Bad Ships and more

Hello Team SC !!
First I would say that it is with great displeasure that even come the forum complaining about the game really do not like it if I can not do better or say something to help rather stay quiet, however the game has reached a state so deplorable that for more I still want to believe and keep playing not the most.

Spacecrafts ; I spent days and days collecting items to be able to make a figtherTracker (Jaguar) to get a PvP 1x1 and a guy with ship lvl store 12 kill me with 2 hits. And that’s not all, with the aliens is not unlike you is hours and hours trying to kill an alien to not drop anything good !!
What’s just to understand it is that developers only want to make money in the game and nothing else. without worrying about the gameplay !!

Cannons ; so better not to talk, recently did an alien cannon for Jaguar my god it needs to improve a lot to be able to be called bad. The gun just does not have damage.

Destroyers; I made only level 8 did 11 nor intend to do the level 14, this breaks all records of badness. You spend an eternity to make these ships and is for nothing except to make you a heart attack and die of a heart attack trying to win a battle with aliens level 1, in PvP you are swallowed alive, the player comes passes salt pepper margarine and you eat literally.

PvP Room ; this is the worst of the worst of the game, it depends on others to win a battle. People of which do not help you in battle is each by itself, winning a pvp so only on the basis luck and look there. Not to mention the delay to be called.

Special Operations ; our without comment, we do not give anything providing we have to be killing us to be able to win a match to not drop anything good. The gravitational inverter is unnecessary in the game the ship alien already has a very high damage, it means we have to do to win 12 matches 1.

Ping ; always very high, becoming unplayable.

Summarizing as were based on Freelancer … should be based on Taikodom 2008 was a very good game worth the ADMS soberam not listen to the player and had to quit the game because they made xxxx. I hope you SC that do not follow this path.
Soul collector

I can help you with every aspect of your complaint, but the ping one is on your ISP to fix. Let me know if you’re interested via PM.

git gud

Fly ships that allow you to carry the battle, not using a destroyer or a cruise jaguar (I assume that’s what you are doing since it seems to be in fashion…)

1 minute ago, millanbel said:

 a cruise jaguar

i cring evritiem

10 hours ago, ColetorDeAlmas said:


Spacecrafts ; I spent days and days collecting items to be able to make a figtherTracker (Jaguar) to get a PvP 1x1 and a guy with ship lvl store 12 kill me with 2 hits. And that’s not all, with the aliens is not unlike you is hours and hours trying to kill an alien to not drop anything good !!
What’s just to understand it is that developers only want to make money in the game and nothing else. without worrying about the gameplay !!

Cannons ; so better not to talk, recently did an alien cannon for Jaguar my god it needs to improve a lot to be able to be called bad. The gun just does not have damage.

So… Cannons are bad or good? First you are saying that someone took down your ship in two shots. And then that they are that bad. Then you are saying that it takes you hours to kill a single alien, where my tackler is usually flying against 4 hunters (Imperial transport hub, this group up top that goes after the transport) and usually shields still hold after all of them are down in half a minute or so.

Try to read the guides - starting with the one in ORCA’s signature. We have some awesome builds specialists here as well. 

PvP - you have to understand this is a team based game. Tired of randoms doing nothing? Squad up with your friends/corpmates and dominate the battlefield.

Networking issues - there are diagnostic tools in your game folder which will help you to pinpoint where the problem is.

Specops - same as pvp, but with more emphasis on teamwork. There are wings that specialise with Specops, they sometimes advertise in the chat that they are looking for players. Join them, then you will see how easy the specops becomes.

2 hours ago, niripas said:

So… Cannons are bad or good? First you are saying that someone took down your ship in two shots. And then that they are that bad. Then you are saying that it takes you hours to kill a single alien, where my tackler is usually flying against 4 hunters (Imperial transport hub, this group up top that goes after the transport) and usually shields still hold after all of them are down in half a minute or so.

As I was reading what he said, I was deciphering that the gun that got him with few hits is singularity cannon, and the one he made is an alien gun: Thi’lith beam.

ColetorDeAlmas: the Thi’lith is for crowd control. It finishes off multiple interceptors at a time. It’s also good against gobs of AI in pve missions. It’s not really for use against open space aliens. Use it on a gunship with energy buffs. Using it on a tackler is 2nd best or next-to-worst. We use any fighter gun except that in open space.

With all large & slow ships in open space, you have to kill off everything long before it gets to you. You have to kill everything before you approach an area. You can’t even get fuel cans in a frigate unless everything near it is dead. Those destroyer modules that automatically damage enemies within range help get it done, but they will also auto-attack red players.

8 hours ago, millanbel said:

git gud

Fly ships that allow you to carry the battle, not using a destroyer or a cruise jaguar (I assume that’s what you are doing since it seems to be in fashion…)

summarizing will not do the destroyer because it has no defense, another very bad to drive, the cost benefit is not worth simple.

5 hours ago, Dazarco said:

As I was reading what he said, I was deciphering that the gun that got him with few hits is singularity cannon, and the one he made is an alien gun: Thi’lith beam.

ColetorDeAlmas: the Thi’lith is for crowd control. It finishes off multiple interceptors at a time. It’s also good against gobs of AI in pve missions. It’s not really for use against open space aliens. Use it on a gunship with energy buffs. Using it on a tackler is 2nd best or next-to-worst. We use any fighter gun except that in open space.

With all large & slow ships in open space, you have to kill off everything long before it gets to you. You have to kill everything before you approach an area. You can’t even get fuel cans in a frigate unless everything near it is dead. Those destroyer modules that automatically damage enemies within range help get it done, but they will also auto-attack red players.

Thanks, Dazarco
was exactly what I was talking about the gun, it is bad against aliens in the open world mode!

6 minutes ago, ColetorDeAlmas said:

Thanks, Dazarco
was exactly what I was talking about the gun, it is bad against aliens in the open world mode!

Try Thi’lith in something easier than skirmish like Co-op, custom battle or pve. Get more than one enemy in the oversized circular reticle to see what it does. Its actual scope is a little larger than the reticle. Not sure why.

1 hour ago, Dazarco said:

Try Thi’lith in something easier than skirmish like Co-op, custom battle or pve. Get more than one enemy in the oversized circular reticle to see what it does. Its actual scope is a little larger than the reticle. Not sure why.

Thi’lith is useless now. It starts with almost no spread (like a laser) and reaches max spread once you’ve reached half heat…and now crits are very low. Dmg has always been low and the tiny bonus it got makes no difference. Before the latest change this gun was great for certain PVEs with a lot of weak ships, like cap dreadnought or blackwood (and for taking out ceptors)…if you fitted it in a gunship cause otherwise the gun wouldnt shine for all its drawbacks. Now to kill aliens, some fighters and anything bigger, this gun has always been bad; you need high DPS to take out tough targets and thats one of the biggest problems thilith has.

About almost all you say Cole(c)torDeAlmas, its clear you need to improve a lot. I know you will hate this, but you are a perfect example of a rookie blaming everything without considering he is very bad. You sayed your jaguar cant take many hits, well then you should probably rethink your build…since this is a very good ship (so good many players have call it an OP and cheat ship). About the 12 attempts to get a single win in Spec ops…you sayed it yourself, you guys have no idea how to finish it. A good team will win every attempt without exception.

About high ping: if your connection is working properly but still have a (stable) high ping, then theres nothing you can do. You are far from servers and therefore you will only make things better by moving closer to them. This game is awful with bad ping (i know cause i always play with 150-260 ping), since you will wobble a lot and your guns (proyectile guns) will fire at the spot you aimed a while ago unless you aim at the lead marker (which doesnt ensure a hit). My best advice for this is to fly ships with low turn rate (use strafe instead but dont abuse from it). The slower it is, the less you will lose control.

Heres a vid of a Jaguar:

PD: hablo español tambien

2 hours ago, Papitas said:

Thi’lith is useless now. It starts with almost no spread (like a laser) and reaches max spread once you’ve reached half heat…and now crits are very low. Dmg has always been low and the tiny bonus it got makes no difference. Before the latest change this gun was great for certain PVEs with a lot of weak ships, like cap dreadnought or blackwood (and for taking out ceptors)…if you fitted it in a gunship cause otherwise the gun wouldnt shine for all its drawbacks. Now to kill aliens, some fighters and anything bigger, this gun has always been bad; you need high DPS to take out tough targets and thats one of the biggest problems thilith has.

About almost all you say Cole(c)torDeAlmas, its clear you need to improve a lot. I know you will hate this, but you are a perfect example of a rookie blaming everything without considering he is very bad. You sayed your jaguar cant take many hits, well then you should probably rethink your build…since this is a very good ship (so good many players have call it an OP and cheat ship). About the 12 attempts to get a single win in Spec ops…you sayed it yourself, you guys have no idea how to finish it. A good team will win every attempt without exception.

About high ping: if your connection is working properly but still have a (stable) high ping, then theres nothing you can do. You are far from servers and therefore you will only make things better by moving closer to them. This game is awful with bad ping (i know cause i always play with 150-260 ping), since you will wobble a lot and your guns (proyectile guns) will fire at the spot you aimed a while ago unless you aim at the lead marker (which doesnt ensure a hit). My best advice for this is to fly ships with low turn rate (use strafe instead but dont abuse from it). The slower it is, the less you will lose control.

Heres a vid of a Jaguar:

PD: hablo español tambien

Thank you!! Papitas
For his explanation
However I really keep desecpcionado the Play it is very sad, you make a weapon that was launched now for his class and see that she is not of use after action, after I spent time and items to do. It has no option of re-using the items. The unica option and to sell for 160 Standard. It is these small details that it finishes with the play. I tried to play even you ally that I am trying to play from the 31st of March of 2013, only to make clear for many people that think that it is a beginner that he cannot play and is complaining of any thing.

PS: Excuse for my ingles, I speak that portugues I know only a little of ingles, wait not to have spoken any foolishness!!

I would like what were looking in the image I lower what happens in most of the departures, am not going to order all the prints and videos that I have not to leave the congested forum. I want that they compare the number of kills of the team adversary and mine seems that only another team can play, is of that that about I am trying to talk and has not that one of shut team. Two teams are random.


6 minutes ago, ColetorDeAlmas said:

Thank you!! Papitas
For his explanation
However I really keep desecpcionado the Play it is very sad, you make a weapon that was launched now for his class and see that she is not of use after action, after I spent time and items to do. It has no option of re-using the items. The unica option and to sell for 160 Standard. It is these small details that it finishes with the play. I tried to play even you ally that I am trying to play from the 31st of March of 2013, only to make clear for many people that think that it is a beginner that he cannot play and is complaining of any thing.

PS: Excuse for my ingles, I speak that portugues I know only a little of ingles, wait not to have spoken any foolishness!!

Yeah im very sad about the nerf to thilith too, but theres always hope for rebalancing, so keep that gun stored…you may have a use for it later on. And dont every sell it, the refund is close to 0, so, better keep it just in case instead of getting 1% of what you spend on it.

Mind that having a lot of time playing the game (or played a lot of battles) doesnt makes you a good player by itself. I havent seen you play but judging from what you sayed, you have a lot to learn yet. I think the most important factor to make you improve is by being self-critical of your performance and not blaming others for each failure. Also you can try to understand how things work in depth: not just staying with whats sayed in the description, but also figuring out what does that implies and in which situations that could behave differently; like the engineer heals: description is based on capacitor energy, but is it refering to total capacitor size? regeneration? current amount of energy available when you use it? These kind of questions will allow you to make the best decision in terms of actions and also ship building…like avoid using nanodrone and mass shield regen at the same time cause then you will know one of them will heal close to nothing, or fitting modules and implants to boost energy volume/regeneration even at a much higher afterbuner energy cost.

I see you are not a barbarian who just comes and throw shi.t about the game, thats great ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) Also i noticed you use some words that are correct in brazilian/spanish but have a different meaning in english: like “wait” = esperar. In spanish you have 2 meanings for that: “to hold on” and “to hope/expect”. Wait means to hold on, and hope is the meaning you are looking for.

14 minutes ago, ColetorDeAlmas said:

I would like what were looking in the image I lower what happens in most of the departures, am not going to order all the prints and videos that I have not to leave the congested forum. I want that they compare the number of kills of the team adversary and mine seems that only another team can play, is of that that about I am trying to talk and has not that one of shut team. Two teams are random.


Games have been unbalanced since the release of SC…with certain frecuence. Theres a lot of discussion about why it happens and match making has changed a lot over the entire life of SC…i dont know if its possible to make games completely balanced, mainly cause players arent machines and each action triggers a series of consecuences…reason why if you set bots to play by themselves, you will find completely one sided games.


1 hour ago, Papitas said:

Yeah im very sad about the nerf to thilith too, but theres always hope for rebalancing, so keep that gun stored…you may have a use for it later on. And dont every sell it, the refund is close to 0, so, better keep it just in case instead of getting 1% of what you spend on it.

Mind that having a lot of time playing the game (or played a lot of battles) doesnt makes you a good player by itself. I havent seen you play but judging from what you sayed, you have a lot to learn yet. I think the most important factor to make you improve is by being self-critical of your performance and not blaming others for each failure. Also you can try to understand how things work in depth: not just staying with whats sayed in the description, but also figuring out what does that implies and in which situations that could behave differently; like the engineer heals: description is based on capacitor energy, but is it refering to total capacitor size? regeneration? current amount of energy available when you use it? These kind of questions will allow you to make the best decision in terms of actions and also ship building…like avoid using nanodrone and mass shield regen at the same time cause then you will know one of them will heal close to nothing, or fitting modules and implants to boost energy volume/regeneration even at a much higher afterbuner energy cost.

I see you are not a barbarian who just comes and throw shi.t about the game, thats great ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) Also i noticed you use some words that are correct in brazilian/spanish but have a different meaning in english: like “wait” = esperar. In spanish you have 2 meanings for that: “to hold on” and “to hope/expect”. Wait means to hold on, and hope is the meaning you are looking for.

complicated! I will leave the game stopping when improving maybe I come back. Still thank you for sharing your experience with me and tips !!