Anti Destroyer Weapons Need Nerfed

If these new year weapons are being used as a stat gallering process before being introduced to the game, due to be tweaked before the final introduction thats fine.

My problem isn’t with the damage they do to destroyers, thats sort of the whole point of anti destroyer weapons.

The problem as I see it is that the weapons should not do massive damage to destroyers, as well as being a better choice against normal ships compared to standard weapons.

Players should have to choose whether they want to equip their ships to deal more damage against destroyers, or deal more against normal ships, not just have a one weapon replaces all, making all other choices irrelevant.

I suggest that the new anti-destroyer weapons should only do 2 thirds of the damage it currently does to normal ships, while keeping the damage to destroyers the same, this allows players to make an active choice about whether they want to set up their ship to fight destroyers, or normal ships, without having one overpowering weapon suited for all circumstances


Don’t worry,they will be nerfed on 17th of January,completely.

I know they’re being removed fromt he game then.

The problem is if they’re brought back with a different name minus the fireworks effects after that, while keeping the same damage

I have no problem with it, op vigil vs op weapons, score is 1-1 haha

I’ll see myself out now.

Why would they bring those back? They are only a variation on the standard weapons that already exist. Unless they plan on making every weapon with a new variation

Both interceptor and Fighter weapons are pretty much exactly the same what already been in the game, with only exception of having abit higher base dmg and fireworks, both of them were always Explosion dmg and do 2x dmg to destroyers since day 1.

The only difference is that Mass Driver became explosive which gave ti 2x dmg property vs Destroyers, but classic version is better vs interceptors anyways due to not being explosive. 

I really don’t understand what the hell OP is talking about.

I don’t fly ints, so have no idea what damage they do or don’t do.

My post was however fairly self explainatory, and was neither about ints, nor int weapons.

Just to clarify, imo, Any weapon, regardless of weapon type, or ship it’s used on, If designed to do more damage against destroyers, should do less damage than a standard weapon, (ie, one which is not designed to do extra damage to destroyers), against other ship classes.

Weapon choice should be a choice, not a no-brainer stick this op against everything weapon on

1 hour ago, Gr0undZero said:

I don’t fly ints, so have no idea what damage they do or don’t do.

My post was however fairly self explainatory, and was neither about ints, nor int weapons.

Just to clarify, imo, Any weapon, regardless of weapon type, or ship it’s used on, If designed to do more damage against destroyers, should do less damage than a standard weapon, (ie, one which is not designed to do extra damage to destroyers), against other ship classes.

Weapon choice should be a choice, not a no-brainer stick this op against everything weapon on

All weapons in the game can be categorised into Standard and Explosion types

All explosion type dmg will scale depending on a target size (interceptors receive less, frigates more and destroyers take double dmg), standard type dmg will do equal amount of dmg regardless of ship size. “Anti-Destroyer” weapons did not bring anything new into the game, they were always doing 2x dmg to destroyers since they were explosive from the day one (except that NY mass driver for frigates), there are plenty of other weapons that are “explosive” as well and do 2x damage to destroyers, the only difference is that they do not have that flashy huge number in stat window to tell new players about it.

All weapons have their drawbacks, be it accuracy, low dpm or slow projectile speed and player shall do a bit of thinking on which frame to better equip them and what modules to use to optimise it’s performance for the task.

Since NY weapons did not bring anything new into the game regardless of damage type and damage scaling, I am still not understanding what you talking about. So how about you show us some examples of what you are talking about it.

10 hours ago, RennieAshII said:

Why would they bring those back? They are only a variation on the standard weapons that already exist. Unless they plan on making every weapon with a new variation

This is exactly what I’m afraid of.

Only a handful of people know exactly whats going to change in the new year update.

Theres a whole new faction, with a new ship tree, and presumably a new set of weapons for this tree.

If a new class of anti destroyer weapon is planned on being introduced, (not necessarily just for the new ships, but in general), I’d like to see an equivalent weapon which does more damage against standard ships to go along with it, so players have a choice of whether they want to be armed to tackle either destroyers, OR standard ships, but not just have one weapon which can handle both.

5 hours ago, xKostyan said:

All weapons in the game can be categorised into Standard and Explosion types

All explosion type dmg will scale depending on a target size (interceptors receive less, frigates more and destroyers take double dmg), standard type dmg will do equal amount of dmg regardless of ship size. “Anti-Destroyer” weapons did not bring anything new into the game, they were always doing 2x dmg to destroyers since they were explosive from the day one (except that NY mass driver for frigates), there are plenty of other weapons that are “explosive” as well and do 2x damage to destroyers, the only difference is that they do not have that flashy huge number in stat window to tell new players about it.

All weapons have their drawbacks, be it accuracy, low dpm or slow projectile speed and player shall do a bit of thinking on which frame to better equip them and what modules to use to optimise it’s performance for the task.

Since NY weapons did not bring anything new into the game regardless of damage type and damage scaling, I am still not understanding what you talking about. So how about you show us some examples of what you are talking about it.

Isn’t the “Damage to destroyers” not “explosion”, but higher base damage against destroyers?

Which have nothing to do with explosions at all. 

10 hours ago, RennieAshII said:

Why would they bring those back? They are only a variation on the standard weapons that already exist. Unless they plan on making every weapon with a new variation

Ellydium Hello! 

10 ellydium ships are planned. Obviously one per class. 

Which basically means we’ll get interceptors and frigates too. 


So, the new-year guns, maybe they’ll be available only to ellydium ships. 


No they won’t be those are just gun we already have but in more powerful, ellydium guns will be way different ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

In any case, whatever happens, IF they re-introduce these NY weapons onto the regular versions in terms of double damage to destroyers, I’ll consider it okay as long as they do regular damage to regular ships. It’s a somewhat “wildcard” balancing to me but it’s still valid.

2 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

No they won’t be those are just gun we already have but in more powerful, ellydium guns will be way different ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

having new guns for ellydium doesn’t means they can’t add new “old guns” for them too.

Where are all the complains about vigilante 9km range?!. Oups wrong thread…where is the thread then. Lets ask for a nerf all the way down to the last circle of Dante’s Inferno.

There are complaints and they will be dealt with accordingly. 

11 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

There are complaints and they will be ignored accordingly. 

sry couldnt resist

1 hour ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

sry couldnt resist

In any case they will be dealt with in one way or another ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

47 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

In any case they will be dealt with in one way or another ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

idk whats wrong with me

The whole theme of anti-destroyer weapons is BS. You can already reach the dps vs. a dessy and with these new ‘versions’ you excel even that.

I find the weapons okay, didnt try the phase suppressor, but the mass driver feels okayish and the flux was annoying even before - but especially against destros its actually not that great imho

the never ending dart shield and the gargoyle damage output seem much more out of the ordinary