AOE missles and in-game policy

[In-Game Policies:](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/8916-behavior-rules-on-game-servers/)


IV. Behaviour of the players in combat

6.10. Any help to the opposing team.


How does this work for negative effect missiles like energy neutralizing missile and _ slowing field missile _?


Isn’t it technically helping enemy team if your team-mates are also affected by the missile?

I think the point is that it has to be intentional. Like those “friendly” JLRFs that decide that it’s a good idea to nuke you while you’re capping a beacon.

Well, both teams are debuffed, so no.

Well, both teams are debuffed, so no.

The problem is that you are dogfighting with any ship, and suddenly you are slowed to death and in case you are in an adaptive ship, you are as dead as the enemy.


It is not fun. I can understand the tactical use of those missiles, they are great, but people in randoms using them because they are cool…

Well, both teams are debuffed, so no.

Really? would it be considered okay if an army dropped a bomb mid-combat killing enemy and their own people?

I think the point is that it has to be intentional. Like those “friendly” JLRFs that decide that it’s a good idea to nuke you while you’re capping a beacon.

If someone intentionally shoots it to cripple teammates, we have no way of proving it so its a perfect crime. The only person who’d know for sure is the guy who shot the missle

would it be considered okay if an army dropped a bomb mid-combat killing enemy and their own people?


It was fine in WW1 :stuck_out_tongue:

If someone intentionally shoots it to cripple teammates, we have no way of proving it so its a perfect crime. The only person who’d know for sure is the guy who shot the missle

Is it? I mean, the game logs should be able to show that nobody else is capping the beacon you’re at, and that your teammate’s missile is the only thing that hurt you.

Is it? I mean, the game logs should be able to show that nobody else is capping the beacon you’re at, and that your teammate’s missile is the only thing that hurt you.

If no enemy was present, the missile AOE wouldn’t be a problem for me at all. Its only a problem when enemy are around 

If no enemy was present, the missile AOE wouldn’t be a problem for me at all. Its only a problem when enemy are around 

No, I mean those folks that sometimes aim for their teammates with the guided torps. I haven’t seen any recently, but they’re out there.

No, I mean those folks that sometimes aim for their teammates with the guided torps. I haven’t seen any recently, but they’re out there.

That’s a different thing. I’m talking about the energy and slow missles that make a big area of unpleasant effect right in the middle of a dogfight

That’s a different thing. I’m talking about the energy and slow missles that make a big area of unpleasant effect right in the middle of a dogfight

Mmm. I’m pretty sure the intent is helpful, and that’s the important part. It does hurt like hell when you’re flying an adaptive ship and you get a slow missile to the face, and I wish people would stop doing that, but…


It’s not against the rules to be stupid. Unfortunate, but true.

I don’t get why they cannot make these only affect enemies.  Maybe that’s the point.  They have to be tactically used.  Another option is to prevent the missiles from firing without an enemy lock-on first.  It won’t fix the problem, but it’d get rid of the xxxxxxxx that shoot them at teammates for teh lulz