Another Ninja Nerf to Spatial Scanner?

It seems to take at least 10 minutes now for a spatial scanner to spawn now, I even gave up after 20 mins in Raider Range because I got so bored. And yes I know the locations have changed a little, and considering it takes so long to spawn now, most of the time is spent flying around the map trying to stay awake spamming the scan key.


Am I just very unlucky or is this the ‘new thing’. If this is right then I’m sorry devs but what are thinking? I’ve got better things to do with my time than waiting around. 

It seems to take at least 10 minutes now for a mysterious container to spawn now




This wouldn’t be a nerf to the module, so much as a nerf to the loot. Which is already impossible to find without the scanner unless someone with a scanner has shown you where they spawn.


Sadly, I’m not going to be surprised if this is intentional. Last place I found one of those containers was wedged in a crack so small, I had to get the angle absolutely perfect or I wouldn’t have been able to tractor it in. If I hadn’t known it would be there, there would have been no way I’d just happen across it while searching the sector.



Lol, silly me, was in the early hours when I posted this :wink:

Unfortunately, either the spawn time is the same, or you most likely need to wait 10 minutes now instead of 5, to spawn one.

Well, folks at Gaijin and/or Stargem have their best interest in mind, of course, if this information is true.

I can’t confirm it nor deny it, but I can confirm new looting spots. I got them all documented.

I’m pretty certain the spawn time is 10 mins now, maybe even a bit more.


It wouldn’t be so bad if the loot table was adjusted too, but it isn’t. Get bored waiting 10mins for a crate to spawn, and get 100 or 300k trophy mostly. I can get that in 7 mins with a PvE speed run and have a bit of fun too!

I’m pretty certain the spawn time is 10 mins now, maybe even a bit more.


It wouldn’t be so bad if the loot table was adjusted too, but it isn’t. Get bored waiting 10mins for a crate to spawn, and get 100 or 300k trophy mostly. I can get that in 7 mins with a PvE speed run and have a bit of fun too!

Well, I no longer bother.

It is clear, that they would rather lose players than to get more of them.

People dislike this, because of such changes, but if only statistics matter, then I can’t blame them.

Loot in danger sectors 7 and 10 is the same, like in 1 or 4.

Then do it, purple daily loot sometimes deliver blueprints.

Then do it, purple daily loot sometimes deliver blueprints.


Yeah I probably will. It’s just annoying that an item that I spent money on is now pointless and frustrating. They should just scrap the whole mysterious crate idea and refund everyone that bought a spat scanner with GS and make everyone happy.