ARC Server is down

You are hopefully aware that the ARC Server is not responding at all. Because Star Trek Only has an option to bypass ARC I was able to login there, but I do not know of a way to bypass ARC for Star Conflict.

You can link your ARC and Gaijin account and play via the Star Conflict launcher when there is an issue with ARC.

You can link your ARC and Gaijin account and play via the Star Conflict launcher when there is an issue with ARC.


all Star Conflict icons on my computer trigger Arc ! ,so i am afraid theres no option to play Star conflict whitout Arc popping up…as off today i’am unable to play cause of this problem . i would be playing now if i’d knew anny way to bypass Arc …

all Star Conflict icons on my computer trigger Arc ! ,so i am afraid theres no option to play Star conflict whitout Arc popping up…as off today i’am unable to play cause of this problem . i would be playing now if i’d knew anny way to bypass Arc …

We had an update today, it might be that it takes a bit more time for ARC to apply it.

This might help you for the future.

We had an update today, it might be that it takes a bit more time for ARC to apply it.

This might help you for the future.

Thank you for the fast reply.but my Arc account and my Gaijin are linked already since the first day i started playing so thats not the problem


but clicking on the Star Conflict launcer icon ,“C:\Program Files (x86)\Perfect World Entertainment\Star Conflict_en\launcher.exe”  triggers Arc

or  clicking on the Star Conflict icon ,“C:\Program Files (x86)\Perfect World Entertainment\Arc\ArcLauncher.exe” gamecustom sc"  triggers Arc .

 I would like to know a way to get around Arc and log in whit my my Gaijin Account ,in times where Arc is not working,


Thanks ,Mistsy2

In Steam you can launch in offline mode, run the game, and then it asks you for your gaijin email adress and PW.


Maybe you can do that as well in arc.


I’m sorry, I play both STO and SC on Steam.
