ARC service interaction error ?

_Hi everybody, today was my first day i was supposed to play on this game ,looked awsome nice graphic and all. But when i logged in and started the game i got this message: 

“Arc Service Interaction Error”  

Still wondering  what`s the problem,is it my conection since im using a broadband 300gb/s Lan conection…or is it my computer were my problem is on? how ever i try to logg in i cant._

_Geting same message over and over… So im guessing this might be the server error conection with ARC or something ellse and would like to have any solution on this.
Thank you in advance.

an ARC gamer._

Please create a [full](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/) bug report.

header adjusted - please dont use capslock

oh god you’re using arc. abandon ship, abandon ship!


download the stand-alone or get it through steam man, so much better!

I,ve got the same problem.

I have windows 8.1

Install Arc

Arc is updated

im login to play.

I got the next fault: Lost connection t server     /     reason: arc service interaction error_  _

Sometimes ago was DDOS attack to our datacenter. May be it was reason of your problems. 

Is any problems with Arc now? If yes, please, create full bugreport.

I had the error yesterday mixed in with an error about the server being under high load.  I tried a few more times and was able to log in.


Tonight I got the high load error once but mostly the Arc Interaction Error.  It is irritating.

I don’t know if it was coincidence or luck, but I closed out the ARC client on the PC as well as the game & restarted ARC prior to logging into the game.  Was able to get in on the first try.

I got the same problem.

I have windows 8.1

Install Arc with patch 1.1.1

Arc is updated

the server is online



server conection lost

I tried olso with no firewal

Other games like star trek is no problem

BUILD TIMESTAMP:   Mar 19 2015 22:54:01

freq: ticks/usec=2 ticks/msec=2533

  0.05 [D]  Command line argument: D:\Arc\star co

nflict\Star Conflict_de\launcher.exe

  0.05 [D]  Command line argument: user:m…@…com

  0.05 [D]  Command line argument: token:TZWlU71YqauFGnhI

  0.05 [D]  Command line argument: coreclient:1

  0.05 [D]  Command line argument: arc:1

  0.05 [D]  Command line argument: locale:de

  0.05 [D]  Thread “Watchdog thread” started (auto delete is 1)

Get language: prefer registry: 1

  0.07 [D]  config.blk language GERMAN mismatch Register value German

  0.07 [D]  Current language is German

  0.07 [D]  Mandatory launch from Arc: 1

  0.07 [D]  Launched by Arc: 1

  0.07 [D]  Launcher application ID: StarConflictLauncher

  0.07 [D]  Thread “Stat sender init” started (auto delete is 1)

statsd::set_prefix: setting statsd prefix: ‘’

statsd::connect: statsd server:

Launcher version

  0.07 [D]  Checking for copy…

  0.12 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_05_17_54_21__11036.txt : size so far 0 of 52428800

  0.12 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_04_20_18_13__16900.txt : size so far 12615 of 52428800

  0.12 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_04_19_23_17__6464.txt : size so far 26597 of 52428800

  0.12 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_04_18_59_28__6032.txt : size so far 40469 of 52428800

  0.12 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_04_18_56_50__14688.txt : size so far 51095 of 52428800

  0.12 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_04_18_53_38__14668.txt : size so far 64501 of 52428800

  0.12 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_04_18_45_59__5724.txt : size so far 77472 of 52428800

  0.12 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_03_23_36_52__20988.txt : size so far 90373 of 52428800

  0.12 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_03_22_28_06__21944.txt : size so far 211863 of 52428800

  0.12 [D]  settings.constructor fileNameLoad =config.blk

  0.12 [D]  settings.constructor fileNameSave =config.blk

  0.13 [E]  no key ‘exit’ in localization table

  0.13 [E]  no key ‘open_launcher’ in localization table

  0.14 [D]  element dnl_speed_rate attr set: display = none

  0.14 [D]  Set upload limit to 0 (0.00 MB/sec)

Set download limit to 0 (0.00 MB/sec)

element upl_speed_rate attr set: display = none

  0.14 [D]  Set upload limit to 0 (0.00 MB/sec)

Set download limit to 0 (0.00 MB/sec)

Set upload limit to 0 (0.00 MB/sec)

Set download limit to 0 (0.00 MB/sec)

Thread “” started (auto delete is 1)

Sending request to

Thread “” started (auto delete is 1)

Sending request to

onInitComplete() done

  0.21 [D]  Web UI disabled

  0.21 [D]  Thread “” started (auto delete is 1)

Sending request to

Thread “Stat sender init” done

Thread “Stat sender init” has been automatically deleted loaded with HTTP status code 200 (0.313 seconds, 4627 bytes answer):




Attempt to delete SqObject after SquirrelVM shutdown

  0.48 [D]  Thread “” done

Thread “” has been automatically deleted loaded with HTTP status code 200 (0.297 seconds, 8 bytes answer):



Thread “” done

Thread “” has been automatically deleted

Thread “Periodic version check” started (auto delete is 1)

Thread “” started (auto delete is 1)

Sending request to loaded with HTTP status code 200 (0.094 seconds, 11 bytes answer):



Thread “” done

Thread “” has been automatically deleted

Fast files check

  0.65 [D]  Downloading state 0

  0.65 [D] loaded with HTTP status code 200 (0.485 seconds, 5363 bytes answer):


        <style>              .inner_body {                  background-image: url( );                  position: absolute;                  top: 55px;                  left: 8px;                    width: 787px;                  height: 470px;                    overflow: hidden;                    padding: 0;                  margin: 0;                  margin-top: 0px;              }              .news {                  position: absolute;                  top: 158px;                  left: 20px;                    width: 270px;                  height: 360px;                    overflow: hidden;                    padding: 0;                  margin: 0;                  margin-top: 0px;              }              .news_header {                  font-size: 16px;                  font-family: arial;                  font-weight: bold;                  color: #ffffff;              }              .news_link {                  behavior: ext_href;      


Thread “” done

Thread “Fast files check” started (auto delete is 1)Thread “” has been automatically deleted

Thread “” started (auto delete is 1)Checking .rq2 and .ver files match…

Sending request to

Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.72 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.72 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.73 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.75 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.75 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.75 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.75 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.77 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.77 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.77 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.77 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.77 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.77 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.78 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.78 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.78 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.78 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.78 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.78 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.85 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.86 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.86 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.86 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.86 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.86 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.86 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.86 [D]  Files check done

  0.87 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_05_17_54_21__11036.txt : size so far 0 of 52428800

  0.87 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_04_20_18_13__16900.txt : size so far 12615 of 52428800

  0.87 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_04_19_23_17__6464.txt : size so far 26597 of 52428800

  0.87 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_04_18_59_28__6032.txt : size so far 40469 of 52428800

  0.87 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_04_18_56_50__14688.txt : size so far 51095 of 52428800

  0.87 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_04_18_53_38__14668.txt : size so far 64501 of 52428800

  0.87 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_04_18_45_59__5724.txt : size so far 77472 of 52428800

  0.87 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_03_23_36_52__20988.txt : size so far 90373 of 52428800

  0.87 [D]  D:\Arc\star conflict\Star Conflict_de.launcher_log\2015_04_03_22_28_06__21944.txt : size so far 211863 of 52428800

  0.87 [D]  settings.constructor fileNameLoad =config.blk

  0.87 [D]  settings.constructor fileNameSave =config.blk

  0.89 [D] loaded with HTTP status code 200 (0.219 seconds, 1 bytes answer):




Thread “” done

Thread “” has been automatically deleted

Fast check done

Thread “Fast files check” done

Thread “Fast files check” has been automatically deleted

Thread “” started (auto delete is 1)

Sending request to loaded with HTTP status code 200 (0.344 seconds, 2270 bytes answer):


<div class=“block-inner”>     <span class=“news_header”> News </span><br />     <br />                                            <a class=“news_link” href=“” target="_blank" title=" Open in new window “>Weekend with Star Conflict!</a>                               <br/>         <span class=“news_date”>3 April 2015</span><br />         <br />                                            <a class=“news_link” href=“” target=”_blank" title=" Open in new window “>Arms Race rewards</a>                               <br/>         <span class=“news_date”>3 April 2015</span><br />         <br />                                            <a class=“news_link” href=“” target=”_blank" title=" Open in new window ">Catch the Spy!</a>                               <br/>         <span class=“news_date”>3 April 2015</span><br />         <br />         


Thread “” done

Thread “” has been automatically deleted

Shell execute “game.exe” -lang GERMAN -nosteam user:m…@…com token:TZWlU71YqauFGnhI coreclient:1 arc:1 locale:de

12.76 [D]  Script shut down

12.79 [D]  Exit with code 0

12.80 [D]  Stop thread “Watchdog thread”

Thread “Watchdog thread” done

You posted the launcher log, but game.log needed. See [this manual](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/) for more information

— Date: 2015-04-08 (Wed Apr 2015) West-Europa (zomertijd) UTC+01:00


06:15:16.562         | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

06:15:16.562         | //

06:15:16.562         | // Build: StarConflict (Apr  1 2015 23:52:13)

06:15:16.562         | // params: -lang GERMAN -nosteam user:m…@…com token:XplSUm1YzePFd3hJ coreclient:1 arc:1 locale:de

06:15:16.562         | //

06:15:16.562         | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

06:15:16.562         | 

06:15:16.649         | ArcServices: ArcSDK initialized…

06:15:16.649         | ArcServices: username is ‘m…@…com’

06:15:20.386         | Try to setup resolution 1536x864 1280x720 2

06:15:21.372         | Client language: GERMAN

06:15:21.713         | Number of audio devices: 1

06:15:21.714         |  Audio device 0: Luidsprekers (Realtek High Definition Audio)


06:15:21.714         | Speaker mode: STEREO

06:15:21.714         | Number of recording audio devices: 1

06:15:21.714         |  Recording audio device 0: Microfoon (Realtek High Definition Audio)

06:15:21.715         | Speaker mode: STEREO

06:15:32.957  WARNING| ^1UiResourceManager::LoadStrings(): empty string “matchMaking_rang_value” for default language

06:15:35.460  WARNING| ^1UiResourceManager::GetResourceHandleByNameInternal() - cannot find resource (resourceName: “tournament_notRegistered”, resourceType: “DEFAULT_STRING”)

06:15:38.814         | Environment setting ‘default’ loaded

06:15:38.838         | Entity Defs hash DF2A6B6D. calculated in 2.21 ms

06:15:40.129         | BnRandCaller succeeded

06:15:40.340         | ReplayManager: stopping activity due to map change

06:15:40.468         | ====== starting level: ‘levels/mainmenu/mainmenu’  ======

06:15:41.291         | Environment setting ‘mainmenu’ loaded

06:15:43.280         | MasterServer_RequestServerStatus

06:15:43.280         | MasterServer_RequestServerVersion

06:15:43.280         | MasterServer_RequestNewsFeed

06:15:43.280         | MasterServer_RequestServerAddresess

06:15:43.281         | Requesting web advert …

06:15:43.364         | ====== level started:  ‘levels/mainmenu/mainmenu’ success ======

06:15:43.697  WARNING| frame 296 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.206091)

06:15:43.731  WARNING| frame 297 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.255230)

06:15:44.577         | MasterServer_OnServerVersion: status code 0, version, my version is

06:15:44.577         | MasterServer_OnServerAddresess: status code 0

06:15:44.644         | MasterServer_OnNewsFeed: status code 0

06:15:44.809         | MasterServer_OnServerStatus: status code 0, server status 1

06:15:44.809         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertisement: status code 0

06:15:44.810         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 0/0 from cache…

06:15:44.814         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0

06:15:44.858         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 0/1 from cache…

06:15:44.859         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0

06:15:44.860         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 1/0 from cache…

06:15:44.863         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0

06:15:44.905         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 1/1 from cache…

06:15:44.907         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0

06:15:44.908         | Finalizing WebAd image fetching.

06:15:44.916  WARNING| frame 333 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.101223)

06:15:47.340         | ArcServices_GetAuthToken: for ‘m…@…com’ …

06:15:47.340    ERROR| ArcServices_GetAuthToken: hr = e0000005

06:15:47.436         | MasterServerEndpoint: connecting to load balancer at [0]…

06:15:47.566         | MasterServerEndpoint: connected to load balancer, awaiting shard address…

06:15:47.569         | Applying LB cvars…

06:15:47.569         | ‘mss_playerBoughtVesselAdCooldown’ ← ‘20.000’

06:15:47.569         | ‘clan_shipBuildHighRanks’ ← ‘10.000’

header adjusted - please dont use capslock

I mean no disrespect but,  we’re having a major issue with being able to get into the game for our first time and you’re concerned about the use of capslock in his forum header?!?