Auto repairs

I played with auto repair since I started playing,But now it has become so costly the game on standard credits if you die a few times there is no gain.

Credits gain at end of the game  around 150k, repairs around 150-200k and over 300k if u use a Destroyer now i play with a regular of 1M credits in my inventory due to i use one Premium ship to reduce costs.

I may handle my costs and maybe 90% of the forum users, but are around let’s say 50% of players from this game aka (The Meat) players who lose game after game and ship after ship, i think they lose many of credits so because of this are not so many new players on T5 and we end up in meet the same players all over again.

Some ideas to fix this?

All new players who start to play in last months and start also to research Thar’Ga i think they will be blocked in progress Cost around 50-70M , add autorepairs , ammo now try to buy new ships and say how to do that?

There’s a problem with credits in lower tiers? damn this game is full of surprises.

Maybe missions could give a credit boost for new players… or try a lil bit of tier rushing, I make 5mil in an hour losing half my matches.

Is about T5, no Premium, and print screen or never happened i am to old for fairy tales.

5M / hour in just PvP without playing premiums only is not possible.

Although in PvE that is quite doable. Average captured dreadnought (I did not die so there being prems makes no difference)


Given that you are an all premium player this topic should be completely off-limits to you. I play them enough myself but I don’t have many in T5.

The worst problem is with Destroyers. Losing money every battle above one destruction is disastrous. That’s only a fraction of why I wish I had never spent resources on my T5 dessy.

is that a new thing or has it been like that for a long time? The only time I had problem with credits was when dessies came out and they were super expensive to repair, but they fixed it and it’s been chill since then. I also don’t play dessy so maybe I win more than I lose because of that?

3 times died in PVE with Jaguar, i do this thing to show how hard is for new players to gain credits

Now 50% of gain goes to repairs


Even with a license, the credit gain is quite low.

A few death, and license or not, you’ve spent all the credit reward into repair.


And let’s not even mention destroyers, where a single death makes you loose credits instead.

Added for review.


On 22.04.2017 at 8:02 PM, Florin1978 said:

3 times died in PVE with Jaguar, i do this thing to show how hard is for new players to gain credits

Now 50% of gain goes to repairs

50 % income is good. And Jaguar is rank 15, not relly a beginners level And it encourages people to care about ship and fly safely. PvE is a nice place to farm credits, cause flying in PvP with destroyer and dying a lot may bad results. Credits drop may require rework, that’s where I agree, but in case of repairs cost, all seems to be normal.

12 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

50 % income is good. And Jaguar is rank 15, not relly a beginners level And it encourages people to care about ship and fly safely. PvE is a nice place to farm credits, cause flying in PvP with destroyer and dying a lot may bad results. Credits drop may require rework, that’s where I agree, but in case of repairs cost, all seems to be normal.

In PvP, flying a ship “safely” involves being a chicken tackler/recon and sitting way back behind allied lines and hoping nobody shoots at you. There is no good way to “fly safely” in PvP and have any sort of usefulness.


Unless you fly a Tharga or Taikin.

2 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Unless you fly a Tharga or Taikin.

Not even true anymore.

Since any hit on a rock one shot you, you can still die. And at 80k credit per crash on a 200k credit reward …

On 10/05/2017 at 4:01 PM, CinnamonFake said:

50 % income is good. And Jaguar is rank 15, not relly a beginners level And it encourages people to care about ship and fly safely. PvE is a nice place to farm credits, cause flying in PvP with destroyer and dying a lot may bad results. Credits drop may require rework, that’s where I agree, but in case of repairs cost, all seems to be normal.

And please, for the love of god, scale the credits drop in rewards with tiers. Please. Having half of your rewards at T5 going for a total of 5k creds is not that exiting.

On 5/13/2017 at 3:24 PM, mael9740 said:

And please, for the love of god, scale the credits drop in rewards with tiers. Please. Having half of your rewards at T5 going for a total of 5k creds is not that exiting.

It used to be like that before. You could only get 5k credits in Tier I. But they wanted to increase the grind, so this is the result of their actions.

Tier V credit spots used to give around or over 100k or 200k credits back then.

On 5/10/2017 at 2:01 PM, CinnamonFake said:

50 % income is good. And Jaguar is rank 15, not relly a beginners level And it encourages people to care about ship and fly safely. PvE is a nice place to farm credits, cause flying in PvP with destroyer and dying a lot may bad results. Credits drop may require rework, that’s where I agree, but in case of repairs cost, all seems to be normal.

If i take 50% from your salary i don’t say just drive safe to home take care not to lose any more money u worked hard tor them.

so u need to see and feel the game, the same thing if u will have 50% taxes on your salary next day u will quit from Gaijin, so now maybe is more easy to understand how do we feel when we lose more than 50% of credits , now do a balance and look at the statistics please.