Auto-replenish Ammo and Premium Ammo

As it is, when you have auto-replenish on, the game automatically buys more premium ammo for you with GS after a game.  I don’t think this should happen or at least you should be able to turn it on/off.  I would like to use auto-purchase but not when I keep wasting GS by accidentally buying prem ammo…



Why would you buy premium ammo/missiles in the first place? It is a rip-off. Save your GS for something useful (like a premium ship or license).

Why would you buy premium ammo/missiles in the first place? It is a rip-off. Save your GS for something useful (like a premium ship or license).

Crafting kinetic special ammo takes up next to nothing as far as materials go, I already have tons of excess metals.  Don’t worry, I’m not wasting my crystals on EM/laser weapon ammo just to squeeze a little more DPS out of my rank 1 ship.



I wasted 100 ish GS because I followed sera gallow or whatever her name is.


I forgot to take the missile off…

Crafting kinetic special ammo takes up next to nothing as far as materials go, I already have tons of excess metals.  Don’t worry, I’m not wasting my crystals on EM/laser weapon ammo just to squeeze a little more DPS out of my rank 1 ship.


Craftable ammo and premium ammo are not the same thing.


The major difference is that craftable ammo is good and not a ripoff, whereas premium ammo is meh and is a ripoff.



I wasted 100 ish GS because I followed sera gallow or whatever her name is.


I forgot to take the missile off…

Exact same thing happened to me, lol.  I swear, synergy gain ammo is a curse in disguise at low ranks like that, rushing past them will leave you TOTALLY unprepared for post rank 3 gameplay!  Damn you, S. Galo!


Craftable ammo and premium ammo are not the same thing.


The major difference is that craftable ammo is good and not a ripoff, whereas premium ammo is meh and is a ripoff.

My apologies, I’m still pretty new to the game and all it’s terminology.  I believe this happens with both premium AND craftable ammo, though, and I stand by my point that it should be a part of auto-reload that can be toggled off.  Also sorry about the double post, I really messed that up pretty bad, didn’t I?

double post, sorry


Exact same thing happened to me, lol.  I swear, synergy gain ammo is a curse in disguise at low ranks like that, rushing past them will leave you TOTALLY unprepared for post rank 3 gameplay!  Damn you, S. Galo!


My apologies, I’m still pretty new to the game and all it’s terminology.  I believe this happens with both premium AND craftable ammo, though, and I stand by my point that it should be a part of auto-reload that can be toggled off.  Also sorry about the double post, I really messed that up pretty bad, didn’t I?

Unfortunately not. Auto replenish ammo does not replenish crafted ammo unless you already have some.

There is an option in the settings to toggle auto replenish off. I havent tested if it works but it is in there. Not at home so not sure where in settings, maybe misc?

As it is, when you have auto-replenish on, the game automatically buys more premium ammo for you with GS after a game.  I don’t think this should happen or at least you should be able to turn it on/off.  I would like to use auto-purchase but not when I keep wasting GS by accidentally buying prem ammo…

Afternoon, you can turn it off in the game settings - game - server options - autoreplenish ammo (remove a tick)




This is why it was a sneaky move to give gold ammo as daily reward. Hold onto your golds if you can. :fed_lol: