Anyone like ECM?

I think things changed after curved reflector nerf. :slight_smile:


I still don’t like them, and find they are nubships, and a disgrace to people who could have the skill to fly something more manly and squishy. But I love the Grim. And I hate ECM spam.

I love the Grim too, I just can’t do a damn thing with it!

I love ECMs, simply because you can feel the hate emanating from that enemy covert ops as he gets stunned and faceplants into a rock, only to be exploded a few seconds later :slight_smile:

No but seriously I don’t see much problem with them, except the Waki AE whose bonuses are too strong.

Covert ops white noise is a very good counter to them.

My only problem with ECMs right now is that they render guards almost useless, by switching off all health regens and pulsar. The guard is then helpless.

I don’t see the Waki hate.


I don’t recall the name, but the R11 Jerico ECM has the time bonus.


Plus it has a reduced reload for missles.


I am noticing a lot of pilots taking a ship out because of the higher implants…

No but seriously I don’t see much problem with them, except the Waki AE whose bonuses are too strong.

Covert ops white noise is a very good counter to them.

My only problem with ECMs right now is that they render guards almost useless, by switching off all health regens and pulsar. The guard is then helpless.


Couldn’t agree more. When you look at ECMs in a large game (8v8 or larger), they are balanced (even the Waki-AE to a degree). But when you look at ECMs in small games (5v5 or less) they become insanely overpowered, especially in numbers. ECM spam (and double-drone tackler spam, but that’s been discussed before) have essentially ruined T5 for me. I rarely play T5 anymore because it is extremely likely you will encounter a team that ECM spams. ECM spam is, for all intensive purposes, uncounterable by anything except ECM spam. The only hope you have of successfully countering ECM spam is ECM spamming in return (yes, good squads can counter ECM spam, but that is still difficult). This gives ECMs a strength that no other role in the game has. ECMs are effective against every role (some more than others), but are weak to other ECMs. No other role in this game is this way, gunship is effective against every role to a degree, but is weak to other gunships, ECMs, and skilled covert ops. Or look at covert ops. Strong vs. all roles to a degree, but weak to skilled tacklers, ECMs, and even guards.


ECMs whats not to love <3

I like ECM but after flying Cov Ops for a long time i find the weapons underpowered. However, with the recent CovOps orion nerf i may pick them back up again. In all honesty, if someone that hates ECM flew ECM they wouldn’t hate it anymore. Double standards guys. It’s a ship, there are ways to counter-attack and it’s extremely vulnerable when modules are in cooldown. Learn it’s weak points and kick it while it’s down!

I don’t think you’re making the point you think you’re making. If something is overpowered then obviously people are going to enjoy using it. That doesn’t mean it isn’t overpowered!


I have flown quite a few ECMs and had fun doing it, but I still dislike the core concept of the class, and I still feel very strongly that the ECM in T5 is game breaking. So no, having flown and maxed out several ECMs did not make me magically stop hating the class; but what it did do was help give me a clearer idea of where the problems lie.

I don’t think you’re making the point you think you’re making. If something is overpowered then obviously people are going to enjoy using it. That doesn’t mean it isn’t overpowered!


I have flown quite a few ECMs and had fun doing it, but I still dislike the core concept of the class, and I still feel very strongly that the ECM in T5 is game breaking. So no, having flown and maxed out several ECMs did not make me magically stop hating the class; but what it did do was help give me a clearer idea of where the problems lie.

that is what I meant, but i’m not someone to hate something without trying it. as such, i don’t especially like ECM but i don’t hate it. However, i’m gonna have to go back to them now

I love me some ECM :00555:  specially with attack dogs  

I love me some ECM :00555:  specially with attack dogs  

i prefer kinetics and EM guns, in t3 not many people have discovered resistance holes… heh heh heh…

well my kevlar’s speed 350 , and she strafe with 394 (without thrusters)  with 20.01 acceleration , you cant hit me even my all modules down. even if you hit she can use 3 adaptives while strafing and 175 pts shield regen + she can fill half of shield less than every 40 sec. I manage to survive 4 good interceptor attack alone , and i kill them all while my team killing enemy guard cap . Dont tell me its a ship easy to kill cause its not . There is only 1 counter against she and thats the tackler…

well my kevlar’s speed 350 , and she strafe with 394 (without thrusters)  with 20.01 acceleration , you cant hit me even my all modules down. even if you hit she can use 3 adaptives while strafing and 175 pts shield regen + she can fill half of shield less than every 40 sec. I manage to survive 4 good interceptor attack alone , and i kill them all while my team killing enemy guard cap . Dont tell me its a ship easy to kill cause its not . There is only 1 counter against she and thats the tackler…

not everybody will build as well as that. A lot of inties can pull off huge accel and strafe.

well my kevlar’s speed 350 , and she strafe with 394 (without thrusters)  with 20.01 acceleration , you cant hit me even my all modules down. even if you hit she can use 3 adaptives while strafing and 175 pts shield regen + she can fill half of shield less than every 40 sec. I manage to survive 4 good interceptor attack alone , and i kill them all while my team killing enemy guard cap . Dont tell me its a ship easy to kill cause its not . There is only 1 counter against she and thats the tackler…

20.01 Acceleration is a FORWARD acceleration, strafe has separate value, that is NOT listed on tool tip.

well my kevlar’s speed 350 , and she strafe with 394 (without thrusters)  with 20.01 acceleration , you cant hit me even my all modules down. even if you hit she can use 3 adaptives while strafing and 175 pts shield regen + she can fill half of shield less than every 40 sec. I manage to survive 4 good interceptor attack alone , and i kill them all while my team killing enemy guard cap . Dont tell me its a ship easy to kill cause its not . There is only 1 counter against she and thats the tackler…

Or just another ECM.


Or just an EM torpedo in the face.


Also, I’m curious how you get 175 shield regen with the kevlar ha without wasting your single cap slot. In case you are using the capacitor module, then you are not energy stable, which means death to any adaptive ship.


From all the possible ECM ships in the game you choose the worst of them?

As I gain more experience in the game I have found that ECM doesn’t offer the same out of hand builds that you can get with recons, and some CO.


We are talking 600+ MPS with 106 turn radius. An after burner boost of around 125 MPS, meaning you can toggle on and off for the extra turn radius and still have adaptives up…


That kind of WTF isn’t available on ECM while still having some kind of survivability for the autohits. Even if it did the ECM modules are mostly pointless because it isn’t like much is resisting you at those speeds…


I feel the complain really is ECM makes new pilots good. People complaining just may not know this.

Well They added even another buff to the ECM’s so they are even more over powered.   Now my hate for those humming birds on high doses of caffeine is growing exponentially.  Do they not read the many comments in game and in forums complaining about the ECM 1 man army 2 man superheroes?

