Arc service interaction error?

I go to log in and I get “arc service interaction error” tried restarting everything, no change. there was a small ‘upgrade’ that the ARC program did, that may be something. Please help.


Same message I get but no Arc patch I know of.  I just have same “Reason” explained when I press the login button from the Star Conflict game after clicking the play button in the Star Conflict Launcher which is after clicking the play button in Arc.  I am figuring it is some communications error but not with the player.  Restarted computer did a repair from the Star Conflict Launcher, no error resulted.  Hope they figure it out soon.

This error displayed, if Arc authorization failed

I also getting the same error message when trying to log in via Arc.  I noticed the problem several hours and assumed it was a server issue and left it.  I am still getting this error message.  I am able to log in to other games via Arc with no problem.

Just to say that, despite the fact that the post I made yesterday saying that I also had this problem has not yet been approved by a mod after 15 hrs, I am now able to log in OK now.

You didn’t attach any logs and screenshots, therefore I don’t have other answer.

[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)

You didn’t attach any logs and screenshots, therefore I don’t have other answer.

[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)

Try this… Star_Conflict_FingUpAgain.png

I’ve tried, every single day, for 3 weeks, to get onto your server(s). I get the same error message each time. There ARE no ‘logs’, because we can’t even load the damn game.