Arch player issues

Hey guys.


There was recently an incident involving a (now removed) member in Arkhos Core. It was brought to my attention in the Corporation thread, but for some reason the posts have since been deleted - with the exception of mine, which is all the more odd.


Under the assumption that it’s because those discussions are happening in the wrong forum, I’m putting this topic up here for the same reason the conversation happened there:


If you find anyone in Arch acting out of line, please report their behavior to me (and take screenshots if you can). Integrity is extremely important, but I obviously cannot monitor my members so closely all the time.


Feel free to discuss that and report issues on it to me in this thread instead. And thanks to those who are already doing so.


Side note - if a mod removed those posts and this one isn’t okay either, it would be nice to be informed. Obviously flame wars and other player issues are to be avoided, but I’m making a conscious effort to help reduce it in-game and in-corp by doing this.




Arkhos Core CEO

Hey guys.


There was recently an incident involving a (now removed) member in Arkhos Core. It was brought to my attention in the Corporation thread, but for some reason the posts have since been deleted - with the exception of mine, which is all the more odd.


Now your thread is in the right section of the forum, check this thread for more information [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24994-faq-rules-and-recommendations-corporation-sector/)

After some extensive discussion, Kaiju has been allowed to return on the grounds that he does not cause any problems in actual game play. If you do not like what he says in chat, put him on your ignore list. That’s what it’s there for.


It’s not sunshine and rainbows. He’s on thin ice and I’m not happy with his behavior. But I do think that I overreacted a little, so I’m giving him another chance. (He missed out on quite a sum of GS sector claims while he was kicked.)

Hopefully this shocked some sense into him. If not, the kick option’s always there.


If he acts out of line again, by all means send me a screenshot and I will handle it. However, the ignore button does exist for a reason. I recommend using it if you don’t like what someone says.


I typed this whole thing up as he flares up in chat and threatens to leave. He’s out. No exceptions.

that did not last at all :smiley:

that did not last at all :smiley:

It’s disappointing. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. I wanted to defend his stance on balance issues.

He quit on his own, and he remains ignorant and impossible to deal with. I won’t have that. Integrity has to mean something.


I apologize for any trouble he has caused you while in Arkhos Core. He will no longer do so while wearing our tag.


I encourage you not to enable him. Do not talk to him or invite him to your corporations. He needs to learn to do better, to be better. Hopefully then his skill will be put to good use.

It has been brought to my attention that a player in Arkhos Core has been stirring up some trouble in chat. I have warned him not to do so in the future, but as I am not in every private or public chat, if it happens again, please let me know. Thanks.

it’s good to keep tabs on Arch members, but i don’t recommend publicly mentioning them. you will alienate them. When people have problems with RadiX members, they can private message me, but i don’t go around saying that so and so did this and has a warning. it’s really best kept private. :slight_smile:


just my 2¢

Reasonable. Edited the name out.

kk. :)