Any Driving reasons to MAX out Levels in all the Factions ?

If you have maxed out on on Faction level is there any reason to continue in the sub faction?


Meaning if you are Level 15 in Armada would it make sense to go to on through the other Factions ?




I see that the contracts are slightly different for Empire… but some of them…specially at the lower levels make you feel like your stepping back in time…


Is there anything to be gained like there maybe be specific Blue mods tied to a FACTION ? 



Mk3 mods on all slots on all ships.


But, let’s face facts, by the time you get that, you have full purples, anyway…

Yes - to get access to all ‘blue’ (mark 3) equipment, you will need to level all sub-factions to the appropriate levels.


As a rough rule of thumb, in order to gain access to all the equipment for a specific tier, you need a level that is a multiply of 3 compared to the tier. E.g. for Tier-3, you’d need level 9 in all sub-factions. There are modules here and there that ‘only’ require a level less, though. (so level 8 in this case).


Many people stagger their levelling by swapping between the subfactions as they go up in tiers, levelling them roughly equally. It all depends on what tier you fly the most, really.

Worth your time to think about where you want to end up in tier 5. Maxing everything to rank 15 loyalty will take a lot of your time.


Me personally - I’m only going to specialize in 2 roles which happens to only need 3 sub-factions max ranked.

Mk3 mods on all slots on all ships.


But, let’s face facts, by the time you get that, you have full purples, anyway…


maybe the rng is more friendly with you than with the rest of us… xD

maybe the rng is more friendly with you than with the rest of us… xD

It REALLY isn’t.

maybe the rng is more friendly with you than with the rest of us… xD

Indeed. I have R9 in 4 factions now, but can count my T3 purples on one hand.


Do have a peek at the modules each faction gives in the warehouse. My priority for factions would be:

* The one that gives you your favourite weapon

* The one(s) that give you the active modules for your favourite role.

The difference between quality of modifiers and ammo tends to be a bit meh compared to weapons and actives.

I can also count them like that, I have like 1 purple weapon and 2 or 3 modules, and i have like 1500 games xD

I’ve yet to get a purple weapon outside of T2, and that was from PvE!  In 680 PvP wins, I have 13 purples.  Thankfully, a lot of them I use.  Something’s not quite random.

And with the new PvE loot, it’s more likely that I will have FEWER purples than there are equipment slots on ONE T4/5 ship by the time I get a R15 ship. Rank 12 Armada in one month (approx.), don’t think I can continue at that rate. Game getting grindy…

I will have FEWER purples


*we* will have FEWER purples


big difference.


Blues are good enough. But loyalty is grindy too and to me that’s the bigger problem




Why is the cool down time on some contracts sooooo long ???       :learn:

*we* will have FEWER purples


big difference.


Blues are good enough. But loyalty is grindy too and to me that’s the bigger problem


  1. Find a multiplayer online game that involves levelling that isn’t grindy… Oh, you CAN’T. 


  1. My comment was directed towards this one, which I found to be completely untrue.


Mk3 mods on all slots on all ships.


But, let’s face facts, by the time you get that, you have full purples, anyway…

Well, technically true, because they now lowered any chances of you getting ANYTHING off the loot, let alone them appearing.

They realized you could get a full green T4 set before reaching T4.  When I bought my first T4, only a couple modules were not green.

It is still planned to improve the contract system.