos. (Ultra C.E.O.)

I agree with you there should be also an upgrade of gain in pvp’s as well for example 2x more syn or something

I agree with you there should be also an upgrade of gain in pvp’s as well for example 2x more syn or something

Well you do get synergy per dmg you make, considering how much dmg you have to inflict on a destroyers - that much more synergy you gain from a kill.

No! Cov ops with nukes are too good, your system would make them even better!

Taking down a covert op does 15pts damage to the enemy dreadnought. For that one brave Cov Op, tackler, recon, or ECM carrying the bomb, I feel that adding 5pts additional damage to the enemy dread totals sounds pretty modest .

I like this idea, but not only for dreadnaughtys. It could prevent destroyer spam and frigballs on skirmishes too, even death matches could use a point system like that.

I would agree.As it is right now there isnt a even a decent way to counter that class of a ship yet.


there needs to be a serious look into balancing now.

I rarely do say it, but this totally makes sense and should be fixed.

Destroyers > Everything and yet they give same amount of points which is Meh.

I rarely do say it, but this totally makes sense and should be fixed.

Destroyers > Everything and yet they give same amount of points which is Meh.

im impressed i was expected another “NO!” from u.


Seems like u starting to betray that church

Kratos you totally stole that idea from me! And by that I mean I was thinking alongside the same thing too just earlier today… There should be a higher penalty for dying as a destroyer in dreads.


For that, you get my +1.

Don’t forget to take into account the longer respawn…

+1 for this idea. Really hard to destroy a destro in dread, since they have longer range, than the frigates, bigger damage and survivability than anything else and they can easily warp out from the fire range. + with the shields they can  protect themself with against the disintegrators.