Balancing Ships And Equipment

I would like to suggest a new way of bringing the performance of ships of all ranks closer together.

This suggestion would replace the current hidden bonuses for low rank ships.


The base stats of all ships currently increase with rank.

I suggest to equalize those stats across all ranks. A Dagger would for example have as much shields as a Wakizashi.

A Hercules would have as much base hull points as a Lightbringer.


All weapons should be equalized. Therw will no longer be an Ion Emitter for low, middle and high rank ships. There should only be one Ion emitter that can be installed on every fighter, regardless of rank.


The same would be true for active and passive modules. The differences between ranks would disappear.


Different upgrade levels would remain.


A ships rank should no longer reflect its base stats and base firepower.

A different rank would only determine the amount of slots, the number of active implants and the availability of modules and weapons. Those modules and weapons will however not get stronger on higher ranks.




This system would make progression for new players much simpler while also allowing a greater rank diversity in competitive gameplay.

It would also render hidden and confusing resist and damage buffs obsolete.



I suggested something like your incentive:


I Phoenix-cu_roundel.png.db2afe4f3d67354ac3c19b6d5e7eeb0a.png

[picture: Phoenic CU - cu is for custom]


I gave the example (2016?) of the phoenix, an empire engineer frigate. It would have the base stats from 5-15 and grind would go into modules and special modules…


I said, I would love this because of aesthetics, not every one likes to fly every ship cause it has the required/desired stats and rank – look how we buy our cars , often its also the looks and the design why we choose to buy a certain car - same should go with SC

We would love to have one or some ships we really love and care for based on looks, feel and design … to cary us through the years in SC and to customize and upgrade.


It would be a level of further abstraction: ship design from rank and base stats and from grind (which should stay as a  basic income tool for SC )

and might also discourage to lvl up any ship as well…

6 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

and might also discourage to lvl up any ship as well…

This tree should only work for unique and Ellydium ships. It makes no sense to make such a drastic rework now. It’s not economically viable.

My idea is more radical,

delete all similar ships,only keep 9,

give them each one a legendary story,let them fight,

they also can change skins,from those were deleted,

of course there will be more ships in the future.
Just like Overwatch,DOTA2,blah blah blah.Video Game Competition,you know that.

12 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

and might also discourage to lvl up any ship as well…

… right but notice not leveled up the ship will stay rather boring with limited number of modules and less variability to fit it the way you want (= meta builds in higher ranks )


12 hours ago, Koromac said:

This tree should only work for unique and Ellydium ships. It makes no sense to make such a drastic rework now. It’s not economically viable.

Maybe you’re right. But we have 3 shiṕ development/research modes (standard tree, ellydium roundel, unique roundel) plus these extra development options for premium ships like Phoenix, Khawiwashi-shmashi,  and some standards like the Styx (2nd type of drones)

I would bet they will like to consolidate this as well some time…

with the current system and  the  6 year broken MM , ranks should be  completely removed from the game all ships  should have the  unique ships traits and be  5-15 depending on what you want to lvl up

56 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

with the current system and  the  6 year broken MM , ranks should be  completely removed from the game all ships  should have the  unique ships traits and be  5-15 depending on what you want to lvl up

And that what just happened. Ranks are removed, but each ship has unique traits unlocked at different synergy levels. Evolution model will not work, because it’s already in the ship tree (eg. Apollo and Lightbringer are evolutions of Hercules). 

I do think that pirate and special ships should be variable rank. That would be great.


As for OP’s suggestion, I think that’s a little tougher to do than you think. Sure it can be done easily, but balancing that system for both newbies AND vets would be nearly impossible. Just buy and level up everything you get as a newbie and use it forever as a pro.

1 hour ago, niripas said:

And that what just happened. Ranks are removed, but each ship has unique traits unlocked at different synergy levels. Evolution model will not work, because it’s already in the ship tree (eg. Apollo and Lightbringer are evolutions of Hercules). 


and  Ellydium faction was supposed to get 10 ships … but things change as we know all too well … if  I have to fight a hurcules  while flying a  ronin I think the eveolution chain can be  broken and reworked 

Actually there should totally be a way to “prestige” a ship after you’ve used it enough, so that you can change its rank and slots corresponding to the rank which you want to play.


Like if you really like the Deimos, you can get 100k synergy on it or something, to unlock a ship tree like the NY18 one where you can rank it up to play in higher battles with better items etc. It should also add slots to ships with less than 9, as you rank up.


I would love to use my Kite-E and my Shark in T5.

I like your idea RedFox. There are a few lower ranking ships I do enjoy aswell.

58 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Actually there should totally be a way to “prestige” a ship after you’ve used it enough, so that you can change its rank and slots corresponding to the rank which you want to play.


Like if you really like the Deimos, you can get 100k synergy on it or something, to unlock a ship tree like the NY18 one where you can rank it up to play in higher battles with better items etc. It should also add slots to ships with less than 9, as you rank up.


I would love to use my Kite-E and my Shark in T5.

Yeah, they are quite unique. I love the Shark ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) Take a look on the Russian Wiki - there are different factions already split up from original three, maybe they are planning to do something… Different. It’s very hush hush now. 

For other ships you are doing exactly that for leveling ranks up - you are unlocking different abilities and configurations. I think someone asked already about evolution model for normal ships and I the answer was negative, though. If I was designing this I would add some more options to customize the SP ships. 

5 hours ago, niripas said:

Yeah, they are quite unique. I love the Shark ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) Take a look on the Russian Wiki - there are different factions already split up from original three, maybe they are planning to do something… Different. It’s very hush hush now. 

For other ships you are doing exactly that for leveling ranks up - you are unlocking different abilities and configurations. I think someone asked already about evolution model for normal ships and I the answer was negative, though. If I was designing this I would add some more options to customize the SP ships. 


the tree was for a different time  … the ships should NOW change to the next tear … there’s all kinds of problems with using a T-1 in a T-5 battle … implants being one serious issue  and the stupid T-1 buffs that they get … NOBODY likes the system why not  just trash it too instead of  finding false positive things to say about a system that NOBODY likes ???

5 hours ago, niripas said:

… I think someone asked already about evolution model for normal ships and I the answer was negative, though. If I was designing this I would add some more options to customize the SP ships. 

+1 for this

And yes, I asked - I believe - 2016? They said not in near future , if I recall correctly.

1 hour ago, Original_Taz said:


the tree was for a different time  … the ships should NOW change to the next tear … there’s all kinds of problems with using a T-1 in a T-5 battle … implants being one serious issue  and the stupid T-1 buffs that they get … NOBODY likes the system why not  just trash it too instead of  finding false positive things to say about a system that NOBODY likes ???

Well if you insist we can call you  NOBODY. Heck I spent today on gathering feedback and mostly the negative ones were “then why we still have tiers? We don’t. Aaaaa. Got it.” Or like Sunny’s where someone tried to sneak an freshly created alt to farm newbies or Koro’s, where skill was actually distributed pretty evenly, but ship setup was just simply wrong. When people understood the change even people in my corp started to figure out setups and changed they mood to “hey, it works. Still need tweaks, but seems to be working”. No more farming newbies, MM is skill based - what not too like here? Is it perfect? No, nothing is perfect, but actually people asked for such MM for years. And now take a look - you are complaining about too strong T1s in T15s, someone else was complaining if someone will take T1 to T5 as they die too easily. Which can mean only one thing - they are OK or close to being OK. Sorry.