Any idea how I can get the hangar player count back?

I’m talking about the online player count from the hangar hud that was removed with patch 1.0. Isn’t there a cvar or something so I can see how many players are online?

I think everyone wants it back, I sure do.

I heard the russian forum has intel about this. I don’t know Russian though.

Open Invasion map, zoom into faction sectors, hover your mouse over Faction stations, repeat for other 2 factions, do some math.

xKostyan what about those green bars I have seen on viddies? I still can’t get that to work. Help?

xKostyan what about those green bars I have seen on viddies? I still can’t get that to work. Help?

They work for some people and for others they don’t. I am one of the “others” they show but do not represent “expected” data, feels like they show PvE queue for me

They work for some people and for others they don’t. I am one of the “others” they show but do not represent “expected” data, feels like they show PvE queue for me


mine seems to show pve queue now too, months ago it seemed to show pvp

Wasn’t the player count somehow causing lag issues?

No, it showed that the game was almost dead for the past two years.

They removed the display for player count because they are afraid that new players will leave the game if they see that the population is few. It’s smart in a way but it’s also lying. I would do it because eventually there would be enough players (if devs don’t continue to f it up) and showing the player count wouldn’t matter.

They removed the display for player count because they are afraid that new players will leave the game if they see that the population is few. It’s smart in a way but it’s also lying. I would do it because eventually there would be enough players (if devs don’t continue to f it up) and showing the player count wouldn’t matter.

A) it is not lying

B) you still can see how many pilots are online

Perhaps it can be a bit lonely in the hangar, at least when no one is talking anyways. It certainly dulls the pain of iteration time when you have a nice conversation to listen to. (Trying to be on topic, knowing how many people are online vs. actually talking to people. The counter can say 50 mil but if no one talks it may as well be zero).